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FHS 2620: Spring 2016 - Two Hour Block Form

Student Name: Abby Black_____________________ Todays Date: 03/25/2016_______________

Date of Implementations: 04/04/2016_______________and_04/06/2016____________________
Classroom/ Lab Teachers: _Pandas_____/ Kerstine & Kim____________________________
Topic and Overarching Goal: Bugs and gaining more knowledge about bugs in general.___________

Day 1 Activity

Circle Time
Time: 9:00-9:10

Group rug Transition In: Finger on

your lips
(Needs to include:
Book: Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
Transitions in and out,
By Bob Barner
Literature, discussion,
Activity: Discuss different
puppetry, music,
type of bugs, show
movement, etc)
pictures, move like bugs
Transition Out: Color of
Center Time
Time: 9:10-10:30
Table by
Measuring cups, measuring
spoons (511)

Day 2 Activity

Transition In: Two Little

Book: I Love Bugs! By
Phileomon Sturges
Activity: Discuss what
bugs look like, stretching
like bugs
Transition Out: Color of


Language and


Alphabet Party sensory bin


Creative Arts

Art table

Build a Bug


Post Office

Dot paint, mail carrying

bag, sorting boxes



Objective(Need a
minimum of 5

When provided
with measuring
cups and spoons,
the child will nest
them at least one
When provided
with shapes, the
child will recognize
one letter two out
of three times.

When provided
with a post card, the
child will write on
it and send it
through the
mailbox one out of
two times.


Table by
the sink

Sensory bag with hair gel

Sensory bag with soil



Bug book (during circle

time), pictures of bugs,
discussion about bugs

Bug hunt

Learning Time:


Sand buckets, Push toys

Sand shovels, Bubbles

When playing with

the sensory bag, the
child will find a
bug, two out of
three times.
When looking
around for bugs, the
child will describe
at least one.

(Include at least two:

Building/ construction
Nature art, Water,

Coordination between Student and Lab Teacher

__AB___ (Student) By initialing this box, I confirm that I have discussed this lesson plan with the lab teacher
before the due date.
Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: ___________________________________________
Date: _______________________

Student needs to include these sections with Lesson Plan unless told otherwise:
Preparing The Activity
1St Day Activities Description: Describe in very specific step-by-step detail about each of your activities above,
using numbers or bullets:
Circle Time:
Transition in:
Song: Finger on your lips (Tune: If Youre Happy and You Know It)
Put your finger on your lips, on your lips, shh shhh
Put your finger on your lips, on your lips, shh shh
Put your finger on your lips and dont let it slip
Put your finger on your lips, on your lips, shh shh
Read the book, Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! By Bob Barner
Show some bug pictures (lady bugs, butterflies, ants, spiders, caterpillars) and talk about what they look

like, the different colors

Have the children pretend they are bugs and move around the room like one
Transition Out:
By the color of their shirt
Set out measuring cups, measuring spoons on the table
Have children arrange the objects in correct order so they will properly nest together (one object fitting
inside another)
Have children set the objects on the table from smallest to largest
Language and Literacy:
Put shredded paper and plastic alphabet letters in the sensory bin
Talk about different sounds and letters in their name
Encourage them to try to find the letter their name starts with
Creative Art:
Have different colored shapes from construction paper already cut out (include long skinny rectangles for
Include streamers, strips of ribbon, and googly eyes for them to glue on whenever they want
Encourage them to make whatever bug they want
Have the materials separated on a tray
Creative Dramatics: Post Office
Have writing utensils out, envelopes, printable postcards, blank paper, DIY mailbox, and stickers
Fill zip-lock bags with hair gel and plastic bugs (secured with duct tape)
Encourage children to find the different bugs in the bag
See Circle Time book and activity
Add sand buckets to the sand and push toys out for children to practice their gross motor skills
2 Day Activities Changes: Specifically and concretely explain how each of your activities will change for the
2nd day. Address how will you extend and expand the learning?
Circle Time:
Transition In:
Song: Two Little Feet
Two little feet go stomp, stomp stomp (stomp your feet)
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap (clap your hands)
One little body stands up straight (stand up straight)
One little body goes round and round (turn)
One little body sits quietly down (sit)
Read the book: I Love Bugs! By Phileomon Sturges
Discuss what bugs look like
Pretend to stretch like a bug does
Transition Out:
By color of their shoes

Set out measuring cups and spoons onto the table

Have children arrange the objects in correct order so they will properly nest together (one object fitting
inside another)
Have children set the objects on the table from smallest to largest
See how many pompoms they can fit inside each measuring cup/spoon
Discuss why they can fit more in one than they can in the others
Language and Literacy:
Put shredded paper and plastic alphabet letters in the sensory bin
Add in assorted confetti (make sure to include dots)
Encourage them to see if they can find the dot from the i (where the circle confetti comes in handy)
Creative Art:
Set trays out onto the table
Put some clay on each tray
Encourage children to make a caterpillar out of clay
Creative Dramatics: Post Office
Add Dot paint, sorting boxes labeled family, friends, Pet where they can sort out their letters, mail
carrying bag
Fill zip lock bags with soil and dirt and plastic bugs (secured with duct tape)
Encourage the children to see the different bugs they can find (it will be a bit harder this time,
challenging them)
Take two children around at a time looking around for bugs outside
Give them a magnifying glass so they can look closer at the bugs
Encourage them to tell you what the bug looks like
Add shovels to the sand pit and bubbles by the shed
Planning for Implementation
What center or places within the classroom will you be utilizing?
Circle time rug, dramatic play, sensory bin, art table, table by the sink, table by the cubbies, outside
List the materials you need to supply:
Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! By Bob Barner, bug pictures, I Love Bugs! By Phileomon Sturges, measuring cups and
spoons, pompoms, shredded paper, plastic alphabet letters, confetti, construction paper, different colored shapes,
streamers, ribbon, googly eyes, clay, writing utensils, envelopes, printable postcards, blank paper, DIY mailbox,
stickers, sorting boxes (with labels), mail carrying bag, zip lock bags with hair gel and soil/dirt, plastic bugs in
the zip lock bags secured with duct tape, magnifying glasses, bubbles
List the materials you would like to have the lab school supply:
Trays, dot paint, push toys, sand shovels and buckets
Address the documentation to be completed (relate back to objectives):
Pictures, checklists

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