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Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of

Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy




Monique Izzi

Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

95. ^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.

96. Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
97. Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
98. Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
99. Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
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Chhnangs Rolea Pa Ea District.". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 10 December
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^ Jump up to:a b c Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 5.
^ Jump up to:a b Baumgrtel (2006), p. 11.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 183.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 163.
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^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
music, 19551970 (The Newsletter | No.64 | Summer 2013)". International Institute for Asian Studies.
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^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
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Comments during the Meeting and Handing out of land titles to People in the Communes of Roen and
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July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
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Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
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Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

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to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
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York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
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France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 46.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 86.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 567.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 2, 84.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 125.

^ Jump up to:a b Findlay (1995), p. 93.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 231.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 129.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 261.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 161.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 11.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 18445.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 232.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 220.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 221.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 233.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 162.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
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Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
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^ Jump up to:a b c Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 5.
^ Jump up to:a b Baumgrtel (2006), p. 11.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 177.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 178.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 179.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 180.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 183.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 163.
Jump up^ Wemaere (2013), pp. 13, 54.
Jump up^ Baumgrtel (2006), p. 2.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 184.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 186.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 185.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 189.
^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
music, 19551970 (The Newsletter | No.64 | Summer 2013)". International Institute for Asian Studies.
Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 187.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 188.
Jump up^ MICHELLE VACHON (17 October 2012). "Norodom SihanoukThe End of an
Era". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved10 July 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 157.
Jump up^ Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 6.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 3.
^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 92.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 121.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 194.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 280.
Jump up^ Post Staff (15 October 2012). "

" "& )
- . - ". Agence Kampuchea Presse. Archived fromthe original on 28 August
2015. Retrieved 13 July 2015.
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA AND WENCY LEUNG (14 October 2004). "Abdication Wont
Diminish Kings Influence". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015.
Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ Cabinet of Prime Minister Hun Sen (12 November 2012)."Selected Impromptu
Comments during the Meeting and Handing out of land titles to People in the Communes of Roen and
Tbeng Lej of Siemreap's Banteay Srey District". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 3
September 2015. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ 0 - "3 ) (Press and Quick Reaction Unit) (13
2012). "& * 5 678 9*:;*:&
*= 5>?*@A". Office of the Council of Ministers. Archived fromthe original on 28
August 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 27.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 1.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 250.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 35.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 132.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 235.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 172.
Jump up^ AFP (13 December 1992). "Sihanouk still extremely ill".New Straits Times.
Retrieved 23 July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b DOUGLAS GILLISON (26 December 2008). "Retired King Says Cancer Has
Returned". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23
July 2015.
Jump up^ Post Staff (25 March 1994). "'Healthy' King to return in New Year". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Reuter (4 February 1995). "Sihanouk cured of cancer, says paper". New Straits
Times. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Saing Soenthrith (30 June 2009). "Retired King Will Return Home From China in
July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 141.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
rich". Phnom Penh Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
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Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
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Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
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Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
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Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

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to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
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Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
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Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
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^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
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September 2015.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 46.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 86.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 567.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 2, 84.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 125.

^ Jump up to:a b Findlay (1995), p. 93.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 231.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 129.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 261.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 161.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 11.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 18445.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 232.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 220.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 221.
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Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 162.
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Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 253.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 215.
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^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 241.
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^ Jump up to:a b Summers (2003), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
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^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 1.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 250.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 35.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 132.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 235.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 172.
Jump up^ AFP (13 December 1992). "Sihanouk still extremely ill".New Straits Times.
Retrieved 23 July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b DOUGLAS GILLISON (26 December 2008). "Retired King Says Cancer Has
Returned". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23
July 2015.
Jump up^ Post Staff (25 March 1994). "'Healthy' King to return in New Year". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Reuter (4 February 1995). "Sihanouk cured of cancer, says paper". New Straits
Times. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Saing Soenthrith (30 June 2009). "Retired King Will Return Home From China in
July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 141.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
rich". Phnom Penh Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

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to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
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Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
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July 2015.
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Chhnangs Rolea Pa Ea District.". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 10 December
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Jump up^ Vong Sokheng (27 November 2012). "Date set for Sihanouks funeral". Phnom Penh
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Asia. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 24 July 2015.
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Cremated". Agence Kampuchea Presse. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved25
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Jump up^ Cat Barton (23 August 2007). "Cambodia film makers aim to rebuild tattered
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^ Jump up to:a b c Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 5.
^ Jump up to:a b Baumgrtel (2006), p. 11.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 183.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 163.
Jump up^ Wemaere (2013), pp. 13, 54.
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^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
music, 19551970 (The Newsletter | No.64 | Summer 2013)". International Institute for Asian Studies.
Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
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Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 157.
Jump up^ Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 6.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 3.
^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 92.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 121.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 194.
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Diminish Kings Influence". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015.
Retrieved 21 July 2015.
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Comments during the Meeting and Handing out of land titles to People in the Communes of Roen and
Tbeng Lej of Siemreap's Banteay Srey District". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 3
September 2015. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
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2012). "& * 5 678 9*:;*:&
*= 5>?*@A". Office of the Council of Ministers. Archived fromthe original on 28
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Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 132.
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Times. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
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July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 141.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
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^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
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media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
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Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
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Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
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Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
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Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
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Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
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Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
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Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
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Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
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Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
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Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 46.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 86.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 567.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 2, 84.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 125.

^ Jump up to:a b Findlay (1995), p. 93.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 231.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 129.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 261.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 161.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 11.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 18445.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 232.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 220.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 221.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 233.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 162.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 222.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 163.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 223.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 225.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 246.
Jump up^ Nate Thayer (15 July 1994). "Frantic calls from Regent's Rm 406". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the originalon 16 August 2015. Retrieved 20 February 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 184.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 185.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 214.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 216.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 253.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 215.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 223.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 241.
Jump up^ Ker Munthit (21 March 1997). "Royal abdication threat ignites war of words". Phnom
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^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
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^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
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Jump up^ MICHELLE VACHON (17 October 2012). "Norodom SihanoukThe End of an
Era". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved10 July 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 157.
Jump up^ Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 6.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 3.
^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 92.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 121.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 194.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 280.
Jump up^ Post Staff (15 October 2012). "

" "& )
- . - ". Agence Kampuchea Presse. Archived fromthe original on 28 August
2015. Retrieved 13 July 2015.
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA AND WENCY LEUNG (14 October 2004). "Abdication Wont
Diminish Kings Influence". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015.
Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ Cabinet of Prime Minister Hun Sen (12 November 2012)."Selected Impromptu
Comments during the Meeting and Handing out of land titles to People in the Communes of Roen and
Tbeng Lej of Siemreap's Banteay Srey District". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 3
September 2015. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ 0 - "3 ) (Press and Quick Reaction Unit) (13
2012). "& * 5 678 9*:;*:&
*= 5>?*@A". Office of the Council of Ministers. Archived fromthe original on 28
August 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 27.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 1.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 250.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 35.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 132.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 235.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 172.
Jump up^ AFP (13 December 1992). "Sihanouk still extremely ill".New Straits Times.
Retrieved 23 July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b DOUGLAS GILLISON (26 December 2008). "Retired King Says Cancer Has
Returned". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23
July 2015.
Jump up^ Post Staff (25 March 1994). "'Healthy' King to return in New Year". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Reuter (4 February 1995). "Sihanouk cured of cancer, says paper". New Straits
Times. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Saing Soenthrith (30 June 2009). "Retired King Will Return Home From China in
July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 141.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
rich". Phnom Penh Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
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Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

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to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
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Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
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^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
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September 2015.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
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Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
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^ Jump up to:a b c Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 5.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 183.
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^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
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^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
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Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
rich". Phnom Penh Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
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July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 46.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 86.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 567.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 2, 84.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 125.

^ Jump up to:a b Findlay (1995), p. 93.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 231.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 129.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 261.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
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September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
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Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
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Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 25 July 2015.
Jump up^ Sovannara (13 July 2014). "Late Cambodian King Sihanouk's Ashes Enshrined in
Stupa in Royal Palace".Khmer Times. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 25
July 2015.
Jump up^ Cat Barton (23 August 2007). "Cambodia film makers aim to rebuild tattered
image". Phnom Penh Post. Retrieved11 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 5.
^ Jump up to:a b Baumgrtel (2006), p. 11.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 177.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 178.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 179.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 180.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 183.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 163.
Jump up^ Wemaere (2013), pp. 13, 54.
Jump up^ Baumgrtel (2006), p. 2.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 184.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 186.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 185.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 189.
^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
music, 19551970 (The Newsletter | No.64 | Summer 2013)". International Institute for Asian Studies.
Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 187.
Jump up^ Scott-Maxwell (2008), p. 188.
Jump up^ MICHELLE VACHON (17 October 2012). "Norodom SihanoukThe End of an
Era". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved10 July 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 157.
Jump up^ Kinetz et al. (2006), p. 6.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 3.
^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 92.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 121.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 194.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 280.
Jump up^ Post Staff (15 October 2012). "

" "& )
- . - ". Agence Kampuchea Presse. Archived fromthe original on 28 August
2015. Retrieved 13 July 2015.
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA AND WENCY LEUNG (14 October 2004). "Abdication Wont
Diminish Kings Influence". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015.
Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ Cabinet of Prime Minister Hun Sen (12 November 2012)."Selected Impromptu
Comments during the Meeting and Handing out of land titles to People in the Communes of Roen and
Tbeng Lej of Siemreap's Banteay Srey District". Cambodia New Vision. Archived from the original on 3
September 2015. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
Jump up^ 0 - "3 ) (Press and Quick Reaction Unit) (13
2012). "& * 5 678 9*:;*:&
*= 5>?*@A". Office of the Council of Ministers. Archived fromthe original on 28
August 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 27.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 1.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 250.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 35.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 132.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 235.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 172.
Jump up^ AFP (13 December 1992). "Sihanouk still extremely ill".New Straits Times.
Retrieved 23 July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b DOUGLAS GILLISON (26 December 2008). "Retired King Says Cancer Has
Returned". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23
July 2015.
Jump up^ Post Staff (25 March 1994). "'Healthy' King to return in New Year". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Reuter (4 February 1995). "Sihanouk cured of cancer, says paper". New Straits
Times. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
Jump up^ Saing Soenthrith (30 June 2009). "Retired King Will Return Home From China in
July". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2015.

Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 141.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 59.
Jump up^ Burns, John F. (22 June 1985). "SIHANOUK FINDS CAVIAR AND KIM IL SUNG MIX
WELL". New York Times. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Poppy McPherson (7 November 2014). "A gift that keeps on giving". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30 September2015.
Jump up^ Georgia Wilkins (29 August 2008). "Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's
rich". Phnom Penh Post. Archived from the original on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 30
September 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
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^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
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Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
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Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
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Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
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Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
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^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 226.
Jump up^ Press Staff (18 April 1975). "Cambodians Designate Sihanouk as Chief for Life". New
York Times. Retrieved16 July 2015.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 229.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 168.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 191.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 231.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 232.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 233.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 238.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 234.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 240.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 311.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 242.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 202.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 2056.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 207.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. 1978.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 235.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 236.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 251.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 252.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 73.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 184.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), pp. 1545.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 34.
Jump up^ Post Staff (29 August 1989). "Final Cambodian talks under way". Lodi News-Sentinel.
Retrieved 25 June2015.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 8.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 255.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 7.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 9.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 12.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 15.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 142.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 823.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 84.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 46.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 86.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 567.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), pp. 2, 84.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 124.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 125.

^ Jump up to:a b Findlay (1995), p. 93.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 231.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 129.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 261.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 161.
Jump up^ Findlay (1995), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 11.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 18445.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 232.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 220.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 221.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 233.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 162.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 222.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 163.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 223.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 225.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 246.
Jump up^ Nate Thayer (15 July 1994). "Frantic calls from Regent's Rm 406". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the originalon 16 August 2015. Retrieved 20 February 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 184.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 185.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 214.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 216.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 253.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 215.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 223.
^ Jump up to:a b Widyono (2008), p. 241.
Jump up^ Ker Munthit (21 March 1997). "Royal abdication threat ignites war of words". Phnom
Penh Post. Archived fromthe original on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 258.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 259.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), p. 263.
Jump up^ Post Staff (21 August 1997). "Cambodian King Sihanouk offers to abdicate But still
considers son's ouster illegal".CNN. Archived from the original on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 2
February 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Summers (2003), p. 238.
Jump up^ Post Staff (13 November 1998). "Ranariddh maneuvered into new summit". Phnom
Penh Post. Archived from the original on 22 December 2015. Retrieved 22 December2015.
Jump up^ Widyono (2008), pp. 1678.
Jump up^ Imran Vittachi (16 May 1997). "King muzzles the 'Smile of the month'". Phnom Penh
Post. Archived from the original on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 6 July 2015.
Jump up^ Mehta et al. (2013), p. 302.
Jump up^ Vong Sokheng (5 July 2002). "Succession issue troubles King". Phnom Penh Post.
Archived from the original on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
Jump up^ Vong Sokheng and Robert Carmichael (27 September 2002). "King mulls
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^ Jump up to:a b LinDa Saphan. "Norodom Sihanouk and the political agenda of Cambodian
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^ Jump up to:a b c Narong (2007), p. 342.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2012), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 117.
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Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 69.
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 182.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. II, III (Genealogy of HM King Norodom Sihanouk).
Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 236.
Jump up^ DOUGLAS GILLISON (22 April 2008). "Retired King Says KR Murdered His Children,
Grandchildren". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 3 September 2015. Retrieved 21
July 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
Jump up^ LOR CHANDARA (10 October 2003). "Prince Norodom Narindrapong Dies in
France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

Wikiquote has
quotations related
to: Norodom Sihanouk

Wikimedia Commons has

media related
to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Norodom Sihanouk (Khmer: ; 31 October 1922 15 October 2012) was the King of
Cambodia from 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004. Also affectionately known as Samdech
Euv (Khmer: ) to theCambodian people, Sihanouk ascended to the throne in 1941. After
theSecond World War, he campaigned for the independence of Cambodia fromFrench rule, which
came true in 1953. In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in favour of his father Norodom Suramarit,
and went on to form theSangkum, a political organisation. Sihanouk led the Sangkum to win the1955
general elections, and became the Prime Minister of Cambodia. When Suramarit died in 1960,
Sihanouk introduced a constitutional amendmentwhich made him the Head of State of Cambodia, a
position which he held until 1970. Between 1955 and 1970, Sihanouk pursued a policy of neutralityfor
Cambodia. As he forged close ties with Communist countries, in particular China, this incurred the
suspicions of the United States (US) and its anti-Communist allies. Sihanouk maintained tenacious ties
with the US and their allies, as they engaged in various activities which Sihanouk perceived as attempts
to undermine his rule.
In March 1970, Sihanouk was overthrown as the Head of State by Lon Noland Sisowath Sirik Matak,
paving the way for the formation of the Khmer Republic. He fled to China and North Korea and went on
to form a government in exile, known as the Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea
(GRUNK) as well as a resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea. As the leader of
GRUNK, Sihanouk lent his support to the Khmer Rouge which led to their victory against the Khmer
Republic in April 1975. Sihanouk subsequently returned to Cambodia and became the figurehead Head
of State of Democratic Kampuchea by the Khmer Rouge. In 1976, Sihanouk resigned from his position
which led to him being placed under house arrest until 1979 when Vietnamese forcesoverthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk went into exile again, and in 1981 he formed FUNCINPEC, a resistance party.
The following year in 1982, Sihanouk was appointed as the President of the Coalition Government of
Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), consisting of the three anti-Vietnamese resistance factions including
FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
In the late 1980s, informal talks were carried out to end hostilities between the People's Republic of
Kampuchea (PRK) and resistance factions under the CGDK. A transitional body to oversee Cambodian
affairs, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) was formed in 1990 which saw Sihanouk
appointed as its President. The following year in 1991, peace accords were signed which led to the
creation of the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). The UNTAC
organised general elections in 1993, which led to the formation of a coalition government jointly led by
his son Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen. Sihanouk was reinstated as the Head of State of Cambodia
in June 1993. When a permanentconstitution was promolugated in September 1993, Sihanouk was
made the King of Cambodia for a second time. In 2004, Sihanouk abdicated again in favour of another
son, Norodom Sihamoni who succeeded him as king. He subsequently became known as the King
Father until his death in 2012. Sihanouk pursued an artistic career during his lifetime, and wrote several
musical compositions. He was also known to be a film producer, director and actor, and produced a
total of 50 films between 1966 and 2006.

1Early life and first reign

2Sangkum era
o 2.1Premiership (19551960)
o 2.2Initial years as Head of State (19601965)
o 2.3Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)
3Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years
5UNTAC administration era
6Second reign
7Abdication and final years
8Death and funeral
9Artistic works
o 9.1Film-making
o 9.2Music
10Titles and styles
11Personal life
o 11.1Family
o 11.2Ancestry
o 13.1Books
o 13.2Reports

Early life and first reign[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in his coronation regalia, November 1941

Sihanouk was the only child born of the union between Norodom Suramarit and Sisowath
Kossamak.[1]He received his primary education at the Francois Baudoin school and Nuon Moniram
school, and subsequently pursued his secondary education in Saigon at Lyce Chasseloup
Laubat.[2] When his maternal grandfather Sisowath Monivong, died on 23 April 1941, the Crown Council
appointed Sihanouk as King of Cambodia the following day.[3] Subsequently, his coronation took place
on 3 May 1941.[4] During the Japanese occupation of Cambodia, he dedicated most of his time to
sports, filming and the occasional tour to the countryside.[5] In March 1945, the Japanese military which

had occupied Cambodia from August 1941 dissolved the nominal French colonial administration. Under
pressure from the Japanese, Sihanouk proclaimed Cambodia's independence[6] and assumed the
position of Prime Minister while serving as king at the same time.[7]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk revoked a decree issued by the last resident superior of Cambodia,
Georges Gautier to romanise the Khmer alphabet.[8]Following the Surrender of Japan in August 1945,
nationalist forces loyal toSon Ngoc Thanh launched a coup which led to the latter's appointment as
Prime Minister.[9] When the French returned to Cambodia in October 1945, Thanh was deposed from
his position and was replaced by Sihanouk's uncleSisowath Monireth.[10] Monireth negotiated for greater
autonomy of internal affairs within Cambodia. A Modus Vivendi was signed in January 1946 whereby
Cambodia was granted full autonomy within the French Union.[11] A joint French-Cambodian commission
was set up after that to write Cambodia's constitution,[12] and in April 1946, Sihanouk introduced clauses
which provided for an elected parliament on the basis of universal male suffrage as well as press
freedom.[13] The first constitution was signed into effect by Sihanouk in May 1947.[14] Around this time,
Sihanouk made two trips to Saumur, France where he undertook military training at theArmoured
Cavalry Branch Training School in 1946 and again in 1948. At the end of the training, Sihanouk was
made a reserve captain for the French army.[15]
In early 1949, Sihanouk travelled to Paris with his parents to negotiate with the French government for
more autonomy over Cambodia, leading to the implementation of a new Franco-Khmer treaty that
cancelled the Modus Vivendi previously signed in 1946.[16] Later in September 1949, Sihanouk
dissolved the National Assembly and ruled by decree[17] until September 1951 when the Democrat
Party pressured Sihanouk to hold national elections.[18] Sihanouk travelled to France in February 1953,
and wrote twice to then-French President Vincent Auriol to cede control over all remaining executive
powers in Cambodia by citing on widespread anti-French sentiment among the Cambodian
populace.[19] Auriol responded by appointing the French commissioner for overseas territories, Jean
Letourneau to meet with Sihanouk. When Letourneau rejected Sihanouk's suggestion, the latter
travelled to Canada and United States (US) where he exploited on the prevailing anticommunist sentiments to call for Cambodian independence. According to Sihanouk, Cambodia faced a
Communist threat similar to that of the Viet Minh in Vietnam and the solution to address the Communist
threat was full independence for Cambodia.[20]
Sihanouk returned to Cambodia in June 1953, taking up residence in Siem Reap.[21] He organised
public rallies calling for Cambodians to fight for independence, and formed a citizenry militia which
attracted around 130,000 recruits.[22] In August 1953, France agreed to cede control over judicial
andinterior affairs to Cambodia, while another further agreement was secured in October 1953 which
saw France surrendering control over defense matters. At the end of the month, Sihanouk returned to
Phnom Penh,[23] where he declared Cambodia's independence from France on 9 November 1953.[21] In
May 1954, Sihanouk sent Nhiek Tioulong and Tep Phan to participate in the Geneva
Conference.[24] The agreements signed for Cambodia reaffirmed the country's independence, and also
allowed it to seek military aid from any country without restrictions. At the same time, Sihanouk still
faced domestic opposition from the Democrat Party[25] which dominated the National Assembly and
were unhappy with Sihanouk's political activism.[18] In February 1955, Sihanouk held a national

referendum to gauge public approval ratings on his efforts in seeking national independence, which
returned with 99.8 percent of the electorate expressing approval.[26]

Sangkum era[edit]
Main article: Kingdom of Cambodia (19531970)

Premiership (19551960)[edit]

Meeting in Beijing in 1956: from left Mao Zedong, Peng Zhen, Sihanouk, Liu Shaoqi.

On 2 March 1955, Sihanouk abdicated from the throne,[21][27] and the royal throne council nominated his
father, Suramarit to succeed him.[28] A month later, Sihanouk decided to enter politics, and announced
the formation of theSangkum, a political organisation which he headed. Several political parties
including the Khmer Renovation Party, People's Party[29] and the Liberal Party subsequently dissolved
and merged themselves with the Sangkum.[30]At the same time, Sihanouk appointed Dap Chhuon, a
guerrilla leader based in Siem Reap to oversee the organisation of parliamentary elections slated to be
held in September 1955. With Sihanouk's approval, Chhuon intimidated politicians from the Democrat
Party and the Pracheachon, both of which had refused to merge with the
Sangkum.[31] When parliamentary elections were held in September 1955, the Sangkum received 83
percent of all valid votes, taking up all seats in the National Assembly.[32] The following month, Sihanouk
was appointed as Prime Minister.[33]
As Prime Minister, Sihanouk introduced several constitutional changes that included extending suffrage
to women, adopting Khmer as the sole official language of the country[34] and making Cambodia
a Constitutional monarchy by vesting policy making powers to the Prime Minister rather than to the
King.[35] He viewed socialism as an ideal concept in establishing social equality and fostering national
cohesion within newly-independent Cambodia. In March 1956, he embarked on a national programme
of "Buddhist socialism", espousing socialist principles on one hand while maintaining the need for
Cambodians to stay true to their Buddhist traditions.[36] Between 1955 and 1960, Sihanouk alternately
resigned and retook the Prime Minister post several times, citing fatigue caused by overwork as his
reason.[37] The National Assembly nominated experienced politicians such as Sim Var and San Yun to
become Prime Minister whenever Sihanouk took leave, but they similarly relinquished their posts each
time, after several months into their term,[38] as cabinet ministers repeatedly disputed over public policy
In May 1955, Sihanouk accepted military aid from the United States (US),[40] but soon developed a
suspicious view towards it, when Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives attempted to coax him
into placing Cambodia underSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) protection when he was in
the Philippines on a state visit in January 1956.[41]He was also wary of the US attempting to destabilise

his government through its tacit support of the Democrat Party, which was later dissolved in 1957.[42] On
the other hand, Sihanouk struck up friendly ties with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai when he first
visited the country in February 1956. They jointly signed a friendship treaty, which included a promise
by China to give US$40 million in economic aid to Cambodia.[43] When Sihanouk returned from China,
the Thai and South Vietnamese governments called him as a Communist ally, with the latter briefly
imposed an economic blockade which prevented trading ships from travelling up the Mekong river
to Phnom Penh.[44] While Sihanouk professed that he was pursuing a policy of neutrality, Sarit
Thanarat and Ngo Dinh Diem, the leaders of Thailand and South Vietnam who were respectively known
for their pro-American sympathies, distrusted Sihanouk, more so after he established formal diplomatic
relations with China in 1958.[45]
In December 1958, Ngo Dinh NhuDiem's younger brother and chief adviser, mooted the idea
of orchestrating a coup to overthrow Sihanouk.[46] Nhu contacted Dap Chhuon, Sihanouk's Interior
Minister who was known for his pro-American sympathies, to lead the coup attempt against his
boss.[47] To prepare for the coup, Chhuon was provided with covert financial and military assistance
from Thailand, South Vietnam and the CIA.[48] In January 1959, Sihanouk learnt of the coup plans
through his intermediaries who had contact with Chhuon.[49] The following month, Sihanouk sent the
army to capture Chhuon, who was summarily executed as soon as he was captured, effectively ending
the coup attempt.[50]Following Chhuon's execution, Sihanouk accused South Vietnam and the United
States of orchestrating the coup attempt.[51] Six months later on 31 August 1959, a small packaged
lacquer gift, which was fitted with a parcel bomb was delivered to the royal palace. Norodom Vakrivan,
the chief of protocol who opened the package, was killed instantly. Sihanouk's parents, Suramarit and
Kossamak were sitting in another room not far from Vakrivan, narrowly escaped unscathed. An
investigation was carried out and traced the origin of the parcel bomb being sent from an American
military base in Saigon.[52] While Sihanouk accused Ngo Dinh Nhu of masterminding the bomb attack,
the incident deepened his distrust of the US,[53] which he suspected that they had played a complicit role
in it.[54]

Initial years as Head of State (19601965)[edit]

Sihanouk with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in New York City on 25 September 1961.

Suramarit died on 3 April 1960 after suffering from several months of poor health,[55] which Sihanouk
attributed to the fright that his father received from the parcel bomb attack.[52] The following day, the
royal throne council met to choose Monireth as the Regent of Cambodia.[56] Over the next two months,

Sihanouk introduced constitutional amendments to create a new post of the Head of State of
Cambodia which provided ceremonial powers equivalent to that of the King. Areferendum was held on
5 June 1960 approved Sihanouk's proposals, and Sihanouk was formally appointed as the Head of
State on 14 June 1960.[57] As the Head of State, Sihanouk took over various ceremonial responsibilities
of the king, such as holding public audiences[58] and leading the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. At the
same time, he continued to play an active role in politics in his capacity as the President of the
Sometime in early 1962, political leaders from the Pracheachon, which was known for its left-wing
sympathies were cracked down by the police at Sihanouk's instructions. Its spokesman, Non Suon had
criticized Sihanouk a year earlier for failing to tackle inflation, unemployment and corruption issues,
arousing Sihanouk's ire.[60] In May 1962 Tou Samouth, the secretary-general of the Pracheachon
disappeared, which its ideological ally, the Communist Party of Kampuchea suspected that Samouth
was secretly captured and killed by the police.[61] At the same time, he co-opted politicians with left-wing
views including Khieu Samphan, Hou Yuon, Hu Nim and Chau Seng into the Sangkum and allowed
them to stand for the parliamentary elections in June 1962, which they won.[62]
In November 1962, Sihanouk called on the US to stop supporting the Khmer Serei, which he believed
that they have had provided covert assistance through the CIA. He threatened to reject all economic aid
from the US if they failed to respond to his demands,[63] a decision which he put later to act on 19
November 1963.[64] At the same time, Sihanouk alsonationalised the country's entrepot trade, banking
sector and distillery industries.[65] He proceeded to establish the National Export-Import Corporation and
Statutory Board (SONEXIM), which was tasked to oversee policy and regulatory matters on the
country's entrepot trade.[66] Some three weeks later, on 9 December 1963, Sihanouk issued a
communique celebrating the deaths of Diem, Kennedy and Sarit. The US protested against Sihanouk's
communique, which Sihanouk responded by recalling Cambodian ambassador to the US, Nong Kimny
back home.[67]
In early 1964, Sihanouk signed a secret agreement with North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, which
allowed Chinese military aid destined for the latter to be delivered through the port of Sihanoukville. In
turn, the Cambodian army was allowed to skim off 10 percent of all military hardware shipped through
Cambodia, in addition to collecting payments for transporting food supplies to Viet Cong resistance
bases.[68] Sihanouk also allowed the Viet Cong to build a trail through eastern Cambodia to allow Viet
Cong troops to receive war supplies from North Vietnam, which became known as the Sihanouk
Trail.[69] When the US learnt of Vietcong presence in eastern Cambodia, they started a bombing
campaign in this region,[70] which spurned Sihanouk to sever diplomatic ties with the US in May
1965.[69] Other Communist countries including China, Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia provided
military aid to Cambodia as Sihanouk's became friendlier withNorth Vietnam.[71]

Continued leadership as Head of State (19661970)[edit]

Norodom Sihanouk in 1967.

In September 1966, general elections were held,[72] which led to many Sangkum nominees
with conservative and right-wing sympathies to be elected to the National Assembly. The newly elected
legislators nominated Lon Nol to become Prime Minister. Lon Nol's was known for his conservative and
right-wing views, and his nomination did not sit well with Sihanouk.[73] In response, Sihanouk set up
a shadow government in October 1966, made up of Sangkum legislators with left-wing sympathies to
counterbalance right-wing influences.[74] At the end of the month, Lon Nol offered to resign from his
position, which Sihanouk rejected.[75] In April 1967, fighting broke out between government troops and
local peasants in Samlaut,Battambang Province.[76] The fighting, which became known as the Samlaut
Uprisingwas quickly put down,[77] but Sihanouk soon developed a suspicion that three left-wing
legislatorsKhieu Samphan, Hou Yuon and Hu Nim had incited the rebellion.[78]When Sihanouk
threatened to charge Khieu Samphan and Hou Yuon before a military tribunal, both of them fled into the
jungle and joined Khmer Rouge.[79]
Lon Nol resigned as Prime Minister at the beginning of May 1967, and Sihanouk appointed Son Sann in
his place.[78] At the same time, Sihanouk replaced conservative-leaning ministers appointed by Lon Nol
with technocrats and left-leaning politicians, calling it an "Exceptional Government".[79] In the later part of
the month, Sihanouk accused China of supporting local Chinese Cambodians in engaging in
"contraband" and "subversive" activities,[80] as the Chinese embassy in Cambodia had published and
distributed Communist propaganda to the Cambodian populace appraising the Cultural Revolution,
causing much consternation to Sihanouk.[81] Subsequently, Sihanouk sent his Foreign
Minister, Norodom Phurissara to China in August 1967, who made a failed attempt to urge Zhou Enlai
in stopping the Chinese embassy for disseminating Communist propaganda.[82] In response, Sihanouk
closed the Cambodia-Chinese Friendship Association in September 1967. When the Chinese
government protested Sihanouk's action,[83] he followed up by threatening to close the Chinese
embassy in Cambodia as well.[84] Subsequently, Zhou Enlai stepped in to placate Sihanouk,[85] and
condescended by instructing its embassy to send its publications to Cambodia's Information Ministry for
vetting prior to distribution.[84]
Sihanouk subsequently pursued rapprochement with the US, starting in October 1967 when he hosted
a private visit ofJacqueline Kennedy to Cambodia.[86] The following January, Sihanouk met with the US
ambassador to India Chester Bowles, where he tacitly acknowledged the presence of Viet Cong troops
in the Cambodia, and allowed US forces to enter Cambodia in attacking Viet Cong

forces.[87] Subsequently, the US launched Operation Menu in March 1969, and its planes bombed parts
of eastern Cambodia. The bombing campaign prompted Viet Cong forced to flee from their sanctuaries
in the jungles, seeking refuge in populated towns and villages of the Cambodian countryside.[88] As a
result of the bombing campaign, Sihanouk became concerned with the prospect of Cambodia getting
drawn into the Vietnam War. In June 1969, he extended diplomatic recognition to the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam (PRGSV),[89] with the hope of keeping the
scale Operation Menu in check. At the same time, he also openly admitted the presence of Viet Cong
troops in Cambodia for the first time in April 1969,[90] prompting the US to restore formal diplomatic
relations with Cambodia three months later.[91]
In January 1969, Sihanouk opened two casinos in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville,[92] at a time when the
Cambodian economy was facing stagnation and systemic corruption.[93] While the casinos generated
revenues that accounted up to 700 million riels for the state budget, it also caused a sharp increase in
the number of bankrupts and suicide incidences.[92] In August 1969, Lon Nol was reappointed as the
Prime Minister, with Sisowath Sirik Matak appointed as his deputy. Two months later, Lon Nol left
Cambodia in October to seek medical treatment, leaving Sirik Matak to lead the government. Between
October and December 1969, Sirik Matak instituted several policy changes that ran contrary to
Sihanouk's wishes, such as allowing private banks to re-open in the country and devaluing the riel. He
also encouraged ambassadors to write to Lon Nol directly, instead of going through Sihanouk, angering
the latter.[94] In early January 1970, Sihanouk left Cambodia for medical treatment in France.[95] Shortly
after Sihanouk left, Sirik Matak took the opportunity to close down the casinos.[96]

Deposition, GRUNK and Khmer Rouge years[edit]

Sihanouk visiting Romania in 1972, with Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu(right)..

On 11 March 1970, demonstrations occurred outside the North Vietnamese and PRGSV embassies.
The demonstrators looted and sacked both embassies, alarming Sihanouk who was still in
Paris.[97] Sihanouk made up his mind to visit Moscow, Beijing and Hanoi, with a view of pressuring state
leaders into getting Viet Cong forces to return to their sanctuaries in the underpopulated forests of
northeast Cambodia, where they had originally established themselves between 1964 till 1969.[98] Five
days later Oum Mannorine, the half-brother of Sihanouk's wife Monique, was summoned to the National
Assembly over corruption charges.[99] On the same night after the hearing, Mannorine ordered troops
under his command to arrest Lon Nol and Sirik Matak, but ended up getting arrested by Lon Nol's
troops. On 18 March 1970, the National Assembly voted to depose Sihanouk,[100] and allowed Lon Nol to
assume emergency powers.[101]

On the day of his overthrow, Sihanouk was in Moscow and the Soviet foreign minister Alexei Kosygin,
first informed him of the news.[102] From Moscow, Sihanouk flew to Beijing where he was received by
Zhou Enlai. Zhou arranged for the North Vietnamese Prime Minister, Pham Van Dong to fly to Beijing
from Hanoi and meet with Sihanouk.[103] Both Zhou and Dong encouraged Sihanouk to rebel against Lon
Nol and promised to give the latter military and financial support. On 23 March 1970, Sihanouk
announced the formation of his resistance movement, the National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK)
and encouraged the Cambodian people to join him in fighting against Lon Nol's
government.[104] Sometime later on 5 May 1970, Sihanouk announced the formation of a government-inexile known as Royal Government of the National Union of Kampuchea (GRUNK) and led Communist
countries including China, North Vietnam, and North Korea to break relations with the Lon Nol
regime.[105] In Phnom Penh, a military trial convened on 2 July 1970, whereby Sihanouk was charged
with treason and corruption in his capacity as Head of State. After a three-day trial, the judges ruled that
Sihanouk guilty of the charges and sentenced to him death, in absentia on 5 July 1970.[106]
Sihanouk alternately lived in Beijing and Pyongyang between 1970 and 1975, where he lived in state
guesthouses.[107] In February 1973, Sihanouk travelled to Hanoi where he started on a long journey with
Khieu Samphan and other Khmer Rouge leaders. The convoy traveled along the Ho Chi Minh trail and
reached the Cambodian border at Stung Treng Province the following month. Sihanouk travelled across
the provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Siem Reap. Throughout his visit, Sihanouk faced
constant bombardment from American planes participating in Operation Freedom Deal.[108] At Siem
Reap, Sihanouk visited the temples of Angkor Wat, Banteay Srei, and Bayon.[109] In August 1973, Sirik
Matak wrote an open letter to call Sihanouk to bring the Cambodian Civil War to an end and accepting
the possibility of the latter returning to the country. When the letter reached Sihanouk, he angrily
rejected Sirik Matak's advances.[110]
When the Khmer Republic fell to the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975, Sihanouk was nominated to the
symbolic position as the Head of State for the Khmer Rouge regime, officially known as Democratic
Kampuchea.[111] He continued to live in Beijing until September 1975[112] when he returned to Cambodia
so as to inter the ashes of Queen Kossamak, who had died in Beijing just days after the Fall of Phnom
Penh.[113] He subsequently went abroad to recommend the diplomatic recognition of Democratic
Kampuchea, and visited several Communist countries[114] before returning to Cambodia on 31
December 1975. After presiding a meeting to endorse the constitution of the Democratic
Kampuchea,[115] Sihanouk was taken on a tour across Cambodia by Khieu Samphan the following
month, whereby he witnessed the effects of theCambodian genocide orchestrated by the Angkar.
Following the tour, Sihanouk decided to resign from his position as the head of state.[116] The Angkar
initially rejected his resignation request, though they subsequently accepted it in mid-April 1976, which
they retroactively backdated the resignation to 2 April 1976.[117]
From this point of time onwards, Sihanouk was kept under house arrest at the royal palace until
September 1978, when he was relocated to another apartment within Phnom Penh where he stayed
until the end of the year.[118] Throughout his entire period of confinement, Sihanouk made several
requests to travel overseas to the Angkar, which were all turned down.[119] On New Year's Day of 1979,
Sihanouk was taken from Phnom Penh to Sisophon, where they stayed for three days until 5 January
when they were taken back to Phnom Penh.[120] Sihanouk was taken to meet Pol Pot, who apprised him

of the Angkar's plans to repulse Vietnamese troops who have invaded parts of eastern Cambodia since
December 1978.[121] On 6 January 1979, Sihanouk flew to Beijing from Phnom Penh, where he was
greeted by Zhou Enlai's successor, Deng Xiaoping.[122] Three days later, Sihanouk flew from Beijing to
New York to attend the UN Security Council, where he simultaneously condemned the Khmer Rouge
for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide as well as theVietnamese occupation of
Cambodia.[123] Sihanouk subsequently sought asylum in China after making two unsuccessful asylum
applications with the US and France.[124]

FUNCINPEC and CGDK years[edit]

Sihanouk (right) accompanied by his son, Norodom Ranariddh on an ANS inspection tour during the 1980s.

After the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, a new Cambodian government supported by Vietnam,
the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) was established. The Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping was
unhappy[125] with Vietnam's influence over the PRK government. Deng proposed to Sihanouk to cooperate with the Khmer Rouge to overthrow the PRK government, an idea which Sihanouk
rejected[126] as he was against the genocidal policies pursued by the Khmer Rouge, while they were in
power.[125] In March 1981, Sihanouk established a resistance movement,FUNCINPEC together with a
small resistance army known as the ANS (Arme Nationale Sihanoukiste).[127] He appointed In Tam,
who had briefly served as the Prime Minister of the Khmer Republic, as the Commander-in-chief of the
ANS.[128]Around this time, Sihanouk started tripartite talks between FUNCINPEC with the Khmer Rouge
and the Son Sann-led Khmer People's National Liberation Front(KPNLF)[129] as Deng pressured him to
collaborate with the Khmer Rouge as a precondition to receiving military aid for ANS.[130]
After several rounds of tripartite talks, Sihanouk presided over the establishment of a government exile,
known as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea(CGDK) in June 1982.[130] The CGDK
consisted of FUNCINPEC, KPNLF and the Khmer Rouge, and China mediated additional tripartite talks
between the three CGDK factions between 1982 and 1987, but was unable to bring progress to ending
the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.[131] During this period of time, Sihanouk appointed two of his
sons, Norodom Chakrapong and Norodom Ranariddh, to leading roles in the ANS. Chakrapong was
appointed as the deputy chief-of-staff for the ANS in March 1985,[132] while Ranariddh was minted to the

twin positions of commander-in-chief and the chief-of-staff of the ANS in January 1986, replacing In
Tam.[133] In December 1987, the Prime Minister of the PRK government, Hun Sen first met with
Sihanouk to discuss about the ending of the protracted CambodianVietnamese War.[134] The following
July, the then-foreign minister of Indonesia, Ali Alatas brokered the first series of discussion known as
the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM). The JIMs were held near Jakarta, and involved the four warring
Cambodian factions consisting of FUNCINPEC, Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and the PRK government over
the future of Cambodia.[135]
Two more rounds of JIMs were held in February and May 1989. After which in July 1989, Ali Alatas
together with French foreign minister Roland Dumas, convened the Paris Peace Conference to discuss
plans for Vietnamese troop withdrawal and power sharing arrangements for a future Cambodian
government.[135] The following month, Sihanouk resigned as president of FUNCINPEC,[136] but remained
in the party as an ordinary member.[137] In September 1990, the United Nations (UN) sponsored the
establishment of the Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC), an administrative body responsible
for overseeing sovereign affairs of Cambodia for an interim period until UN-sponsored elections are
held.[138]The creation of the SNC was subsequently ratified with United Nations Security Council
Resolution 668.[139] In July 1991, Sihanouk left FUNCINPEC altogether, and was elected as the
chairperson of the SNC.[140]

UNTAC administration era[edit]

The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 23 October 1991, which gave formal recognition to the SNC
and also provided for the creation a transitional government of Cambodia, known as the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC).[141] The accords empowered the UNTAC to station
peacekeeping troops in Cambodia to supervise the disarmament of the four warring Cambodian
factions and carry out free and fair national elections in the country.[142]Sihanouk returned to Phnom
Penh on 14 November 1991, and city folks lined the streets of Phnom Penh as he rode in an open top
limousine with Hun Sen to celebrate his return to the country.[143] The UNTAC administration was
established in February 1992, but soon faced resistance from the Khmer Rouge in enforcing
peacekeeping operations.[144] Sihanouk responded by calling to abandon the Khmer Rouge from the
peacekeeping process in July and September 1992. During this period of time, Sihanouk spent most of
the time in Siem Reap and making helicopter trips to supervise election preparations in KPNLF,
FUNCINPEC and Khmer Rouge resistance bases.[145]
Sihanouk left Cambodia for Beijing in November 1992,[146] where he would stay on for the next six
months until he returned to Cambodia on the eve of elections in May 1993.[147] While in Beijing,
Sihanouk proposed a Presidential systemgovernment for Cambodia to then-UN secretarygeneral Boutros Boutros-Ghali, but soon dropped the idea after the Khmer Rouge opposed his
proposal.[148] The general elections were held in May 1993, with FUNCINPEC headed by Sihanouk's
son Norodom Ranariddh garnering the most votes while the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) headed
by Hun Sen came in second.[149] CPP leaders were unhappy with the election results and on 3 June
1993, Hun Sen and Chea Sim called on Sihanouk to assume all state power. Sihanouk complied, and
announced the formation of a Provisional National Government (PRG) headed by him with Hun Sen
and Ranariddh as his deputies.[150] Ranariddh was not informed of Sihanouk's plans, and joined

the Australia, China, United Kingdom and United States in opposing the PRG plan. Sihanouk dropped
the PRG plan the following day through a national radio broadcast.[151]
On 14 June 1993, a constituent assembly session presided by Ranariddh nullified the 1970 coup d'tat
which overthrew Sihanouk, and reinstated the latter as Cambodia's Head of State.[152] In the first few
days of his appointment, Sihanouk renamed the Cambodian military to its pre-1970 namesake,
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. On 29 June 1993, Sihanouk issued another order to officially
rename the country from the State of Cambodia to simply "Cambodia". He also reinstated Nokor
Reach as the National Anthem of Cambodia with some minor modifications to its lyrics, and also
theCambodian flag to its pre-1970 design.[153] Sihanouk also appointed Ranariddh and Hun Sen as the
Co-Prime Ministers of Cambodia with equal powers in a provisional government,[154] which was ratified
by the Constituent Assembly on 2 July 1993.[152] On 30 August 1993,[155] Ranariddh and Hun Sen met
Sihanouk presented two draft constitutions, one of them stipulating a constitutional monarchy headed
by a King and another a republican state led by a Head of State. Sihanouk chose the option of making
Cambodia a constitutional monarchy,[156] and was ratified by the constituent assembly on 21 September

Second reign[edit]

Sihanouk granting an audience to US ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn in March 1996.

The new constitution was proclaimed on 24 September 1993, and Sihanouk was reinstated as the King
of Cambodia.[158] A permanent coalition government was formed between FUNCINPEC, CPP and
BLDP, with Ranariddh and Hun Sen assuming the positions of First and Second Prime Ministers
respectively.[159] Shortly after that, Sihanouk took leave to Beijing where he spent several months for
cancer treatment.[160] In April 1994, Sihanouk returned to Cambodia,[161] and the following month, he
publicly called for the government to hold fresh elections and appoint Khmer Rouge representatives into
the government. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen rejected his suggestions,[162][163] but Sihanouk pressed on,
further proposing a national unity government that would see the participation of FUNCINPEC, CPP
and Khmer Rouge forces, with him as the Head of State and government.[164] Again, both Prime
Ministers rejected Sihanouk's proposal, citing Khmer Rouge's past intransigent attitude would make the
proposal unrealistic.[165][166] Sihanouk became very frustrated at the rejections, lamenting that the two
Prime Ministers have been ignoring him. As Norodom Sirivudh[167] and Julio Jeldres, his younger halfbrother and official biographer respectively saw it, this was a clear sign that the monarchy's ability to
exert control over national affairs had diminished, vis-a-vis the Prime Ministers.[168]

In July 1994, one of his sons Norodom Chakrapong led a failed coup attempt to topple the
government.[169] Following the coup attempt, Chakrapong took refuge in a hotel in Phnom Penh, but
government troops soon discovered his hideout and surrounded the hotel. Chakrapong contacted
Sihanouk, who negotiated with the government to allow his son to go into exile in Malaysia.[170] The
following November, Sirivudh was accused of plotting to assassinate Hun Sen and imprisoned.
Sihanouk intervened to have Sirivudh be detained at the interior ministry's headquarters, convinced that
there was a secret plan to kill the latter if he were to remain in prison.[171] After Sirivudh was relocated to
the interior ministry's headquarters, Sihanouk appealed to Hun Sen, requesting that Sirivudh be allowed
to go into exile in France, who then accepted his offer.[172]
Relations between the two co-Prime Ministers, Ranariddh and Hun Sen started to deteriorate from
March 1996,[173] when the former accused the CPP of repeatedly delaying the allocation process of lowlevel government posts to FUNCINPECs.[174] Ranariddh threatened to pull out of the coalition
government[175] and hold national elections in the same year if his demands were not met,[176] stoking
unease from Hun Sen and other CPP officials.[176] The following month, Sihanouk presided over a
meeting between some royal family members and senior FUNCINPEC officials in Paris. Sihanouk
attempted to tone down the tensions between FUNCINPEC and the CPP by assuring that FUNCINPEC
would not leave the coalition government nor were there no reactionary elements to bring down Hun
Sen or the CPP after the meeting.[177] In March 1997, Sihanouk stated his willingness to abdicate the
throne, claiming that the rising anti-royalist sentiment among the populace was threatening the
monarchy's existence.[178] Sihanouk's comments provoked a sharp response from Hun Sen, who tersely
warned that he would introduce constitutional amendments to prohibit members of the royal family from
participating in politics.[179] As Widyono saw it, Sihanouk remained popular with the Cambodian
electorate, and Hun Sen feared that should he abdicate and subsequently enter politics, he would win
in any future elections, thereby undercutting CPP's political clout.[178]
In July 1997, violent clashes erupted in Phnom Penh between infantry forces separately allied to the
CPP and FUNCINPEC, which effectively led to Ranariddh's ouster after FUNCINPEC forces were
defeated.[180] Sihanouk voiced displeasure against Hun Sen for orchestrating the clashes, but refrained
from calling Ranariddh's ouster a "coup d'etat", a term which FUNCINPEC members used.[181] When the
National Assembly elected Ung Huot as the First Prime Minister to replace Ranariddh on 6 August
1997,[182] Sihanouk charged that Ranariddh's ouster was illegal and renewed his offer to abdicate the
throne, a plan which did not materialise.[183] In September 1998, Sihanouk meditated political talks
in Siem Reap after the FUNCINPEC and the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) staged demonstrations against
the CPP-led government for irregularities over the 1998 general elections. The talks broke down at the
end of the month, after Hun Sen narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which he accused Sam
Rainsy of masterminding the attack.[184] Two months later in November 1998, Sihanouk brokered a
second round of political talks between the CPP and FUNCINPEC,[185] whereby an agreement was
reached for another coalition government between the CPP and FUNCINPEC.[184]
Sihanouk maintained a monthly bulletin, which he wrote commentaries over governance issues and
posted photo souvenirs of Cambodia in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 1997, a character known by the
name of "Ruom Rith" started to appear in the monthly bulletin and became extremely critical of Hun
Sen and the government. Hun Sen reportedly became extremely unhappy with the commentaries, and

called on the king to stop publishing the commentaries on two occasions in 1998 and
2003.[186][187] According to Ranariddh, Ruom Rith was an alter ego of Sihanouk, a claim which the latter
vehemently denies.[188] In July 2002, Sihanouk expressed concern over the absence of detailed
constitutional provisions over the organisation and functioning of the Cambodian throne
council.[189] When Hun Sen rejected Sihanouk concern, the latter issued a letter in September 2002
threatening to abdicate so as to force the throne council to convene and elect a new monarch.[190]
General elections were held again in July 2003, whereby the CPP won the most votes but failed to
secure two-thirds of all parliamentary seats as required by the constitution to form a new government.
The two runner-up parties of the election, FUNCINPEC and SRP[191] filed complaints over alleged
electoral irregularities with the Constitutional Council, which were turned down in August 2003.[192] When
they announced their decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony of parliamentarians, Sihanouk
attempted to pressure both parties to change their decision, threatening to abstain from presiding the
ceremony if they did not follow through his wishes.[193] The Constitutional Council subsequently advised
Sihanouk to preside over the swearing-in ceremony,[194] which was held later in October 2003 with
Sihanouk presiding over the ceremony.[195] The CPP, FUNCINPEC and SRP held additional talks into
2004 and Sihanouk proposed a tripartite unity government consisting of the three political parties, which
was rejected by Hun Sen and Ranariddh. At the same time, political stalemate persisted until June
2004 due to conflicting demands from the three political parties.[196][197]

Abdication and final years[edit]

On 6 July 2004, Sihanouk penned an open letter in stating his intention to abdicate, after expressing
unhappiness at being ignored by Hun Sen and Ranariddh in his attempts to broker the political
stalemate. At the same time, Hun Sen and Ranariddh had agreed to introduce a constitutional
amendment that provided for an open voting system, which requires parliamentarians to select cabinet
ministers and the President of the National Assembly by a show of hands. Sihanouk disapproved of the
open voting system, and called on Senate President Chea Sim not to sign the amendment. When Chea
Sim heeded his advice, he was ferried out of the country shortly before the National Assembly
convened to vote on the amendment 15 July.[198] A new coalition government was formed on the 17 July
2004 between the CPP and FUNCINPEC, while the SRP remained as an opposition party.[199] On 6
October 2004, Sihanouk wrote a letter calling for the throne council to convene and select a successor.
The National Assembly and Senate held emergency meetings to pass laws allowing for the abdication
of the monarch, and on 14 October the throne council unanimously voted to select Norodom Sihamoni
as Sihanouk's successor.[200] Sihamoni was crowned as the King of Cambodia on 29 October 2004.[201]
In March 2005, Sihanouk expressed concerns over allegations of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam of
delineating borders at the expense of Cambodian territory. Two months later, Sihanouk formed the
Supreme National Council on Border Affairs (SNCBA) to address concerns over Cambodian borders
with its neighbours, and appointed himself as the chairman.[201]The SRP and Chea Sim expressed
support for Sihanouk for the formation of the SNCBA, while Hun Sen formed a separate body, National
Authority on Border Affairs (NABA) to deal with border concerns and stated that the SNCBA may only
serve as an advisory body.[202] In October 2005, Sihanouk dissolved the SNCBA, around the same time
Hun Sen signed a border treaty with Vietnam.[203] In August 2007, a US based human rights NGO called

for Sihanouk's State immunity to be lifted, so as to allow him to testify in the Extraordinary Chambers in
the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).[204]Sihanouk responded to the call by inviting the ECCC public affairs
officer, Peter Foster for a discussion session on his personal experience under the Khmer Rouge
regime.[205] Both Hun Sen and FUNCINPEC criticized the suggestion, with the latter calling the NGO as
disrespectful to Sihanouk.[204] The ECCC subsequently rejected his invitation.[206]
The following year, bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia became strained due
to overlapping claims of the land area surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple. Sihanouk issued a
communique in July 2008 to emphasise the Khmer architecture of the temple as well as ICJ's 1962
ruling of the temple in favour of Cambodia.[207] In August 2009, Sihanouk stated that he would stop
posting messages on his personal website due to his advancing age, which made it difficult for him to
keep up with his personal duties.[208] Sihanouk spent most of his time in Beijing for medical treatment.
He made a final public appearance in Phnom Penh on his 89th birthday and 20th anniversary of the
Paris Peace Accords on 30 October 2011. Thereafter, Sihanouk expressed his intent to stay in
Cambodia indefinitely,[209] but returned to Beijing in January 2012 for further medical treatment at the
advise of his Chinese doctors.[210]

Death and funeral[edit]

Main article: Death and state funeral of Norodom Sihanouk

Funeral procession of King Norodom Sihanouk.

In January 2012, Sihanouk issued a letter to express his wish to be cremated following his death, and
to place his ashes in a golden urn.[211] A few months later in September 2012, Sihanouk stated his intent
not to return to Cambodia from Beijing for his 90th birthday, citing fatigue as the reason.[212] On 15
October 2012, Sihanouk died of a heart attack at 1.20 am, Phnom Penh time.[213] King Norodom
Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen led a delegation of officials to Beijing on the same day.[214] The
Cambodian government announced an official mourning period of 7 days between 17 October 2012
and 24 October 2012, and state flags were told to fly at one-third of the mast height. Two days later,
Sihanouk's body was brought back from Beijing on an Air China flight,[215] and about 1.2 million people
lined the streets from the airport to the royal palace to witness the return of Sihanouk's cortege.[216]
In late November 2012, Hun Sen announced plans for Sihanouk's funeral and cremation to be held in
February 2013. Sihanouk's body lay in state at the royal palace for[217] the next three months until the
funeral was held on 1 February 2013.[218] A 6,000 metre street procession was held, and Sihanouk's
body was subsequently kept at the royal crematorium until 4 February 2013 when his body was
cremated.[219] The following day, the royal family scattered some of Sihanouk's ashes into the Tonle
Sap river while the rest were kept in the palace's throne hall for about a year.[220] In October 2013, a

stupa featuring a bronze statue of Sihanouk was inaugurated next to the Independence Monument.[221]In
July 2014, Sihanouk's ashes were interred at the silver pagoda next to those of one of his daughters,
Kantha Bopha.[222]

Artistic works[edit]

Statue of Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh.

Main article: Norodom Sihanouk filmography
Sihanouk produced about 50 films throughout his lifetime.[223] He developed an interest for the cinema
from a young age, which he attributed to frequent trips to the cinema with his parents.[1] Shortly after
becoming king in 1941, Sihanouk began experimenting with film-making,[224] and sent students to study
filmmaking in France.[225] When the film Lord Jim was released in 1965, Sihanouk became vexed with
the negative portrayal the film gave of Cambodia.[226] Sihanouk responded by producing his first feature
film, Apsara in 1966 which was marked with a positive portrayal of Cambodia. Sihanouk went on to
produce, direct and act in another eight more films between 1966 and 1969, and roped in members of
the royal family and military generals to star in his films.[227] Sihanouk had expressed that his films were
created with the intent of portraying Cambodia in a positive light,[228] and Australian historian Milton
Osborne also noted that the films were filled with Cold War[229] and nationalist propaganda
themes.[230] Sihanouk former adviser, Charles Meyer had that criticised his films created from the 1960s
were of amateurism standards, while the director of Reyum Institute, Ly Daravuth had similarly
commented in 2006 that his films lacked artistic qualities.[224]
In 1967, one of Sihanouk films, The Enchanted Forest obtained a nomination at the 5th Moscow
International Film Festival.[231] In 1968, Sihanouk launched the Phnom Penh International Film Festival,
which was later held for a second time as well in 1969. In both years, a special award category was
designated, the Golden Apsara Prize which Sihanouk became the only nominee and
winner.[230] Sihanouk stopped making films following his ouster in 1970, but started to produce films
again from 1987 onwards.[232] In 1997, Sihanouk received a special jury prize from the International Film
Festival of Moscow, and revealed that he received a budget ranging from $20,000 to $70,000 for each
of his film production from the Cambodian government. Six years later in 2004, Sihanouk donated his
film archives to the cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient in France and Monash
University in Australia.[224] Sihanouk produced his last film, Miss Asina in 2006,[225] and went on to state
that he was ending all film production activities four years later in May 2010.[233]

Sihanouk wrote at least 48 musical compositions between the late 1940s until the early 1970s,[234] which
combined elements of traditional Khmer and Western music.[235] From the 1940s until the 1960s,
Sihanouk's compositions were mostly based on sentimental, romantic and patriotic themes. Sihanouk's
romantic songs were reflected the numerous romantic relations that he had experienced, particularly to
that of his wife Monique,[236] and compositions including "My Darling" and "Monica" were dedicated to
her. His patriotic compositions were written with a view to highlight the positive aspects of particular
places, and at the same time foster a sense of patriotism and national unity in the Cambodian people.
Notable compositions, such as "Flower of Battambang", "Beauty of Kep City", "Phnom Kulen", and
"Phnom Penh" were written with patriotic themes. A few of his other compositions, including "Luang
Prabang", "Nostalgia of China" and "Goodbye Bogor" were sentimental songs[237] about neighbouring
countries including Laos, Indonesia and China.[238]
Following his overthrow as the head of state in 1970, Sihanouk wrote several revolutionary-style
songs[239] that praised the leaders of Communist countries, including "Hommage Khmer au Marchal
Kim Il Sung" and "Merci, Piste Ho Chi Minh". Sihanouk's revolutionary-style songs were written as a
reflection of his gratitude to the Communist leaders, which had supported his GRUNK between 1970
and 1975.[240] From a young age,[1] Sihanouk learnt to play several musical instruments such as the
clarinet, saxophone, piano and accordion[231] Sihanouk led a musical band in the 1960s consisting
members of the royal family, who would perform French songs and his own personal compositions to
diplomats at the royal palace.[241] In his tours across Cambodian provinces, Sihanouk was accompanied
by the royal military orchestra and Cambodian pop singers.[238] Later as Sihanouk lived in exile during
the 1980s, Sihanouk hosted concerts to entertain diplomats whenever he was in New York City to visit
the United Nations Headquarters.[242] After he was reinstated as king in 1993, Sihanouk continued to
perform in concerts held at the royal palace on an occasional basis.[243]

Titles and styles[edit]

See also: List of honours received by Norodom Sihanouk

Styles of

King Norodom Sihanouk

Reference style

His Majesty

Spoken style

Your Majesty

Alternative style


Sihanouk was known by many state and political titles throughout his lifetime,[244] and the Guinness
Book of World Records identifies Sihanouk as the royal who has served the greatest variety of state
and political offices.[245] When Sihanouk was crowned as the King of Cambodia in 1941, he was
bestowed with the official title of "Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman", which he
used for both reigns between 1941 to 1955 and again from 1993 to 2004.[4] He subsequently reverted to
the title of Prince following his abdication from the throne in 1955, and was bestowed the title of
"Samdech Preah Upayuvareach" by his father and successor in 1955,[21] which translates as "The
Prince who has been King" in English.[246]Starting from the early 1960s when he became the Head of
State,[247] Sihanouk was affectionately known as "Samdech Euv" to most Cambodians,[248] ("Samdech
Euv" is a Khmer title which translates as the Prince Father in English.)[245]
In 2004, Sihanouk became known as the King Father of Cambodia,[249] with the official title of "Preah
Karuna Preah Bat Smdach Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preahmhaviraksat"


) when he abdicated for a second

He was also referred to by another honorific, "His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk The Great

Heroic King King-Father of Khmer independence, territorial integrity and national unity" (


"&) ).[250]At the same time, he issued a royal decree requesting to be called "Samdech
Ta" or "Samdech Ta-tuot",[251] which translates as "Grandfather" and "Great-grandfather" respectively in
English.[252] When Sihanouk passed away in October 2012, he was bestowed by his son Sihamoni with
the posthumous title of "Preah Karuna Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakkot"

*+ ), which literally translates as "The King who lies

in the Diamond Urn" in English.[253]

Personal life[edit]
Sihanouk's name is derived from two Sanskrit words "Siha" and "Manu", which translates as "Lion" and
"Jaws" respectively in English.[254][255] He was fluent in Khmer, French as well as English,[256] and also
learnt Greek and Latin in high school.[257] In his high school days, Sihanouk
played soccer, basketball, volleyball and also took up horse riding.[1]He suffered from diabetes and
depression in the 1960s,[258] which flared up again in the late 1970s while living in captivity under the
Khmer Rouge.[259] In November 1992, Sihanouk suffered a stroke[260] caused by the thickening of the
coronary arteries and blood vessels.[261] The following year he was diagnosed with B cell lymphoma in
the prostate[262] and was treated with chemotherapy and surgery.[263] Sihanouk's lymphoma went into
remission in 1995,[264] but returned again in 2005 in the gastric region. He suffered a third bout of
lymphoma in 2008[262] and after prolonged treatment, it went into remission the following year.[265]
In 1960, Sihanouk built a personal residence at Chamkarmon District where he would live in over the
next ten years as the Head of State.[266] Following his overthrow in 1970, Sihanouk took up residence in
Beijing, where he lived at theDiaoyutai State Guesthouse in the first year of his stay. In 1971, Sihanouk
moved to a larger residence in the city which once housed the French embassy.[267] The residence was

equipped with a temperature-adjustable swimming pool,[107]cinema[268] and seven chefs to cook his
meals.[269] In 1974, North Korean leader Kim Il-sung built Changsuwon, a 40-room mansion for
Sihanouk.[270] Changsuwon was built near an artificial lake, and Sihanouk spent time taking boat trips
there and also shot a few films within its compound.[271] In August 2008, Sihanouk declared his assets
on his website, which according to him consisted of a small house in Siem Reap and 30,000 Euros of
cash savings stored in a French bank. He also stated that his residences in Beijing and Pyongyang
were guesthouses owned by the governments of China and North Korea respectively and that they did
not belong to him.[272]


Sihanouk's spouse, Norodom Monineath, and their son Norodom Sihamoni photographed at Sihanouk's funeral.
To the extreme left is Sihanouk's half-brother, Norodom Sirivudh.

Sihanouk married Paule Monique Izzi in April 1952, the daughter of Pomme Peanga Cambodian lady,
and Jean-Franois Izzi, a French banker of Italian ancestry.[273] Monique became Sihanouk's lifelong
partner,[95] and in the 1990s she changed her name to Monineath.[274] Prior to his marriage to Monique,
Sihanouk had married five other women including Phat Kanhol, Sisowath Pongsanmoni, Sisowath
Monikessan, Mam Manivan Phanivong and Thavet Norleak.[275] Monikessan died of childbirth in 1946
while his marriages to other women all ended in divorce.[276] Sihanouk sired fourteen children with five
different wives except for Thavet Norleak, who bore him no children.[277] Five children and fourteen
grandchildren disappeared during the Khmer Rouge years, which Sihanouk concluded that they were
killed by the Khmer Rouge leadership.[278][279]
Sihanouk had the following issue:








Norodom Buppha Devi


Norodom Yuvaneath



Phat Kanhol


Cause of death








Norodom Ranariddh


Norodom Ravivong


Norodom Chakrapong


Norodom Naradipo



Norodom Sorya Roeungsi



Norodom Kantha Bopha



Norodom Khemanourak



Norodom Botum Bopha



Norodom Sujata



Norodom Sihamoni



Cause of death

Phat Kanhol






Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[281]




Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]


Disappeared under


Khmer Rouge[282]

Mam Manivan

Monique Izzi

Disappeared under
Khmer Rouge[282]








Norodom Narindrapong


Norodom Arunrasmy



Monique Izzi



Cause of death

Heart attack[283]

Mam Manivan

[show]Ancestors of Norodom Sihanouk


^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2005), p. 30.

Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 294.
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 54.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 30.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 37.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 42.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 43.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 45.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 48.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 44.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 50.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 51.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 46.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 206.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 47.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 63.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 66.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 74.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 76.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Jeldres (2003), p. 61.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 70.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 80.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 87.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 88.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 52.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 54.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 44.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 79.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 72.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 97.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 55.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2003), p. 68.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 58.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 59.


Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 87.

Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 91.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 95, 98.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 80.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), pp. 789.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 93.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 102.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 86.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 152.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 105.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 101.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 110.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 107.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 108.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 106.
^ Jump up to:a b Burchett (1973), p. 110.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 107.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 112.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 115.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 61.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 62.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 144.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 119.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 120.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 157.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), pp. 1256.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 133.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 161.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 137.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), pp. 1367.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 140.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 160.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 139.
Jump up^ Peou (2000), p. 124.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 187.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 188.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 156.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 189.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 190.
^ Jump up to:a b Osborne (1994), p. 193.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 166.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 19.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 18.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 25.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 26.
^ Jump up to:a b Cohen (1968), p. 28.
Jump up^ Cohen (1968), p. 29.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 162.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 195.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 173.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 40.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 184.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 139.
^ Jump up to:a b Chandler (1991), p. 185.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 205.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 189.

^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2005), p. 70.
Jump up^ Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 164.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 211.
Jump up^ Chandler (1991), p. 195.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 213.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 51.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 50.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 79.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 218.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), p. 219.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 137.
Jump up^ Burchett (1973), p. 271.
^ Jump up to:a b Marlay and Neher (1999), p. 167.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 178.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), p. 183.
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Jump up^ Mehta (2001), p. 5.
Jump up^ Osborne (1994), pp. 345.
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^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 84
^ Jump up to:a b Jeldres (2003), p. 96
^ Jump up to:a b c Jeldres (2003), p. 97
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France". The Cambodia Daily. Archived from the original on 16 August 2015. Retrieved22 July 2015.
Jump up^ Jeldres (2005), pp. I, IV (Genealogy of HM King Ang Duong, Norodom).

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to Norodom Sihanouk.


Burchett, William G. and Norodom, Sihanouk (1973). My War with the CIA: Cambodia's fight for
survival. United States of America: Penguin Books.ISBN 0140216898.

Chandler, David P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War and Revolutions since
1945. United States of America: Yale University Press.ISBN 0300057520.

Chin, Kin Wah (2005). Southeast Asian Affairs 2005. National University of Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812303065.

Findlay, Trevor (1995). Cambodia The Legacy and Lessons of UNTACSIPRI Research Report
No. 9 (PDF). Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Solna, Sweden: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 0198291868.

Jeldres, Julio A (2003). The Royal House of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument
Books.OCLC 54003889.

Jeldres, Julio A (2005). Volume 1Shadows Over Angkor: Memoirs of His Majesty King Norodom
Sihanouk of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Cambodia: Monument Books. ISBN 974926486X.

Marlay, Ross and Neher, Clark D. (1999). Patriots and Tyrants: Ten Asian Leaders. Lanham,
Maryland, United States of America: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0847684423.

Mehta, Harish C. & Julie B. (2013). Strongman: The Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen: The
Extraordinary Life of Hun Sen. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte
Ltd. ISBN 9814484601.

Mehta, Harish C. (2001). Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Singapore: Graham Brash. ISBN 9812180869.

Narong, Men S. (2007). Who's Who, The Most Influential People in Cambodia. Phnom Penh
Cambodia: Media Business Networks. ISBN 9995066009.

Osborne, Milton E (1994). Sihanouk Prince of Light, Prince of Darkness. Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States of America: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-1639-1.

Peou, Sorpong (2000). Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?. National
University of Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISBN 9812300422.

Summers, Laura (2003). The Far East and Australasia 2003. New York, United States of America:
Psychology Press. pp. 227243. ISBN 1857431332.

Widyono, Benny (2008). Dancing in Shadows: Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge, and the United Nations
in Cambodia. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman &
Littlefield. ISBN 0742555534.


Baumgrtel, Tilman (2010). "KON - The Cinema of Cambodia". Department of Media and
CommunicationRoyal University of Phnom Penh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August
2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.

Cohen, Arthur (9 April 1968). "Intelligence ReportTen Years of Chinese Communist Foreign
Policy". Central Intelligence Agency (Directorate of Intelligence). Archived from the original (PDF) on
27 August 2015. Retrieved18 June 2015.

Jeldres, Julio (September 2012). "A Personal Reflection on Norodom Sihanouk and Zhou Enlai: An
Extraordinary Friendship on the Fringes of the Cold War". Cross-Currents: East Asian History and
Culture Review (4): 5364. Archived from the original (PDF) on 30 September 2015. Retrieved 1
September 2015.

Kinetz, Erika; Kimsong, Kay; Wasson, Erik; Chan Thul, Prak (31 October 2006). "His Majesty's
Norodom Sihanouk's 84th BirthdayA special supplement to The Cambodia Daily". The Cambodia
Daily. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 August 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Scott-Maxwell, Aline (January 2008). "Royal songs and royal singing: Music in the Norodom
Sihanouk archival collection, Monash University Library". Fontes Artis Musicae 5 (1): 180
190. JSTOR 23512420.

Wemaere, Sverine (Managing Director) (1 June 2013). "Memory! International Film Heritage
Festival". Technicolor Film Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 August 2015.
Retrieved 8 July 2015.

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