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Spencer Redmond

Why are PEDs illegal in Major League Baseball?

Evaluation of Sources.
Radomski, Kirk. Bases Loaded: The Inside Story of the Steroid Era in Baseball by the
Central Figure in the Mitchell Report. Hudson Street Press. 2009. Print.
Radomski, K. (2009). Bases Loaded: The Inside Story of the Steroid Era in Baseball by
the Central Figure in the Mitchell Report. Hudson Street Press.
I would say the audience would be young adults to adults. It is appropriate for my topic
because it tells us about why players thought it was okay to use PEDs. This relates to my
topic because its about steroid use in baseball. There is no bias in this book it just ones
mans opinion on the game of baseball with steroids. Yes I would say everything is
supported in his book. The source is up to date. The book was published in 2009 so its
somewhat current. Kirk has been around baseball and worked in the New York Mets
clubhouse. I would give this book a 5. One because I would love to read about what a
man who has been on the inside has to say about such a big topic like PEDs and from
working for the Mets I bet he knows a lot about penalties and what could happen to ones
Journal Article: #1

Lemyre, Pierre-Nicolas. "Cheating in Sport." Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology.

Ed. Charles Donald Spielberger. Oxford: Elsevier Science & Technology, 2004.
Credo Reference. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.

Lemyre, P. (2004). Cheating in sport. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of

applied psychology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science & Technology.
Retrieved from
This article is about Cheating in Sports per say or using performance enhancing
drugs to gain the upper edge in a specific sport. The source would be for someone
my age or older because we are able to understand what they mean in the article
when they say performance enhancing so yes it is appropriate. This source relates
to my topic because using performance-enhancing drugs is cheating in a sport and
that is what they are talking about. It tells me that there are many forms of
cheating in baseball but PEDs are the biggest concern. There is no bias in my
article. They writer wants us to understand that cheating is not good in an
circumstance whether its through drugs or other substances. Yes everything the
author says its backed up either by a chart explained what he said or backed up
from other references. It is not up to date but it is very relevant because it explains

where PEDs all began and how they began to affect players. There are no other
qualifications from my author other than that this article came from Oxfrod
University in the UK. I would rate it a 3 just because it has everything that I need
to have to support my information but it doesnt tell me much about the writer
where he is from or what he does.
Dickey, Jack. The Persecution of Alex Rodriguez. Time, 183.3 (2014): 23.
Ebscohost. Web. 27 January. 2014.
Dickey, J. (2014). The Persecution of Alex Rodriguez. Time, 183(3), 23.
This article is perfect for my topic because it gives me accurate information on a
player whom I know and watch and what he went through after being caught with
PEDs. This source relates to my topic because Alex was a big part in the use of
PEDs and him being banned for a year of baseball made for a big story for
everyone to learn about how bad PEDs are. There are no biased opinions in my
article. The author really supports his detail one because everyone knows about
Alex Rodriguez and what he has done. This source is up to date. Its a good source
because it actually talks about someone who I know about, and what he went
through after being caught with PEDs. The author writes for Time magazine that
is all I know about his qualifications. I give this article a 5 because it tells me who
got in trouble using PEDs and gives us a background story on what happened.
Web Site Article #1
Brisbee, Grant. The face of performance-enhancing drugs in Major League
Baseball. SB Nation, 3 April, 2015. Web. 16 March. 2016.
Brisbee, G. (2015 April 3). The face of performance-enhancing drugs in Major
League Baseball. Retrieved from
This article works perfect and it suitable for me and my paper because it gives me
a list of players who have done PEDs and what happened to them. This relates to
my topic because no a days players in the MLB are getting caught more and more
for the use of PEDs. No there is no bias. It is just all facts about players and what
had happened. All his information is backed up by evidence from the Braves
organization. Yes this source is up to date. I do not know the qualifications of my
writer only that he writes for SB nation. I would give this article a 3 for the fact
that I want to know more about my writer, where he is getting his information and
where he stands with the use of PEDs.

Websites Article #2
Woerner, Amanda. MLB players use of performance enhancing drugs comes
with serious health risks. Fox News. 6 August. 2016. 16 March.
Woerner, A. (2016 August 6). MLB players use of performance enhancing drugs
comes with serious health risks. Retrieved from
The intended audience for this article would be any baseball lover or people who
want to know about the risks of PEDs. This relates to my topic because it talks
about what MLB players have used the drugs. There is no bias in my article it just
talks about what the drug is, who used it, and the risks. Yes, another writer or other
outside source backs everything she has put in her article up. The source is up to
date within the last year and is a good source because with using the PEDs it also
gives us the side affects. I dont know any other qualifications of my writer except
that she writes for Fox News. I will give this article a 4 out of 5 because I would
like to know more about the writer, but she does a very good job in her article
talking about PEDs and the negative side affects it has on people.

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