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Although I don't know for where start, I'm sure that you exactly know, the
feeling when a dream come true, at reaching a goal.
Its been 3 unforgettable days. To be honest, its far more amazing and
mysterious days than ever i had.
Im in Pars, city of poets, of painters out of time, of eternal bohemia, always
surprising to the world.
Saved money for all last year, was the best decision.
There isnt guidebook could describe the beauty and inspiration that it make
me feel, walking in its streets, breathing its air, feeling part of the whole, called
Im stayed in Saint Christopher inns.
The room is narrow, but it was the cheaper that i could find.
All is familiar to me.
From these unknown streets until this coffee, where i am writing this short tale.
Yesterday Ive been walking by Boulevard Saint-Germain, where Julio Cortazar,
has ever he walked.
The arc de triomphe, was built in 30 years, in honor to Napolen Bonaparte,
however, he never saw it finished.
In front of it, there is the "eternal flame" in honor to more 1 million dead
But the place more beautiful was the champs elysees. In this famous avenue,
there are a lot of expensive restaurant, hotels, boutiques. It seemed like a
Tomorrow ill find out how to enter in the Palais garnier. This Opera inspired
to create "The Phantom of the Opera". And with a bit of luck, ill go to
Montparnasse Cementery, where located both tombs of Vallejo and Cortazar.

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