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Name: Ximena Rangel Date: 4/18/16 Period: 2 A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
1. What job are you applying for? Stylist
2. Why do you think you want this particular kind of job?
1. Because I love help people with their appearance
2. I hear that your company has an amazing job plan.
3. I want to work as a professional.
3. What talents or special skills do you have relevant to this job?
1. Responsibility.
2. Imagination
3. Patience
1. What kind of working experience do you have?
I used to do my own nails and hair.
2. What are your future plans and goals?
1. I want to graduate in Criminology.
2. Learn more things about stylist.
3. Earn extra money so I can help my parents with my career payment.
6. What extra curricular activities do you participate in?
1. Reading Club
2. I practice kickboxing
What hours are you willing to work and when are you not available?
1. I will like work 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m
2. I can work the whole week.
8. Do you prefer working with other people or by yourself and why?
I like to work with other people because I can ask for help if I need it, I can give some
help back, more people will know my work.
9. What are your strongest work values?
1. Patience
2. Professionalism
3. Hard work

10. Are you willing to relocate with our company if necessary? Why?
Depends in the location the company moves, if is very far I will probably say no, but I
will think about it to make a good decision, but if is near from where I live i move with
the company I will not think twice.

Name: Ximena Rangel Date: 4/18/16 Period: 2 A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
11. How much money do you expect to begin earning with this job?
$500 hundred dollars per month

What are your strengths? Why should we hire you?

1. Because I will do anything you ask me for
2. I prepare myself to get this job
3. And simply, because I need the job.

13. What are your weaknesses?

1. Small spaces

14. What do you not like doing with this kind of work?
1. I dont like been patient the whole time
2. I dont like to do nails but I like the final result
15. What questions would you like to ask me about this job?
1. For how long have you been in this job?
2. What you dont like about this job?
3. What kind of clients do you have?
16. If you were stranded on a desert island by yourself what three things would you
want to have with you and why?
1. A wood refuge (I can be safe from animals and hypothermia).
2. A knife( It will be easier to protect myself from wild animals and maybe I can
hunt something)
3. Matches ( I can cook my own food and island always have salty water but
with matches, I can make potable water

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