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Farah is my bosom friend. She is twelve years old. She studies at

Sekolah Kebangsaan Kundor which is one stone throw away from her house.
She is an active girl.
Last Saturday, Farahs school had celebrated their Sports Day. It was a
busy day for both teachers and pupils of sekolah Kebangsaan Kundor. The
school was decorated stunningly with colourful balloons. There were flags
flying in many different colours all around the school. Many different colours
of tents were also seen around the school field. It was such a beautiful sight
for all. Parents were seen slowing filling up the chairs under the tent. Pupils
were seen gathering around their respective houses. The Headmaster, Mr
Francis delivered a short speech and welcomed everyone. The crowd cheered
thunderously when the track and field events began. The school
photographer looked busy capturing every moment using his camera. The
pupils were seen jumping with joy seeing their friends winning medals for
their respective houses. Finally at 6pm, the Headmaster delivered a speech
to thanks everyone. He also took the opportunity to thanks everyone for
their support and co-operation. Mr Francis gave away the prizes to all the
winners. The parents were seen smiling joyfully seeing their children as
winners. Some of them snapped photographs with their teachers and friends.
Before leaving, all of them were given cakes and drinks. It was indeed a
memorable day for all. Farah and her friends had such a great time with their
teachers. Even though Fara was tired, but she was happy as she won three
gold medals.


Rozita is my bosom friend. She is twelve years old. She studies at

Sekolah kebangsaan Kundor which is one stone throw away from her house.
She is an active girl. She always go for mountain climbing with her family.
Last school holiday, Rozita and her family went for a picnic to Teluk
Batik. He mum got up very early in the morning to cook some food. Rozitas
sister helped her mum in the kitchen to pack all the food into the basket. She
also helped her mum to prepare some drinks to be taken with them. Later,
rodzitas father helped to arrange all the food, drinks and belongings into the
car booth. All of them got ready and started their journey to Teluk Batek
happily. The journey took them two hours. At around 9.00 am they reached
their destination. They spotted a shady tree and started arranging their
things on a mat. Without wasting any time, Rozita and her family ran towards
the sea and swam. After swimming for some time, they felt very hungry.
Rozita and her family ate to their hearts content. After resting for a while,
they also built sandcastle. Soon, it was already late in the evening. Rozitas
family decided to pack their belongings and leave for home. They not only
packed their things but they cleaned up their picnic site. It was an
unforgettable day for Rozita and her sister. Rozita hopes to visit Teluk Batek
again near in future. Her father had promised to bring them again next
school holiday.


Jefrey is my bosom friend. He is twelve years old. He studies at Sekolah

Kebangsaan Kundor which is one stone throw away from his house. He is a
brave boy.
Last Saturday, Jefrey and his friends went cycling around his
neighborhood. As he was heading home, he saw a fire. The glove factory in
his village was raging in fire. He knew he had to do something very quickly.
He cycled as fast as lightning to the telephone booth. He dialed to the
nearest fire station and informed them about the fire. Within minutes, the fire
fighters arrived to the scene. They worked hard to keep the raging fire under
control. Finally, it took them almost half an hour to put out the fire.

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