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One summer hot day, God ask two

angels to bring a cute little child in his
creation. He also asked that the boy
should be in a good family. When the
child knew that he is going to go in
Gods creation, he was so happy. It was
the 23rd of August 1992 when his most
awaited day came.
Onga.. the childs said. The
childs voice made many people happy
especially his family. He grew up as what
God said. He is always loved and cared
by his family. His parents and siblings
took care of him.
He started to walk at the age of
one. And in that age he tried to face
many challenges. For all the challenges
that he have faced, he did not give up.
He gave his very best to overcome the
At the age of five, he started
schooling. And in his school he received
many awards. These awards made his

family proud of him. When he took the

test in Science high, he thought he
cannot pass because he thought that he
is not that intelligent to pass. But now
he is going into his second year and that
made him proud.

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