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Julia Vulcano

February 24, 2016

1. In general, what was Morgans health status at the start of the project?
At the end? ___ /2

At the beginning of this project, Moran is a healthy average-sized man. No

previous illnesses, no drug use or smoking. All of his blood work is excellent
and clean. 62 185.5 lbs (not obese), 11% body fat, above average fitness
At the end of this project, Morgan is heavier, has a fat liver, doubled risk of
heart disease, depressed, and has a poor sex life

2. How did Morgan feel after his first Supersize meal? Why do you think
this happened? ___ /2

When Morgan eats his first supersized meal, he feels overfull, he had a
stomache ache, gas, twitchy, sweaty, and he vomits

3. Why are they repeatedly comparing cigarette smokers and overweight

people? __ /2

Top two leading causes of preventable deaths

One is socially acceptable but both extremely dangerous
three day hump same with quitting smoking

4. How long does it take Morgan to lose all the weight he gained in this 30
day project? __ /2

5 months to lose 20 pounds and 9 to lose the last 4 1/2

5. Did this movie change your view of fast food? Did this movie change
your view of your own eating habits? __ /2

This movie made my already poor look on fast food even more extreme. This
movie will be a constant reminder on how important keeping up a clean diet

6. Does our society promote an unhealthy attitude toward food? __ /2

Our society does NOT have an unhealthy attitude towards food, but one
towards fast food.

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