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Ally Salazar

English 4th
June 1, 2014
Safe House
I woke up to the sound of the gate opening, and the rumbling of
gravel as four SUVS drove to the front of my house. As I sat up in my
bed, running my fingers through my long, black, tangled hair my gaze
drifted towards the window. Standing up and making my way across
the room I pulled back the silk curtains allowing me to overlook the
entire property. As I saw the skyline of Abbottabad1 and I glanced from
the 18-foot tall concrete walls, to the barbwire fence surrounding my
house. My gaze landed on two well-dressed men arguing outside the
steel platted front door. Figuring it was about the man in the back
room, I decided to stop listening before I had even begun.
The walk from my bedroom to the classroom was filled with many
hellos and silent nods from the guards standing outside each door.
Their hands placed on the loaded weapon in their belt, as if I was about
to attack them. Walking down the stairs I wonder why they are so
afraid all of the time. As I approach the classroom I say hello to Atif2, a
guard I am particularly fond of. He opens the door and with his
enchanting brown eyes looks at me and says Good morning Fatima3. I
1 A city in northeastern Pakistan
2 A traditional Pakistani name meaning kind, affectionate
3 A traditional Pakistani name meaning captivating

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
blush than nod and continue to walk in, feeling its best not to make
any conversation that could get me in trouble. Bright fluorescents light
up the classroom, showing the two plastic chairs, whiteboard and
worn-out textbook that await me. I sit down and wait

For mother to come in and teach me todays lesson. As an only child

my mother felt very strongly about making sure I had an education. No
schools in Abbottabad would allow girls to attend, which meant a
classroom was needed in my home.
Fidgeting in the uncomfortable plastic my mother finally arrives. She
walks straight to the dirty white board and writes History of Pakistan.
Great I think, as if it isnt boring enough to live here already now I have
to learn about how boring it is. I dated my paper May 2, 20114 and for
the next hour as I sat a little too relaxed in my chair, my mother went
on about womens suffrage, wars and political figures. Just as she was
about to finish I decided to become a little interested in the topic.
Mother, what about our government? I said slightly curious. I had
never heard much about our government and if it was ever brought up
around the house the conversation stopped faster than it had started.
The government isnt something a 15 year old girl needs to be
worried about. She snaps. Todays lesson is over, you can go to your
4 Date Osama Bin Laden was captured

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
room. As I leave feeling slightly defeated in my attempt to understand
what is kept hidden from me I feel someone grab onto my arm and
yank me into the closet. Scared and confused I scramble to find the
light switch, but before I can even think of where to look it flips on. As
my vision blurs trying to adjust to the brightness of the light bulb, he
starts to speak very softly. Fatima there is something you need to
Atif? I say as I look up to see his brown eyes starring at me.
What are we doing in here, we shouldnt be speaking. My parents
have very strict rules on not speaking to any of the guards.
Its about the man in the back room, you need to know who he is
Fatima. He is very dangerous and I dont want anything to happen to
you. He says with concern in his voice.
Starting to get confused I ask, What are you talking about Atif?
Hes been living here for ten years I think I would know if he was
You dont understand Fatima, you dont know who he is or the
things he has done. I think they have found us. He says, starting to
make me worried.
Who have found us? What are you talking about? I start to ask,
but I am then cut off by the opening of the closet door and one of the
guards yanking Atif out of the small space. The guards angered face

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
leans in close to me and whispers He told you nothing. I nod so hard I
feel my head might fall off, and then I run. Run up the stairs, down the
hall and straight into my bedroom. I collapse onto my bed shaken with
fear. I can hear men yelling from downstairs. I can hear them yelling at
Atif, and then I hear the gun. The noise so loud my door vibrates. As I
sit on the ground feeling the tears start to pour from my eyes, I am so
disoriented on whats going on. A million questions are running through
my mind. Why did they shoot him? What did he mean about the man in
the back room? I sat on the floor of my bedroom for what felt like an
eternity replaying what had just happened in my head. Trying to make
some sense of it, but in the end I couldnt.
Starting to drift off to sleep I am awoken by the sound of
helicopters. Standing up and walking to my window I start to lift back
the curtains but then I immediately drop to the ground. The explosion
was loud and fast, I covered my head as pieces of concrete start flying
through my window. My mind searching for explanations on what could
be happening but I am interrupted by the second explosion and even
more concrete flying in. I crawl frantically to my door and open it.
Every single guard has run down the stairs, none have thought to help
me. I close my door and lock it thinking it is safest in my room.
I wait hidden under my bed for the next explosion, but nothing
happens. I start to think it is over but then I hear the banging. The

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
banging of the steel platted front door, as if someone is trying to get
in. eventually they do, whoever it is. Immediately after the door flies
open there is a constant sound of gunshots. I can hear men filing into
my house, their boots banging on the ground as the run around firing
their guns. Getting closer and closer to my bedroom the door finally
opens and the guards file in. laying under the bed in complete fear, I
cant help but start to cry. Trying to muffle my sobs only makes it worse,
I feel two hands wrap around my feet and pull me out from under the
bed. I look up to see a gun pointed at my head and a guard standing
over me. Please! I say trying to beg for my life. Please dont hurt
me! The door flies open and the guns go off.
I wake up to bright fluorescent lights shinning above me. My
head feels foggy as I look around the square room. A chair, a table with
a tray of food that looks unfamiliar to me, and a TV. I look down to find
myself in a bed with pastel colored sheets and a needle in my arm.
Where am I? I say with a scratchy voice, barely audible. A nurse
looks over at me and says, Hi there, you are in a hospital in New York,
youve been in a tragic accident. I am surprised you made it out of
there. My memory faded as I searched for the apparent tragic
accident. See She says pointing to the small TV in the corner. As I
looked I was in shock, what I saw on the TV was my own home, videos
of it being attacked. I kept watching baffled as to what was going on. A

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
news reporter finally came on the screen and says, Earlier today 24
members of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development
Group raided the newly found compound of Osama Bin Laden5.
Believing he had been hiding out there for the past ten years,
explosives were dropped on the concrete walls surrounding the house.
Troops entered the home to find many armed terrorist, and were then
in attack. As they went through the house they eventually located
Osama Bin Laden. He had been hiding out in the back room of the
mansion, we do not have information onto what was inside the room
he was stationed in yet. Hearing this almost sounded fake. That was
my house they were talking about. Osama Bin laden living in my
house. I had heard stories of him and knew who he was, but never did I
think he was the man in the back room.
I looked back at the reporter to find her saying We just have
confirmation that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. I lifted my hand
to my face to find there were tears falling down my cheeks. I looked at
the nurse and then she said, maybe thats enough for right now, you
need your rest. I could tell she felt guilty about showing me the news.
I reluctantly said okay, even though I wanted to know more. She gave
me some medicine and then left. I lay in the bed, my face drenched
with tears as I think about the man in the back room. How did I not
5 Islamic terrorist who founded Al-Quada and is responsible for the
9/11 attacks

Ally Salazar
English 4th
June 1, 2014
know it was you? How could I live my entire life with a terrorist in the
room next to me? I thought about the guards and Atif, how he tried to
warn me. I thought about my parents and how they were probably
forced to allow them in our home. I thought about how much I loved
them, and that I hope to see them soon. And with that thought I drifted
into a deep sleep.

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