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1. McSpadden, Kevin. "You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish.

Time. Time, 14 May 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
a. This is an article from Time Magazine online. It talks about a study done by
Microsoft over the past 15 years. It shows that since the beginning of the
mobile age, our attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
Our ability of multi-tasking though, has increased.
2. Chipchase, Jan. Tedtalks: Jan Chipchase-Our Cell Phones, Ourselves. New York,
N.Y: Films Media Group, 2007. Internet resource.
a. This is a Ted Talk about what people find are the most important things
they carry. Jan Chipchase has studied cultures and has found that what
people carry correlates to Maslows hierarchy of needs. Also, he speaks
about our ability to listen and how the cell phone has given us the ability to
transcend through time and space.
3. Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health
Effects of Wireless Communication Devices. Washington, D.C: National Academies
Press, 2008. Internet resource.
a. This is research done by the National Academies Press. It is a compilation
of the effects of mobile devices on the body. It covers exposure,
epidemiology, physical effects, etc.
4. Ling, Richard S. Taken for Grantedness: The Embedding of Mobile
Communication into Society. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2012. Internet
a. Ling covers the social aspects of the introduction of the mobile phone into
society. He shows us that the mobile phone has been such an important
thing to our society, similar to the clock or the car.
5. Baym, Nancy K. Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Cambridge, UK: Polity,
2010. Print.
a. This book gives an understanding of how the mobile phone has changed
our society and interrupted our relationships. It shows us data on how it
has changed and why. It also sheds light on the anxieties and behavioral
changes brought on by this new age.

6. Katz, James E, and Mark A. Aakhus. Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication,

Private Talk, Public Performance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,
2002. Print.
a. Shows the impact of the mobile phone on society. Gives data on specific
7. Katz, James E. Magic in the Air: Mobile Communication and the Transformation of
Social Life. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers, 2006. Print.
a. Wide range analysis of mobile technologies impact on our society. Shows
both sides of the spectrum on how it has benefitted and been detrimental
to our society.
8. Berson, Ilene R, and Michael J. Berson. High-tech Tots: Childhood in a Digital
World. Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Pub, 2010. Print.
a. Examines the effect of technology of young children and how it is changing
social and cognitive realities for children in cultures.
9. Subrahmanyam, Kaveri, and David Smahel. Digital Youth: The Role of Media in
Development. New York: Springer, 2011. Internet resource.
a. This tells about the youth of the world as digital natives. It explains their
comfort and skill with their phones and the internet and how that effects
10. November, Alan C. Empowering Students with Technology. Thousand Oaks, Calif:
Corwin Press, 2010. Print.
a. This is written on the spectrum that technology can empower students in
their learning. It explains how and why technology is needed in our
schools and youth.

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