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Real Exam CHL II Answers

Art could take pain out of public transport



A girl with ambition



All This Jazz



The truth behind a smile

0. B
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. A

14. B
15. B
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. B

Multiple choice exercise

0. D
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. D
30. C

Answer key

Answer key
Idioms and other expressions using animals (pages 6
1. horse. This expression can also be used to describe
someone who wins a race, competition, etc, that no one
expected them to win. 2. cat. This is sometimes used as
an exclamation: "Look what the cat dragged in!" If
someone is very untidy, we can also say that they look like
they've been dragged through a hedge backwards, or
that they look like a dog's dinner. If someone is dressed up
like a dog's dinner, they are dressed in a way that shows
they want to impress people, but their clothes are not
suitable for the occasion: "Everyone was wearing jeans
and T-shirts, then in walked Maria dressed up like a dog's
dinner". 3. bird 4. bird. When we find out news or
information without it being officially announced, we say
that we heard it on / through the grapevine, or heard it
through the bush telegraph. 5. goat. We can also say
hacks me off. Somebody who annoys you intentionally
winds you up. 6. bee 7. cat 8. rat 9. donkey. We
can also say for ages. 10. dog 11. rat 12. pig. If you
eat a lot of food very quickly, you could say that you pig
out: "The children were pigging out on biscuits and
crisps". The word pig can also be used to insult someone:
"You greedy pig!" "He's such an ignorant pig!" etc.
13. cat. We could also say You haven't got a hope in hell.
These are not very polite expressions.
14. fish
15. horse 16. bee. We can also say the cat's whiskers:
"Ever since he got promoted, Tom really thinks he's the
cat's whiskers."
17. fish
18. goose
19. donkey.
Somebody who often does the donkey work and the
other jobs that nobody wants (often for very low pay)
could be described as a dogsbody.
20. fly. People
sometimes watch fly-on-the-wall television programmes
which show real people doing what they normally do
every day: "Last night I saw a really interesting fly-on-thewall documentary about low-cost airlines." 21. hen. We
can also say hen party. The male equivalent is a stag night
(in American English it is a bachelor party). 22. horse. If
you are a little bit hungry, you could say that you are
peckish or have the munchies.
23. shark
24. rat
(Written as one word: ratbag). 25. hen (Written as one
word: henpecked). A woman who is treated in such a way
by a husband or male partner could be said to be
browbeaten, although this word has more aggressive
implications. 26. pig. We can also say that you cocked it
up or messed it up. 27. goose 28. fish. We can also say
other fish to fry. 29. whale 30. duck (People who are
not affected by comments, insults, etc, are thick-skinned).
31. chicken 32. horse 33. cat 34. monkey 35. bird
36. dog

Idioms and other expressions to describe character

and personality (pages 8 9)
1. pain in the neck (= someone who is very annoying). This
is often shortened to a pain: "Peter is such a pain!".
2. anorak (= someone who is very interested in something
that most people think is boring or unfashionable). Nerd
has a similar meaning, but is usually used to describe
someone who is very interested in technical or scientific
subjects, especially computers: "George is a real computer
nerd!" Nerd can also be used to describe someone who is
not physically attractive, and does not have much social
ability. He / she might also wear nerdy clothes or have a
nerdy haircut.
3. moaning Minnie (= someone who
complains a lot, usually about minor, unimportant things).
We can also say moaner or whinger (from the verbs to


moan and to whinge): "He's such a moaner!" "She's a

real whinger!" If the person who always moans or
whinges is also unhappy all the time, we could call him /
her a misery guts.
4. happy camper (= someone who
enjoys their job and the company they work for). Eager
beaver could also be used in this sentence. A happy bunny
is a similar expression which can be used to describe
anyone who is always smiling and happy: "Who's the
happy bunny next to you in this photograph?" 5. smart
cookie (= someone who has a strong character or who is
intelligent, and deals well with problems and
disappointments). We can also say a tough cookie.
6. couch potato (= someone who spends a lot of time
sitting at home watching television). If the person who
does this is very untidy, rarely washes himself / herself or
his / her clothes, and eats lots of junk food (eg, burgers,
pizzas, etc), we could describe him / her as a layabout or a
slob: "You lazy slob! Clear up this mess, have a shower
and put on some clean clothes!"
7. wet blanket (=
someone who spoils other people's fun by being negative
and complaining). We could also say a killjoy (= someone
who makes it difficult for people to enjoy themselves) or,
less specifically, a pain in the neck (see number 1 above).
8. chatterbox (= someone who talks a lot). Someone who
talks a lot in a boring way could be called a windbag or a
bore. Compare these with bigmouth in number 32 below.
9. eager beaver (= someone who is extremely enthusiastic
and enjoys working extremely hard). Note that the people
in numbers 4, 5 and 9 could also be described as a live
wire (= someone who has a lot of energy and is interesting
to be with). 10. life and soul of the party (= someone
who is good company, lively, and fun to be with. Note
that this expression always uses the, not a). A person who
gets on well with lots of people in different situations
(social, work, etc) is a good mixer. A person who loves
going to parties and having fun is a party animal.
11. wallflower (= someone at a social event who has no
one to dance with or talk to, often because they are shy).
Shrinking violet has a similar meaning.
12. crank (=
someone who has very strange ideas or behaviour). We
can also say an oddball or (very informally), a weirdo.
13. wimp (= someone who is not strong, brave or
confident). If you decide not to do something because you
are frightened or not confident, we say that you wimp
out: "I was going to ask the boss for a pay rise, but then I
wimped out". We can also say a softie. 14. golden boy
(= a successful man that a lot of people like and admire.
This expression is often used by journalists). Blue-eyed boy
is a similar expression, but is often used in a disapproving
way: "You know that Alastair McKinnon? He's such a
blue-eyed boy! He'll be running the company before you
know it!"
15. bunny boiler (= a woman who reacts
badly, and sometimes violently, if a man ends a
relationship with her or treats her badly in other ways). A
bunny is an informal word for a rabbit, and the expression
bunny boiler comes from a film in which a rejected
woman gets her revenge on her ex-boyfriend by killing
and boiling his child's pet rabbit. There is no male
equivalent of this expression. Note that troublemaker
could also be used to complete this sentence. 16. slave
driver (= someone who makes people work very hard).
17. early bird (= someone who gets up early, starts work
early, etc). This expression comes from the English saying
"The early bird catches the worm". 18. tearaway (= a
young person who does dangerous, silly or illegal things
that often get them into trouble). A person or animal who
is difficult to deal with or control could be called a terror:
"Annie was so sweet when she was a baby, but now she's
a little terror."
19. Don Juan (= a man who is very

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