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Conference Conversation:

For the purpose of this assignment and to keep records confidential, we will be
referring to the student as Sarah. Sarah is a 10th grader in Des Moines. She in a
student in our co-taught English class, and she has an IEP with a reading goal.
During her parent-teacher conference, my mentor teacher, the parents, Sarah, and I
discussed her reading abilities and how we can improve her scores.

Mentor Teacher: Sarah is a great student, but it seems that she struggles with
comprehension. Her SRI scores show that she reads below the 9th grade level.

Parent: Do you have any tips that we could use with Sarah at home to help these
scores go up?

Me: Sarah, what do you find is the hardest part of the assessments?

Sarah: Remembering what I read.

Mentor Teacher: Do you find it difficult to summarize the reading, or is it
frustrating to have to look back at the text to answer the questions?

Sarah: Its hard for me to look back at the text because I cant remember.

Me: What cant you remember?

Sarah: I can usually remember the beginning and the end of the story, but I have a
hard time remembering what happens in the middle.

Me: I have an idea. Have you seen the chart that is used for story mapping before?

Sarah: No.

Me: Well this is what it looks like. And instead of putting climax in the middle, you
could just do it so it says beginning, middle, and end. That way, while you are
reading, you can take notes in an organized way in the margins or another sheet of
paper and reference it to help jog your memory.

____________/ \____________

***Will talk to Sarah after the next SRI and ask if the strategy helped/see
how the scores increased***

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