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MEDILL NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY March 21, 2016 Greetings, tts pleasure and honor for me to recommend Ms. Meghan Funk for entry into the professional field of higher education administration and student affairs. | currently work at Northwestern University in the Medill Office of Student Life, where Meghan was an intern during the Spring and Summer 2015 semesters. | have known Meghan for a few years and worked directly as her supervisor while she was here at Northwestern. During my time with Meghan, | have witnessed her ‘tremendous dedication to student engagement, leadership development and overall, to socal justice and the betterment of our soclety. As @ mentor, student affairs educator and LUC Alum, Ihave talked with Meghan numerous times regarding her passions and professional goals, and am so proud to write this letter on her behalf. From the very beginning, Meghan distinguished herself from other Interns through her ‘exceptional performance and contributions to our team. It is often tough to achieve success under the pressures and daily demands of intense graduate coursework, a part-time job, an internship, and high involvement in a campus communtty-but it isin this environment that Meghan thrived and performed remarkably. As an intern in the Student Life office, her strengths and passion for working with students ‘and in higher education really shined though, and It was a perfect fit for her Interests and our team needs. She routinely provided program feedback, direction and fresh ideas for the team and | was thoroughly impressed with her excellent communication skills, work ethic and high level of professionalism and personal integrity. Meghan took the lead in coordinating the logistics and key ‘components of our new student orientation program for graduate students, as well as convocation for both undergraduate and graduate students. Meghan also helped our office achleve some essential goals, by developing detalled learning outcomes for our office’s graduate orientation programs, and participating in conversations around assessment within the larger division of student affairs. Lastly, 1 was really able to see Meghan’s personal strengths at work—she was strategic in how she completed her tasks and thoughtful in her professional approach. She has superior communication skills, whether In written format, presenting to @ group, and Interpersonal communications—and she gave us great constructive feedback In a way that was positive and practical, and will be incorporated into future events, Meghan and | have had some deep discussions about career paths, the higher education fleld, ‘and growing trends, which also show that she is being thoughtful and proactive about her future and impact on students. Throughout her time in the office, | realized that | can count on Meghan to be a strong and reliable member of our team, and we really needed her positive and upbeat demeanor, attention to detall, and knowledge of various campus resources. As her supervisor, | witnessed her dedication to developing herself as a leader and her willingness to sacrifice her time and energy for her peers and set an example for others, All of this and more demonstrates Meghan's commitment to higher education and student affairs, and shows me that she will positively contribute to this field, her community andthe world, In summary, | highly recommend Meghan Funk for entry into the professional field of higher ‘education administration and student affairs and encourage you to give her the strongest ‘consideration. She is someone who will be dedicated, thoughtful, innovative, and truly contribute those talents to our higher education and student affairs community. | have been so privileged to know ‘and work with Meghan and | welcome any further questions regarding her strengths and potential for success. If 1can be of any further assistance, please contact me by email at kristen.salomon@northwestern.eduor by phone at 847.467.1884, Sincerely, ifidon (cD SLrmn Kristen Reid Salomon, M.Ed. Assistant Director of Student Life Northwestern University- Medill School 1845 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 P: 847.467.1884

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