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1. Sign Sheets (Karyn)
2. Food Safety Training (Karyn)
a. All the sheets are written in, let Karyn know if we need more
3. Month end for January (Katie)
i. Missing reg meat, reg buns, Jr.
ii. Make sure were tracking waste properly (especially from grease
iii. Dont make separate lists from the waste sheets (because it
might get lost)
iv. Transfers
1. Going to go back to the old way sheet in the schedule
2. Just write in the book, Katie will take care of the rest
a. Try to write down the numbers with it
v. If had not been for really good sales, month end would have
been real bad
vi. FOB should be < 3.7, we were at 3.57
vii. Good thing we have good sales!
viii. Completed allowed .2%, we were at .08
ix. That could be due to not recording proper waste
b. Taste & Temp. looking good when Katie puts ambassadors in charge
i. Talking up quality standards (especially on weekends)
ii. Katies looking into creating a quality team (Paul + Emmett)
1. Try to follow up on them
c. Please try to do some travel paths in the fridge and freezer!
i. Make sure everything is organized and tidy
ii. Pretend that youre doing month end
d. Katies sheet for muffin timers
i. Use it
e. Pre-shift tracking
i. Not sure what happened to the old tracking
ii. ESAI AT 100% WOO GOOD JOB ESAI (for one shift. Lol jk)
iii. Also the pre-shift is going to change soon (with all the new stuff
coming create your taste, bakery)
f. Bonus for last quarter
i. We didnt make bonus because we didnt make < 25% CSO for
the year
ii. Karyns pissed
iii. But we did a great job, even if we didnt end up getting bonus
4. Open discussion (Karyn)
a. Gardaworld slips
i. In top of filing cabinet there is a slot for Gardaworld put it
there, not just on top of the coin counter
b. Cash sheets
i. Opening manager make sure youre taking out the food safety,
pre-shifts, etc.

ii. We might be able to start throwing out debit slips in the near
future wait for update from Karyn
c. Cleanliness
i. We have been making some smaller dents in the cleanliness,
but hopefully we can kind of get it better with Katie in
production now
ii. Apparently we have a tour on the 11th, so ya
iii. Try to get the steam cleaner out every shift!
d. Cleanliness Checklists
5. Katie Discussion
6. Shannon discussion
a. EOM?
i. Fen/Sarah
b. Review Book
i. Please use it!!!
1. SOC is better, but use the review book if you dont do one
ii. Can we leave it in the office?
iii. Just make sure that the crew/crew trainers dont know about it /
arent in there snooping around
iv. Leave the office door locked please
v. Use it like you would when writing a review, you dont need to
write specific incidents, just generally what they do
c. Promotions
i. TC
1. Luke (but does he want to be a manager?), michelle
(needs more development), misty, Evan M (bit of an
attitude still), Hannah, emmett
2. Promote Evan M this month
3. Hannah K soon
4. Emmett within a few months
5. What about Cameron? Maybe give him a book, but be
sure to work with him
ii. CT
1. Raymond?, Kadeem, Jackie (needs some more
development), David?,
iii. Make sure were working with these people!!
d. Tim Run Book
i. Little red book is for last month, make sure to cross their names
e. People Week!
i. Incentive is the week of the 8th
ii. Hoo-Ha week!
1. In honour of Allison Tawney, former employee who died of
2. We sell hearts for support towards McHappy day fund
3. Goal of 100 hearts a day
iii. Katie knew Allison, shes Katies personal hero for telling off
7. Evan Discussion

i. Esai is the worst.

b. GEL binder
i. Guest experience Leader
ii. What we need to know is that all the GELs have to be verified
iii. Training starts this weekend
iv. We dont need to necessarily start doing verifications right away,
but eventually it will trickle down
v. All the GELs pre-shift stuff and SOCs go in the GEL binder which
is kept in the audit room
c. Friends and Family night
i. Night of the 24th
ii. Sign up in the crew room
iii. Bring 1 friend or family member and you both get a free CYT
d. Shamrock shake coming soon, new manager guide for maple latte but
thats not until March
8. Ansel discussion
9. Open Discussion
a. Make sure we are checking the debit slips
Training for new product

Baked Goods Training

Dual point getting the 19th
Self-Order (Extra 4 order points going into kitchen)
o Eventually will be able to scan coupons
o GEL to assist with the kiosks 7-7
o As of now you can pay cash at an actual till, but not the kiosk (may not
always be around)
o Can only do 11-7
o Cant get extra sides of any of the special products if not using CYT
o Technically can do CYT on the tills, but the customers should only know
about it on the kiosks

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