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By: Lyn Dao

The Pyramids
As a kid, one of the first three-dimensional shapes we learn about
are pyramids. The ancient Mayans had left some of these behind,
and they are some of the most memorable historical structures.
These architectures were constructed for ceremonial purposes and
various religious activities.

Mathematics in Everything
Remember when kids in class would always complain that the
mathematical curriculum taught would never be useful? This is one
of the occasions where those accusations were wrong. In order to
have built multiple pyramids with acute consistency, the Mayans
would have needed to incorporate math as much as possible such as
obtaining the right size, weight, and force to piece everything

How It Was Designed

For some reason, this turned out to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. I
fiddled with the numbers, but ended up with a tilted pyramid. I then began to try and adjust
the block ratio so I could better see the entire image. Then I figured out how to add more
blocks to the back side of the pyramid and then kept adjusting the rows until I got it.

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