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Depression Jessica Issid Aquino Lpez

The depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe
symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as
sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed, the symptoms must be present for
at least two weeks.
Signs and Symptoms
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood, Pessimism, Irritability, Feelings of guilt
Decreased energy or fatigue, difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or
oversleeping, appetite and/or weight changes, thoughts of death or suicide, or
suicide attempts.
Antidepressants take time usually 2 to 4 weeks. the doctor has decided it is time
to stop the medication, usually after a course of 6 to 12 months, slowly and safely
decrease your dose. I was taking antidepressants, but the best cure is the
decision, losing fears and believe in God.
I agree with Mitchell Heisman, in its fundamental approach: is that eventually are
animals that suffer a series of biochemical processes that produce stimuli that we
call emotions. Happiness is, well, just that: a series of stimuli by neurotransmitters
which produce biochemical processes in our brain altering our being, our body. And
it is for this ridiculousness so the man has been struggling?
Forgive me for paraphrase the end, out of depression is not easy.
I'll tell you a little Mitchell Heisman, the man who shot himself September 18, 2010
in Harvard Yard, killed himself as Experimental Elimination of Self-Preservation,
according to an extensive suicide note he has published. Most arresting of all: the
note, and often humorous. Heisman personality and erudition shine through every
page, as he traces the philosophical steps that have led him to suicide: not really
desperation or depression, but rather, intellectual curiosity, and a desire to test the
limits of the unknown. All the more sad that such a deeply intelligent young man
would choose to cut his scholarly output off at one, interesting book.
I do not want to end up saying the same thing Mitchell:
Now before you blow my brains out, I would point out that the central issue of this
text is not biology, race, or technology, but is nihilism. Ultimately, this is an
experiment in nihilism. Each word, every thought and emotion becomes the central
problem: life is meaningless."

Depression Jessica Issid Aquino Lpez

Depression Jessica Issid Aquino Lpez

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