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Teacher(s) Name: Taylor Wright, Shannon Johnsen, Nancy Luxama, Ashlee Morin
Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Financial Literacy/Fourth Grade_
Wiki space address: http://ucfgr4budgetandsavingssp16.weebly.com_
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 3/Importance of Saving Money _______
LearningGoals/Objectives LearningGoal:

1. The students will be able to learn how to prioritize needs over
2. The students will be able explain the importance of making
good choices about what goods and services they want
because you cannot have everything you want.
3. The students will be able to explain the sacrifice of saving and
how you are giving up the opportunity to buy things now in
order to buy other things in the future.
4. The students will be able to understand that people save for a
specific goal.
5. Students will be able to explain that goods and services can
satisfy economic wants and/or needs.


1. Production,distribution,andconsumption
2. CivicIdeasandPractices

1. LAFS.4.L.3.6 - Acquire and use accurately general academic and

domain-specific words and phrases as found in grade level
appropriate texts, including those that signal precise actions,
emotions, or states of being (e.g., wildlife, conservation,
and endangered when discussing animal preservation).
2. LAFS.4.RI.3.8 - Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence
to support particular points in a text.
3. LAFS.4.SL.1.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
4. LAFS.4.SL.2.5 - Add audio recordings and visual displays to
presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of
main ideas or themes.

1. SS.4.FL.2.1 - Explain that economic wants are desires that can be

satisfied by consuming a good, a service, or a leisure activity.
2. SS.4.FL.2.2 - Explain that people make choices about what goods


and services they buy because they cant have everything they want.
This requires individuals to prioritize their wants.
3. SS.4.FL.3.2 - Explain that when people save money, they give up
the opportunity to buy things now in order to buy things later.
4. SS.4.FL.3.4 - Identify savings goals people set as incentives to save.
One savings goal might be to buy goods and services in the future.


Design for Instruction

Student Activities & Procedures

What accommodations or modifications do
you make for ESOL
and ESE (Gifted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities, SLD etc.)

Kahoot will be used as a pre/ post assessment. The questions will include basic questions about
needs, wants, saving, interest, and budgeting as the first day is a basic overview of everything
and on the last day to track students progress. Students will be using IPads and the IWB to
take assessments.

Rubric/ Checklist - Student will be provided with a checklist that they will
check off daily as they add things to their safety deposit box as well as a way to
keep track of all items.
4- I fully understand the concepts of needs, wants, savings, budgeting and interest and I can
teach friend.
3- I fully understand the concepts of needs, wants, savings, budgeting and interest.
2- I need more practice understand the concepts of needs, wants, savings, budgeting and
1- Do not understand the concepts of needs, wants, savings, budgeting and interest.
1. Review (5 minutes): discuss yesterdays content including key vocabulary: ESOL 4,
5; ESE 6.4, 9.3
- Budget- The total sum of money set aside or needed for a purpose.
-Profit- The amount of money left over after all expenses have been made.
-Expense- The cost of living
-Savings Account- A sum of money saved for a particular purpose.
I will write these key terms on the board and then say, Yesterday we learned in depth
about these concepts. Turn and talk to your neighbor about how you completed your
budget yesterday. How much money do you think you will have by Friday even with
the expense chart? How does it feel paying for rent, water, and electric? Next, I will
state that we are going to continue to learn about savings and budgets today as this is
vital to their future. Before moving on, I will ask the students to hold up a number
between the chest according to the Marzano scale used in the on-gong assessment. This
will give me a good indictor to see if everyone is ok to move forward in the lesson.
ESOL 6, 20
2. Hook (5 minutes): Before watching the video, I will give the students a purpose for
watching. Ask the students how they think saving a penny a day will add up when it
seems so little? What is the purpose behind saving even when it is such a small
amount? What are some important thing that they should spend their money on
compared to some things that will not last? After the video, have the students discuss
these questions with the person behind them at their seats. ESOL 10, 14, 17; ESE 1.2,
1.3, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 9.1
Watch this video on the Interactive White Board (IWB):


Scan here to be taken to

the video on safe share.


Centers (40 minutes): Explain to the students that they will split into groups and
complete 3 different centers in the time span of 40 minutes. I will explain each center
as a whole group. I will also tell the students to keep anything that they do at the
stations in their safety deposit box that they made on day 1. When the students start
the centers, I will pull aside any students that answered a 1 or 2 when I checked for
comprehension from yesterdays content during the review using Marzano scale.
ESOL 2, 6; ESE 8.3
o Station 1 (13 minutes): Wants versus Needs - I will print a QR code for the
students to scan with the IPad and it will directly take them to a read aloud
using safe share of Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts and illustrated by Noah
Z. Jones. In this book, the students are exposed to different concepts
including wants versus needs. I will have provided students with the high top
shoe discussed in the book and the students will decorate the shoes while
writing some needs and wants specific pertaining to their life. ESOL 2, 5, 14,
16, 17; ESE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.5, 3.3, 7.2, 9.3
Scan here to be taken to the read aloud on
safe share.
*This is also the QR code that I will print out
to have the students scan at this station.

Scan here to be taken to

the shoe template.

Station 2 (13 minutes): Money Metropolis this interactive game will

be completed on the IWB in the classroom. The game teaches students that
there is a reason behind saving money. In the game, you are forced to save up
money before buying anything. The way you save money in the game is to do
random chores around the town in order to help the other citizens. I will
remind students when they made short-term goal on day one; however, that
today, they were going to make a long-term goal. While the students in the
small group are taking turns playing the game, other students can work on
making their own goals that they want to save for using the template provided.
The students will use this paper with their goal on it as their exit slip for the
day. ESOL 2, 11; ESE 1.3, 2.5, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.2, 8.1, 9.1, 9.3

Scan here to be taken to the

smart goal exit slip. Have these
already printed for the students.

Scan here to be taken to

the online game.


Station 3 (13 minutes): Good versus Services Students will use big post-it
note to make a T-chart and label it services and goods. Each group will
need a new one so there needs to be three total. There will already be smaller
post-it notes labeled with various services and goods. These post-it notes will
also have pictures that correspond to the good or service written on it. There
will need to be three sets of these as well. For each group will save their Tchart behind my desk and we will go over as a whole group in closing. The
services include: doctor, waitress, policeman, fireman, mechanic, and teacher.
The goods include: vegetables, cookies, toy store, groceries. The students, as
a group, will decide where each good and service go on the T-chart. Then,
there will be blank post-it notes where each student will write their own jobs
that they were assigned to in the previous day lesson on a post-it note. They
will draw a small doodle that corresponds to their job. It does not have to be
perfect, just something to indicate something specific about their job. They
will then place the new post-it on the T-chart in the corresponding spot. We
will go over the three finished T-charts at the end of class. ESOL 2, 9, 11, 23,
30; ESE 1.3, 2.1, 4.1

This is a picture of what the

poster should look like
before the students place
their own post-it note on
the board of their good or


Closing/Review/Check for understanding (10 minutes): This is where I will wrap

everything up and have the students go back to their seats. I will pull out the three
finished post-it notes and go through each one to make sure they are correct. This is
when I will also have the students check off any new items that have been added to
the safety deposit box. Next, I will ask the students questions based on each station
and then have them self-assess themselves by using the same scale provided in the ongoing assessment section at the end. ESOL 6; ESE 6.4, 9.3
o For station 1, I will ask questions including:
Question: What are some things you want compared to things
that you need? Answers may vary.
Question: What did Grandma mean when she said: Theres
no room for want around here just need.? Answer: when
you need something that must be prioritized before your wants
as it is more important.
Question: Grandma said that winter boots are more important
than shoes. Why do you think she said this? Answer:
Grandma said this because she understood the circumstances
of it being winter at the time and the importance of having
winter boots at that time for the year. She knew that it was
more of a need than the high top shoes.
o For station 2, I will ask questions including:
Question: What are some financial goals you set and how are
you going to achieve it? Answers may vary. *Collect these
slips as the students exit slips*
o For station 3, I will ask questions including:
Question: What are other goods that are not mentioned in the
T-chart? Answers may very.
Question: What are other services that are not mentioned in
the T-chart? Answers may vary.
Question: Why are goods and services an important part of
society? Answer: it allows society to function properly and


to keep running.
Question: How do goods and services keep going? Answer:
they keep going by citizens money.


Overall Supplies:

IWB hook video; station #2
Safety box for all videos throughout the lesson plan
Station 1: Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts and illustrated by Noah Z. Jones
Markers for decoration
Pens to write
Shoe template
IPad to scan QR code in order to watch video
QR code/video on
Station 2: IWB for interactive game
Goal setting sheet
Pens to write
Station 3: Big post-it notes (3 individual ones total)
Small post-its with different goods and services written on them with corresponding
pictures (3 sets total)
Blank small post-its for the students to write their job


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