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Request for Proposal (RFP)

Mr. Laycock needs your help!

He is requesting proposals for a new butterfly garden at
USF/Patel to release our adult butterflies to! Your job as an
environmental engineer is to design and create an environment that
offers the basic necessities of air, water, food, and space for our
Mr. Laycock has already provided one tub for every engineering
team. You and your team must decide which plants to be planted in
your tub and what type of soil to use.

Item specifications:
Blueprint must be drawn with materials labeled
Engineering teams have $50 to spend on plants for their garden.
Plants must be native to Florida and good for butterflies
Engineers must provide the total amount it will cost to build their
butterfly garden (including plants and soil)

Proposals must be submitted to the project manager.

Create a space for your butterfly to enjoy!

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