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Book Review

The Thirty Nine Steps

John Buchan
01. Title
02. Basic Information of Book
03. Author Biography
04. Summary
05. Author purpose of writing book
06. Theme
07. What type of work is this
08. Style language used character language
09. Layout of information
10. Discuss characters with examples
11. Plot
12. Setting physical abstract
13. Conclusion


The Thirty-Nine Steps

1. William Blackwood & Sons
Edinburgh and London
2. Dover Thrift Edition
3. Penguin Edition
4. Talking Classic
With 2 Cassettes
The spy novel to end all spy novels or actually, the one that began all spy novels.
by John Buchan

Basic Information of Book

The perfect combination of fine writing and suspense-filled plot makes Buchans the Thirty-Nine
Steps an engaging novel of conspiracy. Written in 1915, we follow central character Richard
Hanne through England and the lowlands of Scotland as he escapes detectives.
1-58734-003-8 (1999)
03 Author Biography

I realized that I was bottled as sure as a pickled herring, and that there was only one way out. I had to die. If my
dead they would go to sleep again.

John Buchan
(26 August 1875 11 February 1940)
was a Scottish novelist, historian and
Unionist politician who served as
Governor General of Canada, the 15th
since Canadian Confederation.

26 August 1875 Perth, Scotland


11 February 1940 (aged 64) Montreal, Quebec


Susan Buchan




Free Church of Scotland, United Free Church of Scotland, Church of


Buchan entered into a career in diplomacy and government after graduating from Oxford,
becoming the private secretary to Alfred Milner
On 15 July 1907 married Susan Charlotte daughter of Norman Grosvenor
After Publishing his Novel in 1915
Buchan was appointed as the Director of Information in 1917, under the Lord Beaverbrook a job
that Buchan said was
The toughest job I ever took on"
The Spectator
UK political magazine Editor

Hunting tower

John Burnet of Barns

Mr. Standfast

Prester John

Salute to Adventurers

The Half-Hearted

The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fantasies

The Path of the King

The Thirty-Nine Steps



My Dear Tommy,
You and I have long cherished an affection for that elemental type of tale which Americans
call the dime novel and which we know as the shocker - the romance where the incidents
defy the probabilities, and march just inside the borders of the possible. During an illness last
Winter I exhausted my store of those aids to cheerfulness, and was driven to write one for
myself. This little volume is the result, and I should like to put your name on it. In memory of
our long friendship, in the days when the wildest fictions are so much less improbable than
the facts.

Contents of Novel
I. The Man Who Died.
II. The Milkman Sets Out on His Travels.
III. The Adventure of the Literary Innkeeper.
IV. The Adventure of the Radical Candidate.
V. The Adventure of the Spectacled Roadman.
VI. The Adventure of the Bald Archaeologist.
VII. The Dry-Fly Fisherman.
VIII. The Coming of the Black Stone.
IX. The Thirty-Nine Steps.

Various Parties Converging on the Sea.

04 Summary of Book

May 1914 in London, When Europe is close to the first world war.

Two main Characters

Richard Hannay, a Scotsman Educated, rich person.
Franklin Scudder, An American (Photographer

and free-lance Spy).

Chapter 1 (The Man Who Died)
Scudder is chased by German spies.
Scudder knows about their plot to murder Primer Minister Karolides.
Hide in Hannay Flat and one day Hannay finds Scudder dead.
Chapter 2 (The Milkman Sets Out on his Travels)
Hannay decides to continue Scudders work.
He leaves his flat and dressed up as a milkman.
Gets a train to Galloway taking with Scudders little book.
Chapter 3 (The Adventure of the Literary Innkeeper)
While travelling to Galloway, Hannay found special code (The Thirty
Nine Steps).
Hannay read newspaper that London police found Scudders body and
looking for him.
Hannay reaches an inn (Young Innkeeper is a writer) tell all his story.
Chapter 4 (The Adventure of the Radical Candidate)
Hannay learn that how to read Scudders Code and knows that Germans
are planning to kill Karolides to have an excuse to start the war.
The words 39 steps are every where in the scudders notebook but Hannay
does not know what it mean.
Chapter 5 (The Adventure of the Spectacled Roadman )
Hannay meets a roadman, Turnbull, and takes his place after changing
clothes with him. Hannay takes over Turnbulls work.
Three German spies who previously followed him to the young mans inn
see him and interrogate him but they do not notice who he is.
Chapter 6 (The Adventure of the Bald Archaeologist)

Hannay find that several police man are searching for him so he decides to
escape across the countryside.
Reaches an Old man House.
Chapter 7 (The Dry-Fly Fisherman)
Takes a train back to London, Want to meet the Foreign Office Secretary,
Sir Walter.
Hannay and Sir Walter work on Scudders code and they are shocked to
hear that Karolides has been killed.
Chapter 8 (The Coming of the Black Stone)
Sir Walter tells Hannay that he suspects that there is a German spy in the
Foreign Office or in the War Office.
Hannay soon realizes that the man is part of the Black Stone disguised as
Lord Alloa.
Chapter 9 (The Thirty-Nine Steps)
A man discover that Scudders code refers to a place in Kent.
Chapter 10 (Various Parties Converging on the Sea)
Hannay and his men go to the place known as the Ruff and find the house
they were looking for, Trafalgar Lodge.
Hannay enters the house ready to arrest the men but they pretend not to be
the spies. The three men try to escape but Hannay finally manages to catch
them and send them to jail.
05 Purpose of Writing

His experience of life, however, had already taught him that the most unlikely stories
are more believable than the real facts.

John Buchan wrote The Thirty-Nine Steps while he was ill in bed with a duodenal ulcer,
an illness which remained with him all his life. story combining personal and political
The story was a great success with the men in the First World War trenches. Buchan
attempting to tell the reader something about the real reasons behind the First World War.

Writing the book was a way of taking his mind off his bodily pain, and his mental
anguish, too, for the First World War had just broken out. Hannays activities incorporate
much of Buchans own experiences.

John Buchan wrote his Hannay stories as entertainment or, as he called them,
shockers. The reader is only just able to believe that they really happened.
In The Thirty-nine Steps, Buchan holds up Richard Hannay as an example of an
ordinary man who puts his countrys interests before his own safety.

Thirty nine step is arguably one of best mystery and spy novel ever written, suspenseful
twists and turns, unexpected moments of humor.

The story of Richard Hannay and his adversaries and how his life transformed by
accident into new generation of spies.

It provide special insight into England at the start of world war 1.

In his Hannay novels, Buchan cleverly mixes the familiar and the frightening or the

The ingredients of the Hannay novel share simple the government is being threatened,
Hannays life is in danger, but our hero saves the situation and we are all safe again.
Type of Work
The thirty steps is adventure novel by the Scottish author John Buchan. He was one of the
world's first spy novelists. The Thirty-Nine Steps is his most famous work, written in the
run-up to World War One. It was a huge popular success and owed much to its 1903
predecessor.. Buchan began his writing career as a journalist, but enlisted at the start of
the First World War, working away from the front lines producing propaganda for the
War Office. It is the perfect combination of fine writing and suspense-filled plot makes
Buchans the Thirty-Nine Steps an engaging novel of intrigue.
08 a Characters Language
John Buchan
I believe everything out of the common. The only thing to distrust is the normal
Richard Hannay's famous dialogue
Mr. Scudder. I believe youre straight, but

if so be you are not I should warn you that Im a handy man with a gun
08 b Style

The dialogues of the novel are very Effective .

By reading this novel you find out that the writer has intellectual qualities .

The novel is descriptive narrative .

The language used in this novel is Scottish English

Most repeated word in the novel is

The Thirty nine steps
09 Layout
The color of the cover is red and black .
Its binding is semi hard.
The font size is normal
The novel contains 184 pages
The writing style is Times New Roman
It is aligned from the left side
10 Characters
Richard Hannay:
This character is the protagonist and narrator of the book.
The Black Stone:
This is the name for the secret organization of German anarchists whose
plot lies at the heart of THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS.
Franklin Scudder :
This character was an American journalist who toured much of Europe.
Sir Harry:
Scottish landowner and would-be politician

Karol ides :
Greek Premier under threat of assassination. He never appears and is
alluded to only.

Sir Walter bullivant:

Sir Harry's relation at the Foreign Office
11 Plot

The novel is set during May and June 1914 when Europe is close to war.

Richard has just returned to London from Rhodesia order to begin a new life, when a
freelance spy called Franklin P. Scudder calls on him to ask for help. Scudder reveals to
Hannay that he has uncovered a German plot to murder the Greek premier and steal
British plans for the outbreak of war. Scudder claims to be following a ring of German
spies called the Black Stone.

After a few days, Hannay returns to his flat to find Scudder murdered. If Hannay goes to
the police, he will be arrested for Scudders murder. Hannay decides to continue
Scudders work and his adventure begins. He escapes from the German spies watching
the house and makes his way to Scotland, pursued both by the spies and by the police.

Richard Hannay, the protagonist and narrator, returns to his new flat in London from a
long stay in south Africa. One night he met with a stranger, who was in fear for his life.

The man appears to know of an anarchist plot ,during his forthcoming visit to London he
has a plan to assassinate the Karol ides. his name is Franklin P. Scudder he holds Hannay
attention by remarking that he is dead.. Hannay allow scudder to hide in his flat, next day
Hannay found that another man is committed suicide in the same building . Four days
later Hannay returns home to find Scudder dead with a knife through his heart.

Hannay fears that murderers will come to kill him, but he cannot ask the police for help
because he feels that it was his duty to save the Karol ides from the assassination that was
planned in three weeks time.

He decide to hide in Scotland and also decide that he will contact to authorities at last

For the escaping from his flat unseen he ask his milkman to lend him his uniform and he
escape wearing it. he buy his ticket of south-west Scotland and catches his Scottish train

Next day he reads in newspaper that police are looking for him in Scotland. Reasoning
that the police would expect him to head for a port on the West Coast, he boards a local
train for east but jump between the stations.

He find some place to spend the night he met with a guard and tell his story guard allow
him to spend the night.

Next day the 2 men arrive looking for Hannay but guard sends them away. After some
time they return again but this time Hannay steal their car and run away.

When Hannay was on his way he remembered that he has learnt from Scudder's notes.
Scudder mention an enemy group called the black stone and the thirty nine steps.

Hannay was in wrong way the police man tried to stop him trying to avoid an oncoming
car but hinny crashes his own car.

The other driver offers to take him home he was SIR HARRY, landowner and politician.
Sir harry was impressed by Hannay and invites him in election meeting.

When Hannay leaves Sir Harry he tries to hide in the countryside, soon he saw a group of
people searching for him on the road but he escaped again.

The next day Hannay hides in a cottage occupied by an elderly man. Unfortunately, the
man turns out to be one of the enemy, he locked the Hannay in room.

The room in which Hannay is locked is full of bomb-making materials, Hannay use the
bomb to break the cottage and also injured by doing this.

Few days Hannay stay with road mender to recover from injury. After few days he catch
a train to England to meet Sir Harrys relative at the foreign office, Sir Walter bullivant at
his country home in Berkshire. As they discuss Scudder's notes, Sir Walter receives a
phone call to tell him that Karol ides has been assassinated.

Sir Walter, now at his house in London, lets Hannay in on some military secrets before
releasing him to go home. Hannay is unable to shake off his sense of involvement in
important events, and returns to Sir Walter's house where a high-level meeting is in
progress. He is just in time to see a man, whom he recognizes as one of his former
pursuers in Scotland, leaving the house. Hannay warns Sir Walter that the man, ostensibly
the First Sea Lord, is about to return to Europe with the information he has obtained from
their meeting. At that point, Hannay realizes that the phrase "the thirty-nine steps" could
refer to the landing-point in England from which the spy is about to set sail. Throughout
the night Hannay and the United Kingdom's military leaders try to work out the meaning
of the mysterious phrase.

After too much discussion the group decide to go in coastal town in Kent. when they
reach there they found a path down from the cliff that has THIRTY NINE STEPS. They
see a yacht on the shore. Some of the party visit the yacht, the Ariadne.

Some peoples on the shore are Germans and some are playing tennis they appear to be
English, but they match Scudder's description that was The Black Stone.. After many
struggle two men were captured the third man ran away in the yacht but he was also
captured by the British authorities. The plot is thwarted, and the United Kingdom enters
the FIRST WORLD WAR, having kept its military secrets from the enemy.

On the outbreak of war, Hannay joins the army with a captain's rank.

12 Setting Physical Abstract

the Thirty-Nine Steps is more like a series of exciting episodes for tying togther than a
carefully plotted tale. The speed is extremely amazing , with each scene gripping the
readers imagination, and with every place. It doesnt matter that the reader has no clue
where he is being taken or, when he gets there, how the thing happened as it did.

All that matters is that once youve started, you cant put the book down.

13 Conclusion
the thirty nine steps is the short spy, thriller and detective , was john Buchan's 17th
published book. After the success of this book he became the best selling thriller and
adventures writer. Buchan began writing the thirty nine steps in august 1914 while he was
recovering from illness, and he was unable to join army because of his age and ill health .the
book was published by land and water magazine in the september.
the thirty nine steps book is commonly thought as Scottish book but the parts set up in
Scotland are total three and half chapters out of ten. The most remember able parts from the
book includes ; the chase scenes on the hill , and the confusion that was created about how
Hannay got up to Scotland, what he did there and how he got away , Hannay and lecithin
both spend frustrating amounts of time waiting for something to happen. Both end up in a
running race through London's west end to reach to the safe place .
no matter how carefully or you give great attention to detail its very difficult for modern
author to achieved and hit the same feelings or giving the story touch of reality , for the
language and setting the thirty nine steps is the perfect entertainment .The book is short , just
184 pages .
A great Novel written by John Buchan.

Buchan holds up Richard Hannay as an example of an ordinary man who puts his countrys
interests before his own safety.
I read a novel named The Thirty nine steps thoroughly and by the end according to my
analysis I got a lesson that some of the things which doesnt matter for you change your life
surprisingly .
Novel tells that how a stranger come into Richard Hannays life and changes his simple
and ordinary life into an adventure . In real life many times it happens but people do not
know where and how it happened.

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