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Professor Amy Latawiec


Jasmin Danyal


21 February 2016


User Test Memo

To verify that the wikiHow instruction set How to Become a Great Notetaker is
eligible and effective, a short study was constructed. This instructions set was made to guide
students interested in taking notes in class that will allow them to retain the most knowledge.
The goal is to teach students simple yet effective steps to writing or typing notes that will help
them in all if not most classes. This instruction set should be able to assist students from high
school to grad school. Therefore, any student who is seeking help to perfect their notetaking
would be interested in this wikiHow article. In this draft, the instructions are meant to be simple
enough for a young student but also detailed enough to satisfy all audiences. To test this
instruction set, two students were observed during class and then interviews after the class.
This way information was gathered about what problems the student came across during the
class, and we can get an overall feedback at the end.
The observations taken while the student was in class was meant to detect any
problems that they came across when taking the notes. Both students read the instruction set
before class and used the knowledge they retained to take their notes. They were also allowed
to look back at the instructions if needed. This observation would show if some of the
instructions were too complicated, not detailed enough or irrelevant. An interview was also taken
after the class. This interview allowed the student to give a more detailed feedback and
suggestions to make the wikiHow instruction set better. Furthermore, the student would reveal
which points stood at the most, and which didnt. If the student says that some steps stood out
more, that would mean that they are most likely to remember that in the future, which is the goal
exactly. With this observation and interview, adjustments would be made accordingly to ensure
that the reader will be pleased and gain knowledge that will remain in their long term memory for
better notetaking.
The user test was done by two students, one who mentioned that they did not
enjoy notetaking and another that was eager to refine their notetaking. This way information
could be gathered about how simple and informational this instruction set it. If a student could
gain knowledge and use these steps as reference when taking notes, even though they do not
take notes or do not care to, then the goal of this wikiHow is met. Before any of these tests were
taken, consent was obtained from the students, since their name and feedback would be
Observation test

The observation test was taken while the student was taking notes. Below you
will see how the observation sheet was labeled with Problem, Interpretation and Possible
Solution. The students were allowed to ask me questions during the class. Questions by the
student were added to the Problem column. This is because the instruction set is intended to
be used without confusion. The problems were later interpreted to be understood at a student
point of view.
The interview was taken with simple suggest and generic questions. By asking the
student how they felt meanwhile, problems can be detected. Also, overall feedback was
recorded to ensure that this instruction test is necessary and effective. The question What do
you remember the most from this Instruction set? Will you use it in the future? was asked to
determine which steps are the effective and which are not. Overall, this interview will describe
the problems seen during the observation in detail and will reveal any other problems.
The first student interviewed was the less interested one. The student read the wikiHow
instruction set before the class and was allowed to come back to it when needed. The problems
encountered were mainly about how the instructions had to be given a lot of thought. While
taking the notes, the student was more focused on writing the things he did not understand
rather than making it look organized. Organization is one of the steps but so is choosing the
important points to record. With this information gathered it's revealed that organization is
something that needs to be practiced and cannot be done if the student is not used to writing in
an organized manner. The second student had issues more about the structure of the wikiHow
instruction set. She also read the list before and was able to come back to it. The observations
were based on the detail and writing in the instructions. Her feedback revealed that our set did
not flow and sounded random at times.
Lastly, there was one problem that was revealed while taking the user tests. Students
who take online classes may not be able to take the notes that are instructed in the wikiHow.
Furthermore, some of the steps cannot be followed with an online course.
In conclusion, there are a lot of adjustments to be made to the wikiHow instruction set.
The steps are simple and detailed enough but do not attract to all students. Some students have
restrictions to following some of the steps. Online students would not be able to determine what
the professor believes are the most important points, they would have to figure it out themselves
by reading a book and taking notes that way. To make this instruction set better and more
effective for most students, two sections to the instructions should be made. One section with
six steps for online classes and another section with six steps for classes taken on campus.
That way students can choose which one applies to their situation. Furthermore, to make the
instructions flow we must tie in together all the important points for each step. An introduction
should be made for the whole article, and for each step. Same with a conclusion and an
important points section.

Usability Test Interview Questions

Student:_______________________________ Class:_________________________________
What problems did you come across?

How did you overcome those problems?

How did you feel while following the instructions?

Any suggestions on how to make this instruction set better?

Other comments?

What do you remember the most from this Instruction set? Will you use it in the

Observation sheet


Possible Solution

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