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Kylie Bergman

Honors English P.6
18 February 2016
A Lonely Walk
Acquainted With The Night by Robert Frost, is a girl that walks down a dark
abandoned street. I have outwalked the furthest city light. (Acquainted With The Night 4).
This girl has gone very far down her dark lonely road. So far, in fact that there are no lights
where she walks. It seems to be the same with her heart. She has lost so much love that there is
no more, and there is no turning back from it. I have passed the watchman on his beat/And
dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.(5,6) The girl has had other people try to help her but she
doesnt want to get attached to those people. If she does there is the possibility of getting hurt
again. So, she walks past them to avoid explanation and pain. When she does this she cant
help but feel extremely lonely, like One luminary clock against the sky(12). She feels as if time
passes by for only to watch the ones around her strive. Her depression leaves her lonely but yet
guarded from those around her. These conflicting feelings leave her to feel at the mercy
hopelessness and oblivion.Which leaves her no choice but to continue aimlessly down her dark
abandoned street.

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