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By Makenna Coleman
Kylie Bergman

Rock or Ice fall can disturb snowpack
New precipitation or snow
People (Skiers, Snowboarders, Snowmobilers, Snowshoers, etc.)

Casualties happen due to being trapped under snow and being
deprived of oxygen, the weight and force of the snow can also
have impact (like tsunamis)
Snow can destroy crops and even cause flash floods.
Avalanches can block off roads and ski trails, making an economic
impact on traffic and ski resorts.

Scale/Measuring/Rating Scale for


Avalanches-Before and After

Worst Avalanche
The worst avalanche ever was in Peru in 1970. An earthquake
caused a massive amount of the north slope of Mt. Huascaran to
collapse. It moved 80 million cubic feet of ice, mud and rock
downhill at speeds of 100 mph. It buried two towns in 300 feet of
debris and killed over 20,000 people.

Thank You!

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