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What is Bioethanol?

Bioethanol is a denatured alcohol also called Methylated Spirits

Bioethanol - or simply 'ethanol' is a renewable energy source made by fermenting the sugar and starch
components of plant by-products - mainly sugarcane and crops like grain, using yeast. It is also made from
corn, potatoes, milk, rice, beetroot and recently grapes, banana and dates depending on the countries
agricultural strength.
Today, bioethanol has many uses: It is blended with petrol to make a truly sustainable transport fuel, it's
used in cosmetic and other manufacturing processes, and it creates the clean burning, beautiful dancing
flame in our fireplaces.

Clean Emission
Bioethanol fuel is completely composed of biological products. The combustion of bio ethanol results in a
clean emission: Heat, Steam and Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. It is then processed via photosynthesis to help the plant grow. This
infinite cycle of creation and combustion of energy makes bio ethanol a carbon neutral fuel source.

Efficient Green Energy

Because the combustion of bioethanol is clean you can lose the chimney and the flue and keep the heat in
the room. That's what makes burning bioethanol fuel so efficient and effective.

A Beautiful Dancing Flame

Burning bioethanol fuel creates a beautiful lively dancing orange flame that is simply mesmerizing. And
because they don't need a flue or chimney you can now enjoy an open fire more easily than ever before even in a high rise building.

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