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Meaning of clever in the English Dictionary



"clever" in British English

See all translations
uk /klev.r/ us /klev./
A1 having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily: Judy has
never been very clever, but she tries hard.UK Fiona is very clever at physics. Charlie has a clever
idea/plan for getting us out of our present difficulties.
skilful: My mother is very clever with her hands.
B1 well-designed: I've got a clever little gadget for opening jars.
disapproving showing intelligence, but not sincere, polite, or serious: That's enough clever talk,
young lady.

More examples

Did you paint this yourself? You clever girl!

He's always telling everybody how clever his children are.

Edith may seem a bit crazy, but she's quite clever really.

How clever of you to buy chocolate chip cookies - they're my favourites.

The building relies on clever design rather than on ornament for its impressive effect.

be too clever by half
clever dick/clogs
(Definition of clever from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus
Cambridge University Press)

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