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Project Self Evaluation

Karla Torres
Gango 6
English 12
April 15, 2016
1. Describe what you did for your physical project in at least 25 words. Include the total number
of hours you spent on the project. Please BOLD the number of hours.
For my physical project I went to Tracy Elementary School to volunteer at Think Together. I
worked with 2nd and 3rd graders which are the ages seven and eight. I would help the students with their
homework, I would play activities with them, and I also pay attention to their behaviors. I ended up
spending 19 hours and 10 minutes on my physical project.
2. Explain how your physical product (project) relates to, supports and/or builds upon the
content of your research paper. Be specific and give examples.
Volunteering at Think Together gave me the opportunity to work with children under the age of
ten. Since my research paper does talk about children I was able to work with them. Being the helper
for the 2nd and 3rd graders I was able to experience different behaviors they went through each day. My
research paper is about the aggressive behavior in kids and I didn't see that occur at Think Together.
Most of the time the students were mature and patient; for example, when it came to activity day they
all collaborated with each other and didn't have any problems.
3. What is the most important skill you have acquired during the project phase?
The most important skill I had acquired during the project phase was being patient because I
noticed that seven and eight year olds need a lot of attention. When it came to helping a student on their
homework at the same time others asked for my help but it helped me be patient.
4. On an emotional, intellectual, and/or physical level, what did you learn about yourself during

the process of the entire Senior Project here at Sierra Vista High School?
During the process of the entire Senior Project here at Sierra Vista High School was that every
second in our lives count. In the beginning of senior year we were told that this project was due
towards the end of the year. I never thought that time would fly by so quick and next thing I know the
project is due. Not waiting last minute to do all my parts of the project made me feel proud of myself.
Since this project does depend if you'll graduate, I knew that I had to put my time into work.
5. Describe problems you encountered during the completion of your project hours and explain
how you handled/solved these problems.
On April 8, 2016 it was raining and I usually go to think together right after school. Since I live
5 minutes away from Tracy I would always go walking. That day it was raining and I didn't have no
one to take me to Tracy and I had to go that day in order for me to complete my hours. I am not the
type that likes walking in the rain but I had to go walking, so I wore a sweater since I didn't have an
6. If given the opportunity to redo the physical product/project, what would you do differently?
If I was given the opportunity to redo the physical project, I would have liked working with
different ages under the age of ten. Since I only worked with kids between ages seven and eight I
wonder if I would have experienced different behaviors with a different age of students from Think
7. Did your project turn out the way you envisioned it in the beginning or did you have to modify
your plans/vision? How did you adjust it?
When I was a 3rd grader I was also in Think Together so when I was told that I would be
working with 2nd and 3rd graders I knew what it would be like. I knew before that being in Think
Together you had to be polite because you are in a program that has rules set and if you don't obey

them you could possibly get kicked out. I had an idea that the students wouldn't show much of an
aggressive behavior in the program.

8. How does the entire Senior Project relate to your future goals? How will this area of interest
continue to be a part of your life? If not at all, why?
By doing the Senior Project I had to research information and I also communicated with
students and parents. I want to be able to help others in the future by translating and interpreting for
parents and students. I want to translate and interpret for parents that don't speak either english or
spanish. I've seen the struggle of parents trying to communicate with their children and teachers since
they don't know how to speak English.
9. What grade would you give yourself for your project? Justify the evaluation of your grade in
at least 25 words, giving specific support.
I would give myself an A but not a perfect A for my project. I say this because of I feel that my
self evaluation paper could have been written better. Writing is not favorite and I felt that typing this
self evaluation has grammar errors, sentence structure mistakes, and/or it doesn't sound clear in some

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