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Academic/Professional Status

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Full-time Student

Part-time Student

Undergraduate Student

Graduate Student


Graduate Assistant

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Asian American

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National Campaign Video

Loyola University Chicago Campaign Video

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1.Education around Title IX policies, procedures, and campus resources

1.Access to training
1.Creating a platform

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Kelly, B., & Torres, A. (2006). Campus Safety: Perceptions and Experiences of Women Students. Journal of
College Student Development, 47(1), 20-36.
Pasque, P. (2011). An Introduction to Feminism and Feminist Perspective in Higher Education and Student
Affairs. In Empowering women in higher education and student affairs: theory, research, narratives, and
practice from feminist perspectives (pp. 3-14). Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub.
Pasque, P. (2011). Narratives on Gender and Feminism. In Empowering women in higher education and
student affairs: theory, research, narratives, and practice from feminist perspectives (pp. 60-66). Sterling,
Va.: Stylus Pub.
Smith, M., & Berger, J. (2010). Womens Ways of Drinking: College Women, High-Risk Alcohol Use, and
Negative Consequences. Journal of College Student Development, 51(1), 35-49.

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