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Spencer Heilig

ISM- Period 6
Lenetsky, Seth, PhD, and Nigel Harris, PhD. "The Mixed Martial Arts Athlete: A Physiological
Profile." ResearchGate. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.
Bioenergetic traiing is a recommendation for aerobic traininig and nevessary if perhaps
secondary system to the anaerobic systems in MMA
Other considerations for mma discussed are the importance of cervical spine stability
Total body fat 13.29%
Vertical jump 58.42
Flexibility 29.91
Grip strength 91.5
VO2 max 53.44
1 rep max squat and bench press relative to body weight 1.45
mma fighters were most physiologically similar to judo players and least similar to kung
fu athletes
competitors in an MMA tournament were found to some practice resistance training 0
times a week and some would do resistance training 7 days a week
studies clam that neck exercises are important to reduce injury
5 of the fighters reported that they had used or were using anabolic steroids
2 movements of shoulder flexion per 3 movements of shoulder extension is prescribed
Greco roman wrestling has been focused not on gymnastic tests but is focused on
maximal strength muscular endurance VO2 max and body composition
Freestyler wrestlers have a better physiological profile more representing an MMA
fighter than Greco Wrestlers
Judo athletes show similar strength trends to freestyle wrestlers
Judo fighters were found to have high VO2 max
Judo competitors were found to have higher vertical jumps than both types of wrestlers
BJJ fighters were found to have the weakes strength of all of the grappling sports
This article was pretty hard to understand because it has a lot of scientific terms and references to
previous research, but some of the info was helpful to understand the strength components of

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