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Information To Share With IEP Team For Transition Planning

Job and Job Training

Has adequate motor skills for employment
Respects authority and attempts to follow verbal
Wants to work; has basic understanding of the need to
support himself
Wants to be successful at a job to support his family
Willing to assume additional responsibilities

Areas of Concern
Independent work skills and task completion
Asking for clarification when needed
Job seeking, job obtaining, job retention skills
Interpersonal/social skills
Work experience
Has a neat appearance, hygiene, grooming
Appropriate behavior in competitive situations
Ability to resolve conflicts

Post-Secondary Education/Training Participation

Computer literate
Knowledge of courses to graduate
Can label one career that interests him
Has supportive family

Areas of Concern
Independent work skills and task completion
Asking for clarification when needed
Advocating for modifications and accommodations
due to reading disability
Written expression skills; planning work, organizing
work, and proof-reading/editing work
College or training seeking, obtaining, and application
Regular attendance
Development of study skills
Ability to resolve conflicts
Appropriate behavior in competitive situations
Work cooperatively in a group

Community Participation
Participates with peers in social activities outside of
Can physically access environments
Locates familiar places within community
Can seek help in an emergency
Independent with public transportation
Is able to select and order items in the community
Understands the purpose of a variety of community

Areas of Concern
Contacting establishments to make appointments or
gather information
Use cooperative skills in a group
Planning and executing activities in the community

Independent Living
Can cook food items independently
Communicates personal information
Responsible for personal possessions
Can dust, mop, vacuum, and manage laundry

Areas of Concern
Money management
Basic health concepts: medical management
Shopping for meal preparation independently

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