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The name Usman Sheikh is used as he is a famous actor and the main character of the film. This was done to create hype and speculation around our film as it features such a famous character. The font used here is very distinguished from the rest of the texts, this is to outline that this is the title of the film. Arecent rise in the use of 3D in films had given us the idea to make our film in 3D, so we decided to insert this in our poster to get people to watch out film, We also stated it will be playing in 2D keeping our film poster original. We used the words “the summer begins” to entice the reader to want to watch this film during the summer. The date is used to tell people when the film is out in cinema so they can know when itis out for them to go and watch. The colour we used is quite different from other thriller/horror films we looked at, we had chosen this colour to stand out from other posters and to slightly hide the identities of the characters. The theme of fear can be seen in Sam’s face, we used this to show that our film contains different elements.

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