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I. Growth & Development

*Growth - Increase in physical size of a structure or whole.
- Quantitative change.
Two parameters of Growth

Weight- Most sensitive measure of growth, especially low birth rate.

6 months-----BW doubles
12 months----BW triples
2-2 yrs-----BW quadrupled

2. Height - Increase by 1/mo during 1st 6 months, 7-12 months by 1 inch.

- Average increase in height - 1st year = 50%
Stoppage of ht coincide with eruption of wisdom tooth.
*Development - Increase skills or capability to function
- Qualitative
How to measure development:
1. Observe child doing specific task.
2. Role description of childs progress
3. DDST- Denver development screening test except mental, its I.Q. Test
MMDST (Phil) Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test.
4 Main Rated Categories of DDST
1. Language communication
2. Personal social-interaction
3. Fine motor adapting- prehensile ability to use hand movement
4. Gross motor skills- large body movement
*Maturation- same with development readiness
*Cognitive Development ability to learn and understand from experience, to acquire and retain knowledge, to
respond to a new situation and to solve problems.
*Learning---change of behavior
IQ Test- test to determine cognitive development
Mental age
x 100 = IQ
Chronological age

* Average IQ 90-100
* Gifted child- > 130 IQ

II. Basic Divisions of Life


Prenatal stage from conception- birth


Period of Infancy
a. Neonate- 1st 28 days or 1st 4 weeks of life
b. Formal infancy- 29 day 1 year


Early Childhood
a. Toddler 1-3 yrs
b. Pre school 4-6 years


Middle Childhood
a. School age- 7 12 yrs


Late Childhood
a. Pre adolescent 11 13 yrs
b. Adolescent 12 - 18 21

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