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Name: Colton Lee

Period: P. 2-B
Date: 2/16/16
Daijoubu Desu Ka? (Are you alright?)
Blinding lights swirl in what appears to be my vision; the murky swirl in between what I
see becomes almost indistinguishable as my mind slowly reels itself back into reality. The
thrashing of noises that imitate the rhythm of a drum- no, a muffled clatter of pots and pans
these sounds reverberate my body. Like a madman in a thick haze(simile) I attempt to make
clear of my predicament. At some moment I spot a familiar small girl from my memories, I
attempt to make contact but I am immediately interrupted by her interjection. Daijoubu desu
ka? She calls, as I finally regain my senses. Yeah, Im alright. I respond to my little cousin Iris.
Cheerfully, she shakes me awake, Are you ready to go jet skiing!?(Adjective Modifier) I let out
a sigh and attempt to return to my slumber.
Never could I expect, that I would find myself not only outside on a day like this, but also
on a family outing of all things. Among this entourage that invades the beachhead, known as
Jordan Neil, are a rainbow of personalities. Shuddering, I evaluate the adults, whose bickering
resembles the most esteemed businessmen at a flea market(metaphor). The comparisons of
their children seems like a game, as they compete to score the highest points and
achievements amongst themselves. Next over I see my first cousins Austin, Ashia and Ariana.
Notably Austin, a well-known online gaming enthusiast(Appositive Phrase), can be described
as, for lack of a better word, very competitive. Austins similarities with my older brother Calvin is
almost uncanny, it almost makes me think that theyre more brothers than myself and Calvin.
Finally, my two wonderful brothers Calvin and Colby, of whom I cant name a notable detail
about them. Other than the fact that they get on my nerves. That about covers everyone, the
only other person here should be myse- Colton! A booms the little girl behind me, I slowly turn

around as I had almost forgotten about my unforgettable (oxymoron) and cheerful cousin Iris.
She shoots me a grin expecting a response from me.
And is that it? If all you wanted was a ride on the jet ski, why didnt you say so earlier?
Seriously though, you could have just asked Calvin to take you, Im sure he would be more into
giving you a ride. I quickly glare over at my elder brother, who is mingling with the rest of the
group(Appositive Phrase). Faster than I could realise, she retorts, Oh, and do you not want to
ride with me? Am I really that unappealing? Besides Calvin says hes not interested in jet skiing,
so I thought his responsible younger brother could take me. I nod in agreement of Calvins
thought process while I adjust myself to her angle of reasoning. I retort in a teasing tone Yes,
youre utterly unbearable, almost so that I think I might not jet ski altogether, just like my big
brother. With a face that resembles a dead pan (metaphor) she rhetorically asks, Why do you
have to always be so cold Colton? Why cant you be nice every once in awhile? To which I
respond If you wanted nice Iris, you wouldnt have asked me. We both quickly laugh each
other off, retracting our earlier insincere jabs at each other. In the end I decide that I will ride
with my little cousin, or so I thought. Almost instantly after our exchange, Calvin had made his
escape on the jet ski with Austin.
Flabbergasted by the event that had transpired, everyone froze from head to toe, not a
muscle reacted for anything, not even for the last jet ski. Naturally, if you wanted a ride, the next
best action would be to run for the other jet ski, I catch onto this before anyone else it seems,
but I chose to remain put. It is probably for the best, if I could delay getting on what seems to be
the last hope for a ride, just maybe I could slide past this expedition without moving a single
finger. Or so I thought. Through the peripheral of my eye I see a certain cheetah, dashing for its
prey. Securing her position on the ride, she signals my attention, grinning from cheek to cheek.
In this predicament I cannot help but sigh as I motion my body towards the shore.
And just like that we set off, Iris, who seems more excited than usual, ignites the jet ski.
From the eagerness of her face, seeps pure malice that would scare ghosts(Prepositional

Phrase). I am astounded of how a little girl could seem so menacing. But somehow, we start
sailing smoothly, my worries put themselves at ease by the calming motions of the jet ski. Iris
seems to be enjoying navigating us around as we caress the sea breeze and the lake water
permeates trails across our skin. Out of the blue she yells, Hang on! and cranks up the speed.
At this moment I lost track of my surroundings. My mind, still in the workings of processing the
information, lapsed. And even if it was only for a moment, that was all it took to fall off.
I am tumbling, my body thrashes against the roaring riptides, rendering my senses
broken. Everything sounds like a muffled clatter of pots, reverberations in my body make me
numb. My limbs flail like noodles in the tumultuous sea (simile). I would describe this sensation
as worse than incoherent, nothing makes sense and everything becomes scrambled. Slowly,
but surely, I tumble to a halt and flail for air. My body, as broken as it feels, seems fine. I position
myself face up and reflect on how I got into this mess. Again, I am interrupted by the
interjections of a certain little girl, as she blocks my view. Daijoubu desu ka? She calls. I breath
and sigh of relief, responding Yeah, Im alright.
Broken from the expedition, I return to the entourage(Absolute phrase). I hear gossip all
around, from the Businessmen, the minglers and of course, Iris. Its only natural that she would
tell of my embarrassing lapse of consciousness. She smirks at me and beckons my company
with everyone else. Hey, were all going to have a barbecue at Austin and Ashias house
tomorrow. Do you think that you and your brothers are alright to come? In my position, I do the
only thing to do in this moment and sigh, Yeah, were alright.

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