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Raqqa, Syria

Station Design Doc

1. Station pathways

This is an overview of every possible step in a players journey through this station.

2. Station Map (as in, a map of the real Syria)

The location of each scenario is indicated by a marker

From Syria To Greece: 1,415.1 miles (boat)

From Syria to Turkey: 429 miles

3. Detailed Description of Each Scenario

Scenario 1: In Syria
You come and sit down when ISIS comes in to convince them to stay in Syria. If
they leave they will be severely punished. ISIS belief is the only belief and ideas to
follow and live by. You will listen through a small speech and a punishment to a civilian.
ISIS leaves to punish the civilian then a smuggler comes to take you to Turkey. You have
to pay 1,000 to be smuggled out, though.
Smuggled to Turkey: Scenario 2

Image Source:

Scenario 2: Smuggled to Turkey

In scenario 2 when they start at Syria, A smuggler will show after ISIS leaves saying they can
get smuggled to either Turkey, Greece, or stay in Syria. They leave to Turkey, but they have to
pay 1,600 in order to get smuggled to Turkey and they can either stay (which they dont want to)
or sent to the U.N.H.C.R

5. Characters:

Image Source:

Mahir Karim
Growing up in the streets of Raqqa,
young Mahir lived a very scarce life.
His parents were executed in front of
him by the hands of ISIS to show what
they are capable of, and he soon was
taken in by them to serve as their own
when he was only fifteen years old in
2011. Now at the age of nineteen, Mahir
serves as their factions recruiter and has since then been influenced by the message that
ISIS is trying to get across the world and that is to create their own islamic state and
enforce their beliefs upon those who stand in their way. Despite all that Mahir has done,
he only wishes to survive and escape when he has the chance.
He is loyal to ISIS, and will remain that way.

Zaman al-Wasl
Growing up, Zaman al-Wasl was always helping friends and assisting them with
anything. His parents always struggled with money, so he would steal from anyone money and
belongings so his family could meet ends. His
intentions has always been good, but always
does the dirty deeds. Now 23 years old without
an education and a motivation, he discovers his
friends have joined ISIS. They gain territory,
authority, and money. He quickly joins
without hesitation to assist his friends and
brothers in arms.1 He also joins for the
money, and he doesnt have anything left to
lose. He fights in the front lines, raiding cities,
participating in public executions, taking over
oil rigs, and many more. ISIS became his
lifestyle and reason to live.
I used this article to write this character


Hajid (Syrian Citizen)

Hajid grew up in Raqqa before the war and

was taught by his parents to believe in the
muslim ways and to be proud of who he was.
Hajid always thought about life like this and
decided to become a pharmacist to help
other people. This all changed when the war
happened and ISIS rose to power. Having to
quit his job because of the war and have
been taking care of parents, he seeks to tell
people that not all muslims are bad since hes
also muslims and is proud of being born and raised that way. He is very against ISIS
since they have been murdering his friends. He has had it with them and want to tell
them how what their doing is not right.

Ahmad Hajjar, Smuggler from Syria

Ahmad Hajjar, his parents were kind
people always helping people out. They
were a big influence on him as a child, he
helped around hospitals as a kid growing
up wanting to be a doctor when he grows
up. Getting ready to get his medical degree
he had less contact with his parents, but
stayed in touch over the phone. Then the
crisis happened, he heard his parents
opened a clinic to help wounded people, so
he went on his way to congratulate them
and help out for a bit, but it turned out that
ISIS got there first, they destroyed
everything, and killed everyone there, he
could not find his parents. After his
grieving he headed home to his university
only to find out that ISIS is holding his parents hostage for ransom 2, he decided to still
help people while he tries to make money for his parents ransom.
2 (ctrl+f

6. Character Costumes:
Miguel & Lily

Black top, with beanie or other headwear. (ISIS Attire)

Bonus: Bandana


Polo shirt with blue jeans and shoes


Ragged clothing


Dark green APX Jacket, worn in Fila shoes, black shirt, blue jeans.

7. Materials List
Fake barbed wire (instructions here)
1. String, roughly 2.5 times more string than you want barbed wire.
2. PVA glue, the staple of many a project
3. Grey Paint, I used grey poster paint, actually white and black mixed but
anything that will mix with the glue will be fine
Fake Guns (Cardboard or Nerf)
Layer a bunch of cardboard to give it a more 3D shape
Paint it black
Regular clothing
Normal clothes but make sure its a little dirty

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