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Shelby Scheck

Lesson Plan
Title of Lesson:
Reading a Clock- Quarter till/Quarter past
Grade Level/Subject
3rd grade Math
The students are learning to read a clock, and need to understand when it is
quarter till and hour or quarter past an hour.
Essential Questions
Can I tell which hand is the minute and hour hand?
Can I decipher when it is quarter till and when it is quarter past?
3.MD.A.1- Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time
intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction
of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number
line diagram.
30 minutes

Personal white boards and markers

Big Judy clock
Dry erase big clock to show what half is quarter till and what half is
quarter past
20 pictures of quarter till and quarter past

Content Objectives
1. SWBAT tell the time on a clock
2. SWBAT classify if a time is quarter past that hour or quarter till the next
Common Core/Language Objectives

1. SWBAT explain why a time is quarter past that hour or quarter till the
next hour
Key Vocabulary
Quarter past
Quarter till
Lesson Sequence/Procedures
1. I will start the lesson by using an anticipatory set on what we have
already learned on how to read a clock to the minute.
2. I will then make 2 columns on the board.
3. I will show them the first picture, have them read the time, and then
put it on the correct side of the board
4. I will do that for the next 3 pictures of time
5. Then after the first 4 pictures of time are put in the right place the
students should start to tell me which side it should go on for the rest
of them
6. After we finish dividing the pictures to the right place, I will explain to
them what each side means
7. They will learn quarter till and quarter past and I will show them the
side the minute hand will always be on if it is quarter past or quarter
8. We will practice then on the Judy clock where I will put a time and they
have to write on their white board what time it is and then in words
quarter past (insert hour) or quarter till (insert hour)
9. After practicing we will wrap up the lesson by briefly going over again
what they learned.
I will assess the students by looking at the answers they write on their white
boards to see if they are getting it or need more instruction.
Students who are not allowed to use white boards will use paper.

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