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Names: Daniela Ortiz, Manuela Recacochea, Tatiana Cullar

Grade: 10 C
Amanda... a Woman that Have Suffered so Much of Cause of Maleness Violence
Amanda woke up in a hospital her body was ached, and she couldnt remember anything. The
doctor told her:'' You come here because your husband has hit you so much that he could killed
you''. Amanda recalled all she was there because her husband is a machista man. The word
''chauvinist'' is defined as an expression derived of the word ''male'' as an arrogant attitude of men
towards women.
In all the history of the man, machismo has always existed.
With the pass of the days Amanda have been recovered her memory and told us how it all started:''
First, it started only with aggressive but slightly harmful games, he insulted me but I knew that it
only was a joke. But later the problems in our marriage became bigger and bigger. We had
problems because I wanted to work but he didnt let me because he said that work was made for
men and I only had to stay and clean the house, and I accepted because I loved him.
Now in the world more than 80% of women suffer psychologically or physically abuse of a man.
Mexico is one of the most machista countries in the world that have this problem actually. At first,
women that have these problems think that is only a little problem that all the couples have, but no,
with this start, the problem could finish in death.
''Later I think that was love but no, it was fear! After only I felt pain and terror, and I was very scared
that it would never finish, but I was more afraid that he could kill me one day. In the 2012 the
percentage of deaths increased in 30% more than it the others years. Many macho men think that
they demonstrate maleness with violence, but it is not so indeed, in fact, they show weakness.
However, we have to do something, something that changes our minds. First respecting and
knowing the duty of the woman, respecting their opinion as any other person and knowing that all
the people have equal feelings. In this form we could change a big problem that now is really
serious in the society. Everyone is equal; the only thing that differences us is our physical aspect.

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