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This character resulted very interesting to Criminology because this woman is one of
few female serial killers who were cruel in each of her murders and she killed 650
maidens. She had a deep sadistic and sexual perversion,
Elizabeth Bthory countess felt special attraction for the blood, and she was not just
happy to drink it, also she did a ritual that consisted in bathing in the blood. This
countess tops the list of the vampire killers, she bathed in the blood to rejuvenate her
skin and to be beautiful at her forty years of age.
She was born in 1560 within one of the richest Hungarian families while belonged to the
most illustrious and distinguished aristocracy, being his cousin Prime Minister of
Hungary, and his uncle King of Poland.
Within her family, there were esoteric believers, Satan worshipers and close relatives
black magic worshipers or alchemists, among which you can consider Bthory countess.
Since her childhood she was influenced by the teachings of a mother who was
dedicated to witchcraft practices.
When she was only fifteen years old she married a nobleman, Count Nadasdy. He was a
great warrior known as "The Black Hero" and they went to live in a lonely castle in the
Carpathians. The count was soon called in a battle, so he was forced to leave Elizabeth
alone for a while. After a while of waiting for her husband to return, she became bored
by the continuing isolation to which she was subject and fled to maintain a relationship
with a young nobleman who the locals called "the Vampire" by his strange appearance.
In brief, she went back to the castle and began to have lesbian relationships with two of
her maids. Later, to distract himself from the long absences of her husband, she became
greatly interested in esotericism, surrounding herself with a sinister cut witches, wizards
and alchemists.
As the years passed by, the beauty that characterized her would degrade, and
concerned about her physical appearance she looked for advice from the old nurse
woman. The nurse told her about the power of blood human sacrifice and gave her very

good results in black magic spells, and advised her that if she bathed with maids blood,
she could preserve her beauty forever.
Shortly died her first victim: a young girl maid was combing the Countess hair, when she
accidentally pulled her hair.

This, in a fit of anger gave her such a blow that the

maiden's blood splattered her hand. When looking at the bloody hand, the Countess
saw it seemed softer and whiter than the rest of the skin, reaching the conclusion that
her old nurse was right and that blood rejuvenated tissues. With the certainty that it
could restore the beauty of her youth, she ordered to hew the terrified girls veins and
put her blood in a bathtub so she could bathe in it.
From that moment, the bloodshed will be her obsession to the point of traveling
Carpathian carriage accompanied by her maids looking around for young females who
cheated with promising jobs as maids in the castle. If the lie was not good, they
proceeded to kidnap drugging these or beaten until they were subjected to force. Once
at the castle, the victims were chained and stabbed in cold basements or by an
executioner, a servant or by Countess itself, while the victims were bleeding and filling
her bathtub.
For eleven years, the terrified peasants saw the black carriage with the emblem of
Countess Bathory track looking for young people who disappeared mysteriously inside
the castle and never went out again. Six hundred and fifty girl maidens were killed and a
lot people was tortured in that castle. Some people were rescued for the local people.
The Bloody Countess was locked in a room with little food and water, she lost a lot of
weight, later, she stopped eating because she felt old and with ugly skin. She remained
in her room of torture during four years, with no mercy to talk to anybody. Finally, she
died in 1614, when she was 54 years.

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