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Academic Artifact

Evidence Log #4
February 9, 2016

Sierra Vista High School

4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

I called up the same crew to play one last set of volleyball on Saturday. We entered through the
back gate and proceeded to the court. Interestingly enough, I got Kelwin on my team once more,
with another player named Kevin as the substitute. Fortunately, Ive had more experience
playing with Kelwin which meant that I can commit to a play style that prospers on his skills.
This time around, I was at the net, Kelwin in the back, and Kevin in the middle. This set up that
Ive concluded to be best in consideration of my teams individual strengths had a solid defense
and offense. Typically after Kelwin receives a ball, I would set it up for Kevin to run up and
spike the ball. Although we synergized very well, the overall match was very hard. The opposing
team had fairly skilled players more skilled than mine- that simply outmatches us individually.
We played and best out of 3 set and won 2 to 1 in the end. The key to our victory, I believe, was
due to the fact that we set out separate roles that each of us excelled at, which made our
teamwork naturally better.
Total time spent: 1 hour, 45 minutes

Total hours: 6 hours, 45 minutes

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