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Joshua Shemes

INB 385. W1
February 21st, 2016
Ethical Challenges of International Business
Business is key when looking at the aspects of a thriving country. From hemisphere to
hemisphere nations differ in numerous ways, but a shared attribute is money and its place within
society. Societies around the world practice different religions and live by the standards of
different cultures. Individuals may see international business as different countries importing and
exporting, but the connection is deeper. American owned companies manufacture in various
countries, while various foreign industries manufacture in our home nation. The examination of
this linkage includes many topics, but sometimes overlooked is the ethics involved and the
challenges these countries will face. These challenges range in a variety of ways from
discrimination to corruption within government. Ethics need to be a focus when measuring
companies sustainability. In terms of finance many industries are prosperous, but when is the
line drawn on the ethical behavior in which they identify with. In my belief, profit should take a
backseat to ethics when analyzing a companys health.
Manufacturing is essential for a company to provide their products. Without employees to
operate and create a business is left without the means to generate revenue. Unsafe labor
conditions and practices around the world is a subject matter that needs attention. Millions of
workers, including in the United States of America, are injured while at work because of the
conditions they are forced to bare. The unsafe conditions of working with hazardous chemicals in
plants that do not have proper ventilation systems is damaging to employees health. In general,
working with hazardous chemicals is an issue. In our country OSHA is a department of
government that protects employees by enforcing standards of workplace safety. Asia has
recently been a focus in the area of correcting unsafe work environments. Many companies force
their employees into working with hazardous chemicals leading to their exposure and increasing
their risk of disease. Management of these companies are directly benefiting from these practices
by the profit gained from forcing employees into this type of work. The employees that are stuck
into these circumstances due to the need of employment are directly affected because of the
health risk they are facing. Indirect beneficiaries of these unsafe work procedures are the
consumers, stockholders, and business partners of these companies. The lack of funds spent in
efforts to reduce employee contamination leads to the ability for business partners and end users
to buy these products at a low cost. Management, employees, consumers, and other businesses
are all stakeholders when examining the benefits and disadvantages of unsafe labor.
Environmental issues play a huge role in the ethics of international business. Countries
vary in their regulations of pollution, but all countries are faced with the consequences.
Companies pour toxic waste into bodies of water, which ultimately leads to the damaging of
societies health. Properly exposing of waste is an overlooked problem. For example, Duke
Energy was involved in a scandal in which they were exposed for polluting waterways. This
company was more intrigued by the idea of saving money instead of saving lives. Five states
were affected by these actions, meaning millions of citizens were exposed to the coal ash. The
company benefited financially from their actions. Stockholders received more money in
dividends. The unknowing individuals who continually drank water in these polluted areas were
harmed. Wildlife suffered severely from this. Duke is just a company that recently is facing

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consequences, while all over the world similar companies ignore the problems they are causing.
All of the worlds population are external stakeholders in the regards to international businesses
polluting. We are directly distressed by pollution, but indirectly have a role in the changes
needed. When these companies chose a cheaper less effective way to control their emission
release many are stakeholders. Stockholders and business partners indirectly reap rewards of
cash at the cost of their own well-being. Ethical businesses that are competition of these unsound
companies are facing disadvantages in providing goods at the same cost. Internal employees are
faced to deal with working for a corrupt company because they fear loss of jobs. Pollution is a
concern for all of the world because everyone is a stakeholder when the environment is being
Employees who provide dedication and honest work are being penalized. Healthcare
systems differ globally, but the concern should be centered on individuals living inferior lives.
Billion dollar corporations around the world are saving money by not providing individuals with
healthcare. Is the money that management and stockholders reap in worth an individuals life?
Employees will work endless hours for a business to make change and still dont have the ability
to go to the doctor when they are ill. Mothers and fathers are leaving the world too soon because
of benefits they are not provided by their employer. A look at healthcare benefits provided
worldwide will show the lack of ethics these companies have when trying to cut employment
cost so management and stockholders can financially benefit. Our worlds population needs to be
cared for and as of now their well-being is being sidelined for profits. Employees of these
companies will not strike or ask for benefits at the fear of being replaced. These workers are
knowing of what they deserve, but the companies fail to provide them with benefits representing
the employees true value. As before mentioned many workers are forced into unsafe work
environments and to make their struggle even more unfavorable. The lack of healthcare provided
worldwide is leading to death. Internally management and stockholders benefit financially
directly and indirectly from the absence of healthcare supplied. Internally those employees are
directly dealing with the fight to stay healthy. Externally many are affected by the subject matter.
Families of these employees most likely also lack healthcare, and either deal with illness, or deal
with the loss of an ill loved one. Suppliers are selling to these companies cheaper, and buyers are
purchasing cheaper due to the abundant finances their business partners possess correlated to the
deficiency of employee benefits. Without these employees seeking medical attention when they
are ill, the risk of spreading aliments is increased. The worlds population is indirectly and
externally harmed when interaction with these untreated individuals occurs.
Changes to businesses labor environments need to be made. In the aspect of unsafe labor,
I would never sacrifice my moral values. I believe that every individual has the right to earn a
living in an environment that will not lead to damaged health. Personally, I would never do
business with a company forcing their workers to engage in these conditions. I am interning at a
manufacturing plant working cost estimations. The business I work for is a prime example of the
type of company I want to work for and thrive in. Safety is their number one concern. No
individual is asked to perform unsafe duties. Jobs that would require hazardous materials or
practices are not permitted. My priority is to look at every individual as an equal and this results
in my mind set of not wanting anyone to do something that would harm them. Morally, I owe

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this belief to my family. Stressed from a young age on I was taught the importance of safety.
Along with this teaching, I was taught that anyone who wants me to perform harmful task does
not care about me and to remove them from my life. Upon graduation and in my future I would
never engage in business relations with a company that forces unsafe labor upon their
employees. Money does not hold value when I know a human who is biologically created like
me is suffering. My plan will focus on me not working or associating with a business who lacks
care for their employees safety. I would encourage my business counterparts to do the same. I
would like to think that leading by example would help promote others to have the same mind
set of mine.
My stand against pollution is strong. Already throughout life I have never littered, and
encourage others around me to follow my practices. Ethically speaking, I disassociate myself
with any individual who will litter because it shows their type of moral possession. When
looking at my future in the business world, I will not affiliate with companies who ignore the
world problem of pollution. I owe my future generations the curiosity of providing them with a
wonderful environment that consist of clean water to drink and fresh air to breath. Circumstances
never influence acting ethically. Although emissions are inevitable for many companies, proper
steps can be followed to reduce these pollutants. If I ever worked for a company who was
damaging the environment I would report them. Whistle blower protection laws would provide
me with the job security, and I wouldnt have to life with an uneasy conscious linked to my role
in destroying the world.
The topic of healthcare is important to me for one reason. My mother is the hardest
working woman I know, and I watched her throughout my life deal with illness because her
employer didnt offer her health care. While provide diligence and integrity in her work, my
mothers employer does not value her life after 15 years. My plan for this ethical challenge is to
always sympathize for uninsured individuals and support any legislation that would provide
nationwide health care. If I were to ever own a business of my own I would provide all workers
with healthcare. If this feat was impossible for me to do, than I would not open a business. I
would never allow employees of mine to give their all to me, and I not give my all back. No
situation of life could ever change my outlook on healthcare. As an employee for a company I
may not have the ability to influence management to provide all employees with benefits, but I
can hold my ground and share my opinion. I will provide insight to others that all individuals
deserve the right to life and that proper medical attention is the key to this.
Personally, I would like to see an improvement, in regards to the system consisting of
businesses ethically respond to the challenges they face internationally. While I exist on this
earth I will make efforts to morally represent myself responsibly. All topics of ethical challenges
are correlated to individuals quality of life. My upbringing and own personal beliefs are
fundamentally sound and I will never change them. I will provide efforts to encourage others to
share my opinions and I will respond in an appropriate manner if my morals are ever tested. In
regards to the topics of ethical challenges I have discussed, I believe the main source of the
problem is evident. The rich get richer by harming the weak. As a collective unit our population
needs to demand change and provide better business that will ultimately lead to a better world.

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