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By: Andrs Hernndez Jimnez

What would I do?

Realistically cry (10 seconds)

Would I try to survive?

Probably not

I would spend it with someone I love or care

Things I dont want to happen

Stress myself about it.

Do something stupid

How would I try to survive?

I guess I would go full

Timberlake and steal

someones life

Then maybe try to get

enough time to go back

and work my way.

Realistically: Stress myself

out trying to find a way to

survive and die.

What if I lived in the Ghetto?

Well shi

Try to work enough to live

Fall into the cycle depicted in the


Lets make a sequel

Noodle head and hottie Mc Hotterson enter the

bank and

Are immediately arrested because theyre stealing

a big bank and you cant rob a bank with just two

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