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1. Who you are ? Who is Digitalopedia ?

2. How this Digitalopedia story started? When ?

3. What are you working right now ?
4. How you find us ?
4. How you received the proposal to collaborate with GraphicLoot?
5. What are the main tools that you use when you work ?
6. What is your favourite from all your works ? And from another artist ?
7. A last word ? (in the end.)

1) 1) Digitalopedia is composed from a Graphic design & photography freelancer and a marketing guy. Two
passions put together for the greater good. J
2) 2)Digitalopedia started 2 years ago but in late 2015 we decided to pursuit this path full time. Thats when
we picked this name to represent us. At the beginning we had small projects from time to time but we loved
doing the work so much that we thought this was the job for us.
3) 3) Right now I am working on a massive pattern bundle. It includes almost everything you can think about
when you say patterns: watercolor, geometrical, hand-made doodles, silver & golden foil patterns, patterns for
kids, seamless, abstract, folk, bohemian and so on. We really gave our best shot to be sure we get a complete
package for this collection.
4) 4)When we were looking for more exposure we checked many sites for collaboration. You guys seemed to
have potential on the market so we contacted you.
5) 5) Like any step forward, I found the proposal appealing. I liked the friendly vibe when talking to you guys
so I saw no reason to be skeptical. I appreciate the seriousness you put in the work and the open-mindedness
you put in the proposals.
6) 6) I cant say I have a favorite project given the fact that each project has been an adventure so far. We are
still at the beginning and we enjoy every challenge we get. From other artists there are so many projects I
admire, oh man. Some names that pop in my head are Cruzine Design, Worn Out Media Co., LStore, 2 lilowls
etc. So many talented people!
7) I hope your amazing subscribers will find many useful resources on GraphicLoot and they will cherish every
opportunity to get creative and follow their passion in life!

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