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Satzler 1

Josiah Satzler
Mrs. Fink
Comp II
January 26, 2016
Importance of Opinions
In this age, people are constantly voicing their opinion, particularly their political and
world views. Media, friends and family are continually trying to sway a person one direction or
another. Many people become quite frustrated with this, saying things such as, I dont know
why they cant just keep their opinions to themselves! Regardless of these criticisms, it is
important that society has the ability to voice its opinions for two main reasons: it forces people
to think, and it allows citizens to have an impact.
When people hear conflicting opinions on an issue, they are forced to consider the
opposing sides. Conflicting moral and political views are what forces an individual to choose
his/her own belief. There is evidence of what happens when citizens do not have this freedom
throughout history and the effects can be disastrous. For example, white children in the South
were taught from a young age to treat black slaves as beneath them, even non-human. As a result,
few grew up practicing anything other than what they were taught. Freedom of speech keeps our
society from slipping into a single ideology.
Opinions also allow citizens to have an on impact society. This free-flowing of ideas
allows citizens to impact laws and regulations on them. Although much of this impact is due to
the ability of these citizens to vote, they would still have a fair bit of influence on society purely
because of the freedom they have to speak their minds. Without this freedom, citizens would
absorb any ideas the government decided to throw at them.

Satzler 2
It is necessary for people to express opinions to hold society together. It allows people to
formulate their own ideas and impact those around them. Without this freedom, our society could
fall apart.

Satzler 3
Revision Narrative
For me, the peer editing process was not super helpful. Most of the feedback I received
was grammar and conventions errors. Normally I find the peer editing process extremely
beneficial, but this time it was below par. I think this was mostly due to Stacia no longer being in
comp because she is a gifted writer and always had good suggestions. Something about the
topics I think also made it difficult to give suggestions about organizations and big picture

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