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Letter of Intent for Senior Project at St James High School

St James High
School 10800 SC707, Murrells
Inlet, SC 29576
23 February 2015
Mrs. Crist
Saint James High School
10800 Hwy 707
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
Dear Mrs. Crist:
Many people fail to realize that alcoholism is a very important problem in many
families. Every individual who takes a drink is at risk for developing an addiction
and furthermore passing the trait down to their children through genetics. Both
my mother and my father are alcoholics and both of their parents are as well.
Alcohol addiction within families tears people apart. I have used many book sources
that have taught me what exactly alcohol is and how it affects you and the people
around you. I plan to continue researching for more probabilities and statistics
based on alcoholic abuse, addiction and genetics.
I have thought about many different paths I could take to complete my volunteer
hours. One option is going to alcoholics anonymous meetings to speak with a few
different people to get their stories. I have also thought about going to a DSS
counselor to speak with them about how they feel working with children who come
straight from families who have alcoholic parents or siblings.
Plagiarism is not something you want on your school record. I have heard many
stories of people failing and getting expelled from school due to this. I would not
want to get expelled in my last semester of high school. It is not worth it. I pledge to
do nothing but put forth the best effort I can on my senior project.

Harmoni Elle Garbade

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