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Media Contact:

Brooke Levinsohn
(805) 3681829

2800 South University Dr.

Fort Worth, TX 76129


TCU Student Body Votes for a Cellphone Free Campus
FORT WORTH, Texas (March 29, 2015) The Texas Christian University
(TCU) student body has voted on March 29th to implement the Hang
Up and Hang Out campaign, thus making it the first cellphone-free
campus in the U.S.
Hang Up and Hang Out is a Student Government Association (SGA)
campaign that encourages students to eliminate cell phone use and
choose face-to-face conversations. In order to collect support for this
movement, TCUs SGA announced the campaign, relayed information,
passed around petitions and held a vote. Students of all ages displayed
positive feedback for this program through their actions and
TCUs SGA was surprised with the immense input and affirmative
responses; SGA received over 5,000 votes in favor of the Hang Up and
Hang Out campaign. Because of the majority consensus, TCU is now
requiring students, faculty and staff to simply use their cellphones only
inside designated areas. Like a smoke-free campus, TCU is helping to
eliminate all things negative that keep our community from being
pleasing to all. Although I do love my phone, I am entirely supportive of
this campaign and I am pleased to respect it, says Freshman Rachel
Although these rules will not be strictly enforced, the TCU community is
encouraged to keep their phones in their pockets while walking about
campus. SGA hopes to reduce the many distractions that arise from
cellphone use inside and even outside of class.
About Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University is a world-class, values-centered private university in Fort
Worth, Texas. The university is composed of eight schools and colleges offering 117
areas of undergraduate study, 62 masters level programs, and 25 doctoral

programs. Total enrollment stands at 10,033, including 8,647 undergraduates and

1,386 graduate students. For information on TCU academics, please visit To find out more about TCU athletics, go to

Media Contact:
Brooke Levinsohn
(805) 3681829
2800 South University Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76129


TCUs SGA program announced the Hang Up and Hang Out

Campaign in March, 2015.

TCUs SGA broadcasted information, passed out petitions and

held a vote about the Hang Up and Hang Out program.

5,000 TCU students voted to implement the Hang Up and Hang

Out Campaign at TCU on March 29th 2015.

TCU is requiring faculty, staff and students to refrain from using

their cellphones unless they are in a designated cellphone area.

TCU Freshman, Rachel Nowicki expressed her support with the

quote: Like a smoke-free campus, TCU is helping to eliminate all
things negative that keep our community from being pleasing to
all. Although I do love my phone, I am entirely supportive of this
campaign and I am pleased to respect it.

The rules are being highly encouraged but not strictly enforced.

SGA wishes to reduce distractions caused by cellphones inside

and outside of the classroom.


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