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The "SECOND" house of the true in living zodiac comprised of 12 houses, grand to
taling a circumference of 360 degrees. 60 degrees of your "NECK" or "NECK" of th
e Earth, is where we are at. Spring time! Which means Earth is springing into ac
tion causing health issues ranging from Flu to STD. From STD to Yeast Infections
! From Yeast infections to Bladder Issues. You name it! It's in the air! Why? Be
cause you are not in tune/tomb with her. Instead,... you've been fat, nasty and
dirty all WINTER when she was at her dead level.....thinking your just gonna go
to the gym and set a charge and change the grand design of what is written by th
e grand architect?! It don't work that way! You knew all winter to take care of
yourselves but you did other things instead of preparing for NEW LIFE! Did you k
now that Mother Earth will fuck you and your God up for not honoring her? How ma
ny times am I gonna tell y'all that there are more than two entities in charge o
f the planet? Y'all stuck on God and Devil! I study their creators!!!! Which is
why I separate myself from the madness. TAURUS is not to be taken lightly! She w
ill stop LIFE out of no where causing you to question your faith saying: WHY ME?
???!!! This is the HOUSE OF POSSESSIONS! The great: I SEEK MYSELF through what I
HAVE AT 60 DEGREES EARTH! Ummmmm even the Devil knows this kindergarten shit! S
o if your feed is full of pain, sorrow, death, and folks on their gym flow! Unde
rstand where I just took you. My feed has 13 deaths today......and 7 sick folks
who won't be going to work tomorrow!

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