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The Path to Independence

Current Event Prompt: Have students respond to and discuss a
prompt that links a current event to the days topic.
Docket: Preview the information we will cover for the day
Daily Review:
o Part I students will try to name which European countries that
held colonies in North America
o Part II asks students to color in the map with colors based on
who owned what colonies in North America pre and post-French
and Indian War
Content Exploration
The Colonies
o Students are shown the original thirteen colonies and asked
where they would want to live out of the three along with a
justification, students will then be divided into groups based on
whichever region (New England, Middle, South) that their state
falls into.
o Students will then analyze their textbooks and other resources
to make either a verbal or literal picture of what daily life looked
like in that specific region.
o After groups will share and we will divide information into three
Post-French & Indian War Atmosphere
o Students will add vocab words such as Salutary Neglect and the
Navigation Acts to their notes. In addition, students will be
given information to show how the French & Indian War
changed the situation in the colonies that allowed for more
direct involvement of Britain post-war.
Lead Up:
o Students will be presented with a series of taxes in the
classroom to help them understand what taxation to the
colonialists felt like. Then they will be presented with
information and primary sources on the acts that cause unrest
in North America.
o Debate Break: Students will take one minute to discuss with
their partners what their response would have been to these
initiatives from the perspective of Britain loyalists and
The Response:
o Information on common forms of rebellion: boycotts, petitions,
violence, and non-trade agreements

o Olive Branch Petition: Who is writing to who? What does it

o Timeline students will try to place order of events in a timeline
after they finish this we will discuss the fighting that has
already occurred despite no Declaration
o What does the King think? Students will work in small groups to
read an dissect the Kings response.
Debate break in response: students will be asked to share
their responses to the following questions Why do you
think the king reacted in this way?, Did the king take
this serious enough?
o Spread the Word:
Students will look at propaganda posters and writings
from the time period to see the different tropes that are
used successfully to inspire the backing of the
o Declaration of Independence:
Students will watch a brief video on the drafting of the
Next students will break down the three parts and see
what in fact is so revolutionary about the Declaration of
Independence via small group sharing.
Students will answer quick formative assessment type questions to
check their engagement with the material.
There will be a few minutes for students to ask any outlying questions
as always.

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