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Use pictures in columns A and B and write a local prediction in the third column.

(Leonardo Dicaprio)

(the Oscar)

(the Mexican soccer team)

(the world cup)

(Bob and Margaret)


(Paul and Anna)

(Get married)

(fail the exam)

(buy a new Buggati)

Your Prediction
Leonardo Dicaprio will
win the Oscar
(because he has done
an excellent job in
The Wolf of Wall
street )

Situation: You are a very important fortune teller and you are
asked to make predictions about the following celebrities. Based
on your beliefs, imagination and creativity come up with at least 2
predictions for each one of them.



In this document you will find two activities to write predictions about famous people. In the
first exercise, the ss must match 2 pictures, which are related, to come up with a logical
prediction. The second exercise is designed for higher levels since the ss have to pretend
they are fortune tellers providing predictions based on the ss' creativity, beliefs and
imagination. By the way, you can slightly modify the first exercise to practise the first
conditional. Check the document for more information. The document is accompanied by a
series of comments in red that won't appear once you print out the worksheet.

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