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Understanding Myself
Jennie Chambliss
University of Georgia



I believe a fundamental core of success is being able to understanding

oneself. Too many people ignore their weaknesses, allowing them to lessen
their potential for success. Furthermore, if one does not understand his or
her strengths, they are limiting their own potential for success. I aim to fully
understand my strengths and weaknesses so as to maximize my success as
a professional. I chose to read The Enneagram in Love and Work, by Helen
Palmer in order to come to a better understanding of myself in a professional
setting. This Enneagram is a personality categorizing system comprised of
nine major personality types. This project has helped me better come to
understand why I often procrastinate and doubt, as well as how to overcome
those obstacles. I will aim to ask difficult questions and create healthy
competition within a professional setting in order to maximize my potential
as an occupational therapist.


Understanding Myself

I read The Enneagram in Love and Work, by Helen Palmer, in order to learn more about
my personality in a professional setting. I became interested in the Enneagram a few months ago
when one of my friends announced to me that her strongly reminded her of one of the types. The
Enneagram is a personality categorizing system that consists of nine different personality
categories. Since learning more about the Enneagram I have not only learned more about my
strengths and weaknesses, but also about ways to turn my weaknesses into strengths. This is
why I have decided to use this book as my wildcard. I have aimed to learn how to maximize my
potential as a professional by not only understanding myself better, but by learning how to
overcome weaknesses and best prepare myself for success.
According to the Enneagram model, I am a type six. Type sixes are characterized by
caution, procrastination, dependency and fear of the uncertain. I often doubt. I doubt the future,
others intentions, and my personal abilities. This anxiety often causes action paralysis. I often
doubt the intentions of others as well as my potential for success. Palmer explains that many
sixes have amnesia about success. I tend to forget past experiences when I have overcome
obstacles. This results in doubt because the amnesia limits my ability to create confidence, even
after I have previously proved my ability to overcome opposition and anxiety (Palmer, 1995).
I am easily overwhelmed with fear of the uncertain, and this often makes it very difficult
for me to begin a task. This doubt can truly be paralyzing. Palmer (1995) explains when worstcase thinking takes over, its impossible to act (p.153). I tend to imagine every worst case
scenario, and allow these scenarios to lead to procrastination and sometimes complete inaction. I
prefer bad news over no news at all. For instance, if I have recently done poorly on a test, I am
able to cope better once I know how I did, even if I failed, than when I am merely imagining the


worst. Not only is the unknown scary because I imagine the worst, but also because I doubt my
own ability to cope with the worst. Once I know the outcome, no matter how negative it is, I no
longer spend energy wondering, and can instead put my energy into handling it. Palmer (1995)
explains [sixes] can mobilize to deal with difficulty, but the unknown is paralyzing (p. 158).
This weakness has the potential to decrease my opportunities for success. In occupational
therapy, there are many unknowns. I will be unsure how long insurance will continue supporting
my patients therapy and I will be unsure how well my exercises and tactics will help gain or
regain fine motor skills for my patients. Furthermore, I may have doubts about my own abilities
or whether my patients are truly trying their best to heal. I will not be successful as an
occupational therapist if I allow these uncertainties and doubts to paralyze me.
While incessant doubt has the potential for negative consequences, this book describes
the ways to overcome it. Palmer (1995) explains that doubt disappears when you can measure
yourself against a known difficulty instead of an imagined worst case scenariofears vanish
when youre fully engrossed in activity (p. 169). Although I often tend to doubt myself and
others, I am able to best overcome this doubt when I am faced with adversity. Palmer states that
controlled competition is healthy and that focus improves when theres a known adversary and
clear ground rules (Palmer, 1995, p.172). In an occupational therapy setting, I will aim to keep
myself challenged in order to stay focused and eliminate doubt.
Not only does this book explain the ways to overcome weaknesses, but also find the
strengths within those weaknesses. Palmer (1995) explains that the up side of doubt is that it
can keep a leader honest (p. 170). Self-doubt and success amnesia can keep professionals from
becoming overly confident and becoming satisfied with their current level of performance. This
causes sixes to be constantly improving. When I do well on a test, that success does not have an


effect on how hard I study for the next test. I am anxious and doubt myself, even though I have
already proved my ability to succeed. I do not allow myself to lower the time and effort spent
studying. As long as I surround myself with healthy competition so as to not allow my doubts to
control and paralyze me, this will greatly benefit me in the health science field. I will be
constantly attempting to learn more and better serve my clients every day.
My fear of the uncertain is constantly causing me to evaluate potential outcomes and
worst case scenarios. I am very analytical and tend to ask tough questions and test arguments.
Palmer explains that skepticism allows sixes to find loopholes and prepare for several outcomes.
(Palmer, 1995). Thus, one of my strengths is that I am a great troubleshooter. I am able to
evaluate and prepare for an assortment of outcomes. This will benefit me in a professional
setting by allowing me to help patients in various situations. I will be prepared to handle
patients temperaments and regards for therapy. Furthermore, I constantly test arguments and
find loopholes, which may prove helpful for handling patients insurance.
This book helped me better understand myself in a personal and professional manner. I
am a very loyal person, but also an anxious and doubtful person. Not only did this book help me
understand my strengths and weaknesses, but also helped me learn to overcome my weaknesses
as well as find the strengths within my weaknesses. I truly believe understanding oneself is vital
to maximizing potential, especially in a professional setting. Being aware of my weaknesses will
help me keep them in check, as well as negate the negative effects of them. Although I am a
doubtful, anxious and skeptical person, I understand how to set myself up for success not only
despite those weaknesses, but because of them.



Palmer, H. (1995). The enneagram in love & work: Understanding your intimate & business
relationships. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

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