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Bushra Algamaai
PS 1010
Dr. Aaron Martin
29 April 2016
Reflection Essay
Diving in to this course, I was excited to be a part of it, since I am fond of the
government topic, in regards to the different levels of government. A few weeks in, I was then
acknowledged with the problem-solution project that I didnt expect, considering it would take
up the entire semester. My group project was concerning an issue on the Two Detroits and what
different spheres can do to bring those two Detroits together. Little did my group know we were
on for a ride with this type of issue, bearing in mind that it was an economic problem that needed
much more then just some help from an organization(s). As time flew by, deadlines became
closer, and the project and 20-30 page paper werent going to write themselves. As we delved
into our area and started to research our problem explicitly, I was surprised about the little effort
that was being put into this problem. There wasnt one organization, or one group that was
focused on a specific mission that shared the same concept, or same solution to fix the problem.
Considering there is so much statistics and visual infrastructure that shows the factors of this
problem, little work was being put into action. Our problem was a unique issue because it was a
significant cause that requires help from government spheres. So, in regards to our future stance
with this problem, I plan on doing what Im capable of at the moment, and that is spreading
awareness. Personally, I dont like group work, and I wouldnt recommend it in the future.
Group work becomes complicated with so many different thoughts and ideas being passed
around and traded. It consists of 1 or 2 people who actually put in there 100% effort, and then


you have that 1 person who is just always lost and doesnt know whats going on, and finally
theres that 1 person who just waits until last minute to finish everythingthat pretty much sums
up my thoughts on group work. In addition, group work isnt always a bad idea because there
are times where putting multiple heads together brings more ideas on the table, in which more
possibilities, or more solutions are formed. In my experience with group work this semester, it
had its good moments and its bad, in which the good consisted of the ideas traded and the
division of workload, while the bad consisted of the lost of time due to reliance, and in general, I
like relying on myself because it helps me become more organized. Throughout this course, I
learned that an individual must look at different aspects to a problem in order to finalize the
perspective on which solution to take on. I also learned that although all four spheres are
effective in their own manner, the government sphere is the most efficient, in which power
equals productivity, and the government sphere has the most power. Overall, my experience
within this course was interesting. It was interesting because we, as a student body, got to
broaden our horizons and take on problems of our choice, and then elaborate on multiple
solutions, or perspectives. I enjoyed myself both as a student, and as a seeker.

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