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Ryan Nussbaum

Physical Education & Health Lesson

Grade Level: 4K Students
Total Time: 20-25 min
Number of Students: 10-12
Lesson Title: Give a hoot Dont Pollute!

Student Learning Outcomes: (these should be evident by the activities you have planned and checked for
understanding through your assessments. Write one sentence for each learning domain including all 5 components of a clear student
learning outcome who, behavior, content, condition & criteria)

Cognitive: Students will be able to learn new vocabulary and be able to give examples.
Psychomotor: Through interactive activities, the students will be learning hand-eye coordination and
learn the basics of fishing and using an extension of their arms.
Affective: Students will be able to apply knowledge learned in todays lesson in their community to
help not pollute.

Academic Language Used & Addressed: (provide the term and definition)
Pollution- Air and Water

Introduction to the Main Activity/Warm-Up:

Objective(s) select from above: Cognitive: Students will be able to learn new vocabulary and
be able to give examples.
Allotted Time: 7 mins
Activity Description (full & complete):
Students will be given instructions on pollutants in the environment and what we can do to
protect the Earth. Then we will show them the Earth and how clean it is, and explain why we
want to keep it that way. The floor will then be opened up for examples of how the students
feel they can heal the Earth from harmful causes. The child will come up with an answer and
you will wait until they put their hand up to be called on, then ask them how they think they
can personally make the earth a better place. The instructor will write on a Band-Aid, blind

fold the student and have them place it on the Earth, just as you would pin the tail on the

Materials/Equipment Needed: Poster of the Earth, markers, tape, and construction paper band
Questions to Check for Understanding (1-2):
Why would we want to heal the Earth?
-Because we want the Earth to live a very long life to support all of us.

Link to Shape America and NHES Standards (copy and paste the standards below)
Shape America & GLE:
Standard 5
Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health
5.2.2 Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or
when assistance is needed.

Main Activity #1:

Objective(s) select from above: Psychomotor: Through interactive activities, the students will
be learning hand-eye coordination and learn the basics of fishing and using an extension of
their arms.
Allotted Time: 7 mins
Activity Description (full & complete):
Students will take turns at the pond and will learn the basic skills of fishing. There will be
magnets on paper fish in the pond, but there will also be pollutants in the water making it
unsafe for marine life to live. We will ask students how they think the water became so
disgusting. Next the children will take their fishing rod and try to catch a fish avoiding all of
the garbage that has been thrown into the pond. We will make sure that all students get a
chance to fish, because it is enhancing their hand eye coordination skills.

Materials/Equipment Needed: Fishing rods, magnets, garbage, construction paper, fish, box
for the pond, tape.
Questions to Check for Understanding (1-2):

Ask the students ways that the water can become polluted?

Link to Shape America and NHES Standards (copy and paste the standards below)
Shape America & GLE:
NHES GLE: Standard 7
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce
health risks.
7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Main Activity #2:

Objective(s) select from above: Affective: Students will be able to apply knowledge learned in
todays lesson in their community to help not pollute
Allotted Time: 10 mins
Activity Description (full & complete):
After learning about pollutants, the students will have a chance to demonstrate what they
learned by throwing food/garbage at the proper target. The targets are a bear or a trash
can. We are going to ask the students what is something that they can throw away and then
throw the bean bag at the trash can and let them all have a chance to say something that they
would throw away. Next we will ask them something that they can do to help the earth and
animals and throw the bean bag at the bear. We are hoping that the students will know that
food goes to the bear and garbage goes into the trash can. This activity will be done in the
same matter as a bean bag toss with the targets not very far apart. As the other students are
watching each other put the food/garbage in the right spots, the students will sing Recycle
It. But before we start putting the food/garbage in the right spots, I will teach them the
words and have the YouTube clip playing in the background as well.

Materials/Equipment Needed: bean bag boards, bean bags, pictures, tape,

Questions to Check for Understanding (1-2):

What target was it easier to pick out an item for before you threw it?

Link to Shape America and NHES Standards (copy and paste the standards below)
Shape America & GLE: Shares equipment and space with others. (S4.E4.K)

Closure Activity: Questions & Answer

Question #1 What are some new words that we learn today?
Desired student response:
Pollution, Litter, Environment,

Question #2 What are some things that you can do at home to help save the earth and not pollute?
Desired student response:
Throw away the right items, recycle, reduce, reuse

Instructor Reflection:
As I reflect on the planning of this lesson, how will the students be productively engaged? (Brief
description of how they will be cognitively, physically and affectively engaged consider your objectives)

Letting all the students have a turn to answer the questions and participate in all the activities.

Song Lyrics: Recycle It

Recycle It!
2008 M. Orrick

Recycle it Recycle it
If you think that you might just throw it away
Remember it can live to see another day
Recycle it Recycle it
Whatever you do don't throw it away
Make it live to see another day
Maybe it's a plastic bag
Maybe it's the Sunday Paper
Maybe it's the bottle that you drank your soda from
Or the wrapper on a stick of gum
Maybe it's a soup can
Maybe it's a jar of strawberry jam
Or the big container that holds your juice
It all can be put to another use
Maybe it's a plastic bag
Maybe it's the Sunday Paper
Maybe it's the bottle that you drank your soda from
Or the wrapper on a stick of gum
Maybe it's a soup can
Maybe it's a jar of strawberry jam
Or the big container that holds your juice
It all can be put to another use

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