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Farmer friendly session at ASSCT Conference Mackay

Growers are encouraged to attend a special farmer-friendly session at Mackay

ASSCT Conference on Friday 29th April. This year the committee has selected three
interesting and farm-relevant papers which have been grouped together into a single
session for the benefit of growers.
The session starts at 8 am and features using compost to reduce reliance on
conventional fertiliser, controlled release fertilisers and strategies to improve water
quality. A presentation will be given on each paper over 20 minutes, with 10 minutes
for questions from the floor.
The cost to attend is $30/head, which includes three papers, morning tea and access
to the equipment exhibition.
If you want to attend or know more about the conference, please contact your MAPS
Officer or Sonia Head at the ASSCT office on 07 4954 3956.

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