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Practice Business Management

By: Korina Garcia

The topic chosen, was out of the box for myself as to focus on how the Yearbook is a
contribution as well the main discussion of this project. Working on the Yearbook was something
originally planned in the previous year as of attending and being placed into Graphic Design,
which will be discuss on more later. It has quite the process of going through the creation,
especially when working with a new people to having to get certain deadlines completed. It also
has many things that plays the part to the completion of it even when the actual book is
The Yearbook plays a major role of my Senior year, as being part of the contribution as
well being part of the group that is responsible for the work of this years 2015-2016 cover.
Being the most experienced out of the group, its been quite the hassle of dealing with cooperation. Entering a situation where your co-workers are not experienced as well not having a
strong bond with can heavily affect the process through my experience so far. The Yearbook is
something that is heavily team worked based.
But how does the Yearbook contribute towards my career? you might ask, well its a bit
tricky to explain. Being someone who is heavily interested into going towards the Arts, as to
getting a degree in Animation as well as Graphic Design. The Yearbook was something that I
wanted to be a part of as well to gain experience from and because of that, it helps me try to
understand certain resources better. This helps me to improve how to work in a certain
environment where new people are introduced, as well to even understand Photoshop more.
Even with the knowledge I know so far, there is still much more that I am still learning as well
more to help contribute towards the creation of the 2015-2016 Yearbook.

On the sources I used towards my work involved the use of interviews, charts, sites, etc..
The sources such as interviews involved timed, setting up, emailing, as well trying to find and
obtained information from others who played a role towards the creation of the Yearbook. As for
the interviews, I had to make certain researches for the involvement.
In the beginning of the research process, I had to make the process creating of the
questions for the interviews that were the main key for the research. Asking questions that were
the same for the interviews, but some of the interviewees, had difference questions ask to their
relationship and part of the yearbook. As for the other online and available resources, it describes
more about the process in the involvement of the Yearbook.
I mainly focused on these resources of the cost, the designs, etc., as these are major
points towards the Yearbook. Comparing certain aspects of the Yearbooks, and as of those from
previous years to help give more of wider aspect of the creations of our schools Yearbook.
Interviewing of what was it like working on it in the past, to the more idea based that helped
structured and decisions of what pages of the yearbook should be what.
Thats why I made the decision of interviewing students who have worked on the
previous yearbooks, and what was their respond to the creation and how they felt. Rather than
just mainly focusing on the spine of the yearbook creation, we go to the people who help and
contribute their time and effort towards their work in the yearbook. We also question how they
felt when working on it and as well with the teacher, to help contribute their ideas and work
towards it. As the students are what makes the yearbook, the yearbook, rather than just simply
having one person behind the screen, as every students experience within the school is different
and they show their own different personal experience and contribution towards the school.

As mentioned in the previous page, students were interviewed as to they play a

major contribution towards the yearbook. Discussing more about what was the pros and cons of
their experience behind the yearbook and what they felt like the new set of yearbook people
should try to improve for the next Yearbook. To the previous years, the school hasnt had the best
of luck of the creation of the Yearbook, as to its form being very, well visually unsatisfying.
As for the remaining interviewees, I asked them about their experience of making a
yearbook and their responses to those of the previous years. We discussed about their careers and
how it ties to yearbook, as one of the interviewees was the Studio Balfour representative for our
school, who told us what could and could not be printed and as well the one who is responsible
for the printing and as well the finishing look of our yearbooks.
I also interviewed, Mr. Kang, who is pretty considered the brain of our yearbook, as he is
the teacher who is the one in charge of the Yearbook class. Hes the one who reminds us of the
due dates and as well the person who gives out advice and ideas towards making the yearbook
visually appealing. Being someone who has been the one running the yearbook class since he got
here in the 2014-2015 school year.
From the sources of the online research, I used Studio Balfour as one of them, looking
more into the information and more about the process of the yearbook. Including, the program
we used which is a Studio Balfour program that helps with the structure as well creation of our
yearbook by creating a space and place to interact and share between the others within the
program to help to work together for the yearbook.

In the research of the Capstone project, I discovered much more information of

the process of creating a yearbook. As to having to learn about the struggle of making a
yearbook, to having to feel like what it is like to even be part of making a yearbook. The
yearbook itself, is something that takes time and effort to create. Involving the use of teamwork
and interaction, which is something I need to have people in yearbook trying to do much more
As the creation of it, is something we need to try and work on creating before it is too
late. Compared to previous year yearbook, which were never finished for their due dates and
because of that they never got the chance to ever be completed or even sold on the time they
were expected. Besides that, there was a situation of debt and had the problem of dealing with it
and trying to get rid of it.
Because of that, it makes me feel much more inspired to be able to try to improve the
yearbook, given the job to create the cover and try to contribute my work into creating something
that will be reminded for various years. As for that, it tries to make me much more productive
towards the creation and give the school year something more inspiring for the next years to
As to those of previous years, where the creation of it was made of one person and even
abandoned it before the half way mark of the year. To having only a few people trying to rush
through the creation and finalizing before the due date. It makes me want to try to help and try to
improve myself before the creation of the Yearbook actually happens as I want to focus it on with
much as I can before things start taking their place.

People usually ask, well whats it like being part of the yearbook? Well there are times
where the yearbook is mostly pretty well. Distracting. As there is are times where the fact I
cannot even focus during because we dont want to work on it but usually were in the end of the
day so tired trying to be able to try to obtain the information for the yearbook as we are still
collecting all the event information for the next upcoming year.Because of our sluggishness, it
slows down the process of the creation of the work and plus it doesnt help with my mental
health it just makes things bad.
The thought of health is varied by what type of health you say, either mental or physical,
one that is considered a shame for having and the other is the opposite. Physical health, is that
when the body is physically hurt, but you are given pity and if youre lucky, you could get
showered by kisses. While the thought of mental health is given an ugly look by others and it's
something to be ashamed of, as it is something that should not publicly spoken about. I decided
to focus on this certain topic as I am someone who has struggled with their mental health for a
majority of my life and Im surprised how far Ive gotten so far in life.
Mental health and I go way back to the beginning of my childhood, as it was something
that I didnt think of until I reached high school. I was never informed of mental health when
growing up but I was truly informed about the problem of physical health in the news, as a news
report of swine flu plays in 2009. I never was informed or even knew as I grew up in a home full
of ignorance, but yet I was only told that mental health has only to those who were affected in
the womb or at birth.
When thinking about it today, my younger self could have been struggling about their
mental health since the very beginning, but I could never be sure as reaching a therapist or
psychiatrist has been difficult for myself as to being a minor. I knew I didnt grew up in a healthy

environment, as to not being in a old nasty shack made out of dirt and twigs. I grew up in a home
where they believe being yelled at and being hit was the proper way of being disciplining.
Constant memories of my childhood is non-existence as the only ones that I truly
remember was getting punished, yet because of this type of treatment affected the way I behaved
and my own mental process. I grew up to become someone with a lack of personality as I
constantly lacked that of someone who has experienced various situations that involved their
development. Because of this, it caused me much struggle during my secondary school years as
this was the beginning of where my health took a turn.
Secondary school years were years I never want to experience again as those years I
experienced the most pain and suffering from the treatments of others. During these years, it was
a new environment, as this school was much larger than to that of elementary school and I barely
knew anyone. I only spoke with those who I knew from elementary school, but one of them
made my life a living hell. As someone who I thought was my friend, was truly an enemy and a
bully and did their best to humiliate me, as it made me fall into depression.
This was a new type of feeling that made me struggle with even till today, I still struggle
with it. This person made everyone turn their back to me, try to force me into a relationship that I
kept rejecting and it was with someone who I did not knew and even interacted with, even to the
point where I was so humiliated and being told to kill myself. Which I never did. It was a point
of my life that hurts telling because of everything someone could do to someone who they never
even knew properly and yet they wished upon death among them.
It was only the tip the iceberg as to what continued next, as I struggled to continue on in
secondary school, I met someone, a friend, who I thought we would be best friends forever, yet

they only simply used me. This person, who I also developed feelings for, and yet I tried to help
them out when in need, abandoned me to struggle. M, was this person who I thought were in a
similar boat, as in mental health wise, but that situation was something I kept hidden, we quickly
soon became friends. We were friends all throughout secondary school, yet at times I didnt
realize of when I was made fun until I had a moment where I broke down and cried over it.
Strike one.
We ended up going to the same high school, yet at that time, I struggled with my own
identity as I had developed feelings for M and yet I believed that it could cause conflict between
our relationships. I wasnt wrong. But because of that, I realized that M were someone who could
inflict harm on me, as once we reached this point in our life, M stopped speaking to me, as I was
the one who always started conversations yet M kept walking away from me. Strike two.
This took at least three or two years ago, this was the point of no return, as of this was a
time of my life where I was struggling with my mental health and I knew I needed to receive
help yet I wanted to discuss about it with someone like that. During this time, I and M were not
getting along but I wanted to tell M about what has been going on, yet they denied my health
issues. Strike three.
I then soon did what I did best, was end the friendship and try to improve myself, which
was something that was much more difficult I expected. Even though I taught myself to improve
with friendships and relationships with others, I yet struggled with my mental health even more.
As I continued with other things, I continued on with life and yet I kept hiding my problems and
yet my own health just kept getting worse and it didnt help.

As of now, Im trying to reach out for help and trying to talk about more about my
problems, yet it is something that makes me uncomfortable. But I want to be to try to improve
my health and be comfortable about talking about it without feeling uncomfortable. Ive gotten
far into life as I try to go on with life as do dealing with my own personal health and yet I may be
in the worst my health has been, Im finally taking action in my life.

"An Example of Teamwork School Yearbooks | Walsworth."School Yearbooks
Walsworth. Walsworth Yearbooks, 01 Nov. 2004. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.
"Balfour." Balfour Yearbook Tools Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.
"How to Make a Yearbook with Blurb." How to Make a Yearbook, Yearbook Photo Books.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.

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